Return of the War God

Chapter 1016: : Three realms of eternal immortality

hof knows the unblockers

Just after the five hundred young geniuses on behalf of Dragon Bone County went to Xingyan King’s Capital and disappeared with them on the localized warship, the same scene happened not only in Dragon Bone County, but the other 35 counties within the territory of Xingyan Kingdom. All of this, thirty-six county guards led five hundred young geniuses selected from their respective counties to the final destination... King City of Star Yan!

At the same time, above the sky of Thirty-Six County, the Xingyan light curtain that had been seen at the time of registration was born again, suspended between the heavens and the earth, and it was used to face the Thirty-Six Kingdom of Xingyan. All the monks in the county broadcast the grand finals of the geniuses.

Within a different dimension of space, a golden localized warship tens of thousands of meters in size shuttled through it at an extremely fast speed. It was the localized warship of Fulong County.

"The localized warship of Fulong County is far superior in value and quality to the spirit waterfall warship of the Qingqiu family, and the space inside is extremely vast. Five hundred people can actually be one person after entering it. Assigned to a separate room, tut..."

In one of the rooms of the golden localized warship, Ye Wuque looked at the chaotic undercurrent of the space like running water outside the window, and scanned the entire room. He was amazed by the golden localized warship of Fulong County, and there was also a hint of light in his bright eyes. Hot meaning.

"If you have a chance, you must get a localized warship of your own..."

Such a thought flickered in Ye Wuque's heart, and immediately he sat on the futon in the room. In the next moment, a faint white light gushed from around his body, forming a light mask that covered the entire room. Cover it to prevent others from watching.

But in the eyes of Fulong County Guardian, there was no change in Ye Wuque's room, he was always sitting cross-legged.

When Kong's power formed a layer of guardianship, Ye Wuque stood up from the ground, and immediately faded the black martial robe of his upper body, revealing the white muscle lines full of streamlined beauty.

"According to the words of Fulong County, the distance between 36 County and King Star Yan is different. Even if the most remote county takes a localized warship, it takes at least seven days, while our Longgu County needs five days. time……"

At this moment, Ye Wuque's eyes flickered, his body was standing tall, his upper body was full of strength and beauty, and the corner of his mouth was outlined with a hot color in the next moment!

"Fortunately, I had good luck in the cave in the valley before. Although the process was almost a lifetime of nine deaths, at the last moment, I finally became an immortal body. I felt in time that I was not caught by the guard of Fulong County."

Ye Wuque had a hint of fortune at this moment. If he hadn't passed the last hurdle at the last juncture and successfully became the first layer of the eternal immortal body, I am afraid that he is still sleeping in the core of the broken star at this moment. The trouble is big.

"Eternal immortal body!"

These five words sounded from Ye Wuque's mouth, with a touch of enthusiasm and expectation.

As soon as he became an immortal, he was busy leaving the customs, and he didn't take this opportunity to get familiar with the changes in physical strength. Now he can take this opportunity to get familiar with it.

"Eternal immortality! Give me... Open!"

A sonorous low drink sounded from Ye Wuque's mouth. In the next instant, a cosmic storm suddenly appeared in the entire house price, and then everything seemed to dim, or it was because Ye Wuque's body became infinitely brilliant!


A mighty and dazzling galaxy appeared on his body, one end connected to the unknown starry sky, the other hanging down, lingering around his body, infinitely dazzling, infinitely dazzling, magnificent and magnificent!

He was full of thick black hair and strands of hair dragged in the galaxy, shining brightly and brilliantly.

Every inch of his body is shining brightly at this moment, and there is star flames burning, like wearing a galaxy cloak, the treasure body is radiant, and endless power rolls in it. As long as Ye Wuque's mind moves, his body can be broken. The sky, tear the earth!

"Powerful! Really powerful! This feeling! Is this the first planetary realm of the three realms of the Immortal Body?"

His tone was as if he was carrying infinite surprises, Ye Wuque felt the terrifying power contained in his body at this moment, and he had an urge to roar to the sky!

"With the strength of my physical body now, it is more than ten times stronger than when the star pole was perfect! It's really a punch out of the sky, and the palm of the hand torn mountains and rivers!"


Ye Wuque waved his right arm slightly, the power of the flesh exploded, and the void immediately surrounded the terrifying cracks in the space, like a shadow, as if he could not withstand the pressure of the power of the flesh.

The eternal immortal body, the advanced body refining exercises of the Starlight Infinite Body created by the Broken Star Elder, are divided into three realms, namely the planetary realm, the star realm, and the black hole realm!

At this moment, what Ye Wuqian had cultivated was the first-level planetary realm, and he felt the skyrocketing strength of his physical body, which was simply unimaginable.

"The Master Broken Star Elder is really a genius of Tianzong, who can actually create such a terrifying body training exercise!"

Ye Wuque deeply sighed again! Cool "craftsman l net f¤ is \\ version t first tf sent ly

"This person is indeed a genius, but since it is a manpower, there are hidden dangers in his body training exercises at the end of the day. Otherwise, the two personalities will not be split in the end, but fortunately you will get it by fate. The Tianlong True Blood is integrated into this set of body training exercises, and the last trace of blemishes is also removed. At least within these three realms, you can practice smoothly all the way."

Kong's voice sounded, making Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly bright, revealing a hint of emotion.

"Yes, if you don’t happen to encounter three corpses of Heavenly Dragons this time, and then you have time to take action and use Heavenly Dragon’s true blood to transform into this immortal body, I’m afraid I will have to worry about whether it will happen to me like Elder Broken Star. Thing."

Ye Wuque was a little emotional, and immediately his right hand flashed, and the five things wrapped in faint white light turned out, floating in the air.

Two Tianlong spine bones, two Tianlong souls, and one Tianlong true blood!

It was originally two copies of Heavenly Dragon True Blood, but one was already used by Ye Wuque, and it was integrated into the eternal immortal body.

With a thought in his heart, Ye Wuque's whole body of brilliant galaxy disappeared without a trace, and his whole body was restored to its previous appearance again, and the eternal immortal body disappeared.

Immediately, Ye Wuque stared at the five things in front of him, the expectation in his eyes was not diminished.

"Then next, it's time for the Azure Dragon Breaking Sun Formation to evolve..."

The reason why Ye Wuque wanted to attack the three Heavenly Dragon corpses was to allow the Azure Dragon Breaking Sun Formation to absorb the Heavenly Dragon spine and the Heavenly Dragon Soul to evolve to a complete level, and to increase its power to the limit.

"Evolving the battle formation only requires a Celestial Dragon spine and a Celestial Dragon Soul, and the remaining three need to be kept. Not only are they useful for Lichen Extreme Realm, but also for your natal soul beast."

Kong's words immediately caused Ye Wuque's heart to jump, and his gaze immediately focused on the roaring Heavenly Dragon Soul!

"My life soul beast? Sora, you mean to use this heavenly dragon soul as my life soul beast?"

With a hint of enthusiasm and surprise, Ye Wuque asked.

Tianlong is a pure bloodline among the dragon clan, with a very high status and unparalleled strength. If you can really use the Tianlong soul as your natal soul beast, it will be a great opportunity!

"No, what you are going to take is the path of extreme realm. The mere Tianlong Soul is not qualified to be one of your natal soul beasts. It is just an introduction. When the genius war is over, you will know it." Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!

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