Return of the War God

Chapter 1004: : The promotion of the dragon fight

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How does it feel to be in a furnace of flames?

At this moment, the Dragon Bone County monk in the arena is experiencing it personally. Everyone feels that his body is hot, his mouth is dry, his lips are even chapped, his eyes cannot be opened, his hair seems to be burning, and even his breath feels that his throat is hot. Incomparable!

Had it not been for the Dragon Bone County elders who had already taken action, separating the arena and the battle arena with the elemental power light film, and diluting this terrifying high-temperature power by ten or even twenty times, at this moment, I am afraid that 30 to 40% of the Dragon Bone County monks would have already taken care Burn it!

"It's a natural spiritual fire! This kind of power makes people fear the magical power of nature from the bottom of my heart!"

"And this Ying Jiu has obviously developed the true power of the red alchemy owl fire, integrated with his own fighting skills, and his combat power can skyrocket in a short period of time, extremely powerful!"

"It seems that Wan Ziliang may have to drink hatred in this battle!"


Numerous Dragon Bone County monks whispered, lamenting the power of Ying Jiu and the terrible fire of Chi Alchemy, thinking that Wan Ziliang could not win. 【△Net www.】

"What about Spirit Fire? Immortal Mage Rune! Open it to me!"

A sound that seemed to contain incomparable evil spirits and fighting intent rang out from the boiling red gold flames. In the next moment, a huge circle of pitch black ink and incomparable magical intent spread out, resisting Ying Jiu. The cannibalism is too knife!

Wan Ziliang’s body stepped out from it. At this moment, his appearance seemed to have changed. Every inch of his body surface had a magic pattern, engraved in every place, reflecting each other, shining with pitch black but bright to the extreme The glory!

In an instant, all the magic patterns were shining, and the soul sun behind him was jumping, and the life soul beast roared, a terrible aura that never fell from the dead overflowed from Wan Ziliang's body, and the fluctuations he radiated suddenly soared!

Obviously, in order to deal with Ying Jiu's red alchemy owl, Wan Ziliang also used a powerful trump card.

The two stirred the void like the arms of a demon god, as if the fists big as sandbags blasted out indefinitely!


A jet black giant fist tens of thousands of feet in size turned out to be born, and the immortal magic pattern flashed on it, and it directly hit the residual fire Taidao!

Even though the entire sky spin was trembling, the firelight and magic splendor were intertwined, madly drowning and obliterating the opponent, releasing all destructive power!

Above the throne, Ye Wuque’s eyes flickered, not marveling at the destructive power erupted from the collision between the two, but for Ying Jiu's ability to use the spirit fire to this level, obviously not Zhou Yan's kind of waste wood can be compared in case. of.

But this Wan Ziliang is equally extraordinary. The immortal magic pattern carries a power that seems to come from the depths of hell, as if it is connected with the demon god, which not only makes his strength soar in an instant, but also overflows with a kind of power that can resist spiritual fire. power!

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"Unfortunately, although Ying Jiu has developed the power of Spirit Fire, and even integrated with his own fighting skills, after all, the heat is still too shallow to tap more Spirit Fire power..."

Ye Wuque knew that once the power of the spirit fire broke out, even the great master of the heavenly soul realm would be burned into nothingness in an instant, not to mention the spirit fire on the spirit fire list, this red alchemy owl fire ranked 90th Nine, the power is even more extraordinary.

Although Ying Jiu has formed a terrifying lethality with this, after all, he is still unable to defeat Wan Ziliang.

"Chilian three poles change! Second change! Residual fire prison clothes!"

There was a tremor in her tone, but Ying Jiu's voice sounded unwaveringly. The next moment the endless red alchemy owl fire burst into flames, flooding the ten directions, only to see the flame golden owl screamed and burst out instantly The monstrous flames turned into a blazing red fire suit, which was draped over Ying Jiu's body!

Wearing a vest of residual fire, Ying Jiu's volatility surged again, and his whole body rushed out like a flaming meteor, his palms cut across the void, and a fiery sword burst into flames, slashing towards Wan Ziliang!

"Fight me in close combat? You can't!"

Wan Ziliang snorted coldly, and the whole person seemed to have jumped out of hell, killing Ying Jiu directly!

All of a sudden, earth-shattering melee combat broke out on the battle platform. Wan Ziliang became more and more fierce in the battle, and the kills rose up, completely suppressing Ying Jiu!

"Chilian's three pole changes! The third change..."

Pushed to the limit, Ying Jiu's face was gloomy, as if desperate to use the strongest killer move, but there was no such opportunity!

Because at this moment, Wan Ziliang's speed is fast to the extreme, and the immortal magic pattern blooms infinitely magical glory, seizing the opportunity to punch!

Ying Jiu's face changed drastically, and he could only resist in a hurry, but Wan Zi was so bright and unforgiving, he threw out eighteen punches in a row!

With a bang, Ying Jiu was finally hit, and the whole person suddenly spurted blood and was blown out!

Ying Jiu, who fell heavily to the ground, struggled twice, and finally fainted!

Wan Ziliang stood proudly on the battle platform, raising his arms and shouting to the sky!

With the long roar of Wan Ziliang in the deadly arena, there was a world-shaking cheers!

Suddenly, Wan Ziliang's combative eyes swept out, looking at the top ten thrones, looking at one of them!

One point out, one person remotely.

"Ye Wuque! Looking forward to a battle with you! Only by defeating you can I have a strong dare to conquer!"

Wan Ziliang had a strong posture, and he even challenged Ye Wuque at this moment, which immediately caused countless Dragon Bone County monks to blow up the pot.

"Good fellow! This magic King Kong actually challenged the God of War directly!"

"Yes, both Magic King Kong and God of War almost dominate in close combat. If the two fight in a battle, it will be wonderful!"

"I am looking forward to it!"


Regarding Wan Ziliang's challenge, Ye Wuque did not even change his posture, nor did his expression change. He rested his cheek with his right hand, and looked down at all beings, including Wan Ziliang.

Indifferent, or indifferent at all.

It was as if Wan Ziliang's provocation was like a grasshopper clamoring to himself, and Ye Wuque was not in the least in his eyes.

At this point, he was already immobile, and if the nine-day giant peaks, suppress the entire Longgu County.

After all, in the face of the grasshopper's provocation, does Shenlong need to respond?

And this posture of Ye Wuque fell into the eyes of all the Dragon Bone County monks, and it made them feel Ye Wuque's domineering and grandiose!

Faintly, Ye Wuque seemed to be gaining momentum, becoming the first person among the top ten super geniuses!

Seeing that Ye Wuque didn't respond at all to his challenge, Wan Ziliang didn't mean to be angry either, only a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he walked towards his throne.

At that time, you only need to beat Ye Wuqian, and he will naturally prove his strength.

"The fourth battle... Gan Gang vs. Su Yinxiu!"

Fulong County Guard's voice resounded again, announcing the two super geniuses in the fourth battle.

But then a strange scene happened!

"I abstained."

This was from Su Yinxiu, she actually chose to surrender directly!

Even Ye Wuque raised his brows and looked at Su Yinxiu with a hint of surprise.

He can naturally feel that this woman full of wild and invincible aura is extremely powerful and very militant. It is logically impossible to escape without a fight.

But immediately, Ye Wuque's eyes moved slightly, and he seemed to vaguely feel that there was an astonishing force accumulating in Su Yinxiu's body, which was about to change at any time.

On the other side, Qian Gang, who was carrying an eight-foot long knife to cut people, showed a trace of boredom on his face, and could only sit back again.

With Su Yinxiu's abstention, Gan Gang was promoted smoothly.

In other words, at present, the top five of the top ten battles have come out of four people, namely the **** of war Ye Wuque, the axe cut reincarnation Ke Xian, the magic king Wan Ziliang, and the green hair crazy knife Gan Gang!

The remaining top five places will be born among the remaining Tianjian style ministers and Wushuang Jianji He Hongyao!

"Heavenly Sword! Heavenly Sword! Heavenly Sword..."

In an instant, the whole arena erupted with earth-shattering shouts, and countless Dragon Bone County monks began to roar the names of the elegant ministers!

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