Return of the War God

Chapter 1019: : A good dog is not in the way


The closer you get to the genius building, the more everyone can feel the majesty and magnificence of this attic. The gilt golden light is extremely dazzling, noble, and even more unassuming, just like a young genius, with a sharp edge and a spirited spirit! \"{*yStarting ¤

"Fulong! Haven't seen you for hundreds of years, you guy has finally returned to the capital! Hahahaha..."

Suddenly a middle-aged man's voice with a heroic smile came from a distance, and Song Tao echoed!

After hearing this, the guard of Fulong County suddenly showed a smile on his face, turned his head and said to the five hundred people including Ye Wuque; "Wait for a while, I will meet an old friend..."

After that, the figure of Fulong County Shou disappeared in place, not knowing where he went.

Ye Wuque and the others looked at each other a bit, but the five hundred people walked away slowly without blocking the road.

Taking advantage of this effort, five hundred young geniuses in Longgu County are carefully looking at this genius building. Although the name is very common, even with a hint of cheesy, it has to be said that it is conspicuous and direct enough, and clearly deliberately. , Catching people's hearts.

This wait was a quarter of an hour, and five hundred people did not have any impatience. Each of them was an outstanding Longbone County genius. They were extremely patient, let alone a quarter of an hour, it didn't matter if they were three days and three nights.

However, in the next moment, a young and vigorous but mocking man's voice suddenly sounded!

"A good dog doesn't stand in the way! Where did the five hundred turtles come from? They look like a countryman entering the city, standing here like an idiot, and roll me aside!"


With the resounding of this man's voice, there were hundreds of laughter echoes.

The five hundred geniuses of Longgu County suddenly turned cold, their bodies turned, and their eyes looked like a knife.

The bright eyes of Ye Wuque at the forefront were also slightly narrowed, and the coldness within him flashed away.

Five hundred of them retreated a long time ago in order not to block the road, and it is impossible to block the way of others!

In other words, these people are clearly looking for fault on purpose!

"Are you blind? The road is so big, it's not easy to walk, but you have to go to the grandpa, you are really good!"

Some of the five hundred young geniuses in Longgu County also spoke sharply, and immediately spoke without hesitation, which also attracted the laughter of the young geniuses in Longgu County.


The man who spoke before suddenly uttered a low drink, and in the next moment he heard a painful grunt, and saw the Dragon Bone County genius who fought back and flew high, seeming to be stunned. Hit by an irresistible force, he flew out!

The occurrence of this scene immediately made the atmosphere become tense!

However, at this moment, two figures flashed by coincidentally, and two white palms stretched out at the same time to resist the back of the Dragon Bone County genius who flew out, unloading the force of the blow for him and supporting him safely. .

The young geniuses of Longgu County, who had been filled with indignation and passion, saw these two figures, and immediately suppressed the roar in their hearts, quietly stepped back, gave up their positions, and revealed their figures.

These two people are Ye Wuque and the handsome minister!

The young genius of Longgu County who was rescued by Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen looked pale, but his gaze looked at Ye Wuque with a trace of gratitude. He immediately became angry again, standing behind Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen, staring at each other. people.

Standing long, Ye Wuque's bright eyes were deep and calm, and he looked at the five hundred people on the opposite side from dozens of feet away.

Obviously, the five hundred people on the opposite side are also genius representatives from one of the 36 counties, but they all seem to be a group of unruly and rebellious people.

At the end of Ye Wuque’s gaze, ten people stood at the forefront of the five hundred people on the opposite side. Among them, the one on the right was the one who made the sound. This person was dressed in a golden armor and looked majestic, like a killing general. .

It's just that at this moment, this person looked at Ye Wuque with mocking eyes, high above him with a sneer.

"Oh, it looks quite prestigious, you two are the strongest two of them? It's a pity that in my eyes, it's scumbag!"

The golden armored man spoke again, his tone full of joking and mockery.

Ye Wuque’s face was calm, and there was no anger at the shouting of the golden-armored man. Instead, he glanced at each of the three people standing in the most central position, before turning his eyes and looking at the golden-armored man. Yes, the faint voice sounded slowly.

"Which one of you didn't tie this golden monkey jumping up and down? It was released to bite people everywhere, and even the animal you raised was not able to look after it. It seems that you five hundred people are just a bunch of trash..."

As soon as this was said, the young genius of Longgu County burst into laughter.

Ye Wuque's words are sharp, and his posture is extremely strong. He opens his mouth and speaks directly to the opponent.

The face of the golden-armored man who had sneered repeatedly suddenly became extremely ugly, as black as the bottom of a pot!

A pair of eyes looked at Ye Wuque, flashing like an axe blade, and suddenly there was a sharp light flashing inside, and a powerful wave overflowed all over his body. It was thick and majestic, but intangible and intangible. It was clearly the breath of the power of divine mind!

"You are looking for death!"

The golden armor man's voice became extremely cold and fierce, and the eyes that looked at Ye Wuque suddenly condensed, and an astonishing power of divine consciousness burst out, slamming towards Ye Wuque!


Astonishing fluctuations suddenly erupted in the void, which also immediately alerted the royal guards, but the strange thing is that the royal guards did not immediately take action, as if the confrontation of the power of the gods was not a violation, and It seems to be deliberately laissez-faire.

Ye Wuque's thick black hair had originally shaved his shoulders, but suddenly there was no wind, and it was stirring endlessly, as if a gust of wind was coming!

After the golden-armored man shot Ye Wuque with the power of divine consciousness, his face reappeared with a sneer, staring at Ye Wuque closely, as if he wanted to appreciate Ye Wuque's next embarrassed appearance.

However, in the next instant, Ye Wuque's bright eyes also flashed a fierce light, but he glanced indifferently in the direction of the golden armor man.

In the next moment, the man in the golden armor who had been waiting for a good show with a sneer suddenly heard a majestic, majestic, terrifying dragon chant resounding in his mind!


The man with golden armor instantly changed his face, and his eyes showed a hint of horror and disbelief!

He suddenly felt that the attack of the power of the divine mind that he had struck Ye Wuque was completely crushed by the power of the opponent’s divine mind in an instant, and he was not even qualified to resist, and the remaining power was still coming to him outrageously. Attack!

Vigorous, dense and unmatched!

The man in the golden armor was horrified to find that the power of the gods he was proud of was so ridiculous in front of the opponent. If he is a fairly vast river, then the opponent is an endless ocean!

Just as the golden armored man's complexion became extremely pale, a dry and burnt yellow palm suddenly appeared from his right, with extremely long fingers, blocking the golden armored man's face, and he pressed it! Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!


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