Return of the War God

Chapter 1021: : Three powers

Floating Clouds, Unblockers

Check into the 22nd floor in Tianma County!

That is to say, among the 36 counties, Tianma County ranks 15th!

And they live in Longgu County on the seventh floor!

It shows that Dragon Bone County ranks 30th among the 36 counties, which is the seventh from the bottom!

The gap between the two counties is clear at a glance, and it is huge.

No wonder the genius representatives of Tianma County look down on them, no wonder they dared to provoke and bully them, no wonder the Fulong County Committee spoke like that, that's why.

After understanding the floor and the ranking results, the five hundred geniuses of Longgu County were slightly silent, but they did not become decadent and decayed, and their momentum was never sluggish. Instead, there was a feeling of reluctance to admit defeat. Overflowing among the five hundred young talents of the county!

"This ranking is nothing! This is just the result of the last genius war!"

"Yes! This represents only the past, and does not represent our present. It serves as a warning."

"This time five hundred of us are here to participate in the genius battle finals, which will definitely bring glory to Longgu County!"


The five hundred young geniuses kept whispering, and they all seemed to be holding back a breath of energy, but their momentum rose.

"Very well, what you want is this momentum. Keep it up, squeeze and accumulate anger, unwillingness, and fighting spirit in your heart. When the finals officially begin, you can explode them together with your own strength. Fight for Dragonbone County!"

The voice of Fulong County guard at this moment seemed to have a bit of clang, and it seemed to ignite the spark in everyone's hearts.

Five hundred young geniuses clenched their fists and focused their heads. Their fighting spirit and confidence burned to the extreme in an instant!

However, at this moment, Ye Wuque caught a glimpse of helplessness and sighs in the abyss-like eyes of Fulong County Guardian.

"Fulong County Guard is still not optimistic about Dragon Bone County..."

Ye Wuque's thoughts were delicate and his eyes were savage. Seeing the gaze of Fulong County Shou, he felt something in his heart.

Immediately, Ye Wuque's gaze was intertwined with a clear gaze, and it was obvious that the style minister also noticed this.

"Well, the county guard of the 36th county genius building will not go in. Go in by yourself. Three days later, it will be the beginning of the genius finals. The county guard will be waiting for you at the finals. Wait and see. Get started, get ready."

After saying this, the guard of Fulong County left on his own.

"Let's go, recharge your energy, and release everything after three days."

Ye Wuque spoke, the others nodded slowly, and everyone filed in.

The seventh floor of the Genius Building.

There are a total of five hundred rooms on this floor, one is not more than one, and the decoration and arrangement of each room are extremely gorgeous and exquisite, even extremely luxurious, in order to give all the geniuses a high standard enjoy.

What's even more incredible is that every room has incomparably pure and vigorous vitality, which is several times richer than the deepest part of the dragon bone relic group. If you practice retreat in it, the effect will be amazing.

Ye Wuque was sitting cross-legged in one of the rooms at this moment, sitting cross-legged quietly, polishing his cultivation.

His cultivation has been stuck at the peak of the mid-life and soul realm, and did not break through to the late-life and soul realm, but Ye Wuque didn’t know at all. He just kept polishing it over and over again, and the paper-like shackles on the window became thinner and thinner, breaking through. The feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

In an instant, two days passed.

In the gorgeous room, the pure vitality continued to gush out, and Ye Wuque sat in it, like an immortal immortal.

Suddenly, Ye Wuque's closed eyes opened, and there was a flash of light in the bright eyes, and the whole room was cold and electric.

"The last bit is still missing. It seems that this Fate Soul Realm is likely to break through in battle in the later stage..."

Ye Wuque muttered to himself lightly, and there was still no breakthrough in the two-day training.

"According to the calculation of time, the talent representatives of 36 counties should have gathered in this genius building, and tomorrow is the beginning of the finals. I really look forward to it."

With a faint smile, Ye Wuque's eyes flashed with expectation.

"Attention to all the genius representatives from the first floor to the eighteenth floor of the genius building, now I invite you all to come to the lobby on the first floor to discuss matters!"

Suddenly, an old voice echoed in Ye Wuque's room, causing his eyes to flash slightly, a little curious, but he didn't think much and chose to get up.

After two days of immersion, but something happened, I had several opportunities to go out for activities.

This situation didn't just happen in Ye Wuque's room. The 9,000 young geniuses in the entire 9,000 rooms from the first floor to the eighteenth floor heard this voice.

As for from the nineteenth floor up to the highest thirty-sixth floor, it was still quiet and there was no sound.

Obviously, this is for the 9,000 young geniuses in the first 18 floors.

A quarter of an hour later, on the seventh floor, all five hundred people gathered together. Ye Wuque stood side by side with the handsome ministers at the forefront. After that, eight people including Wan Ziliang and Gan Gang walked towards the seventh floor.

"It looks like they are all here..."

After dozens of breaths, in the lobby on the first floor of the Tiancai Building, Ye Wuque waited for five hundred people to arrive. At this moment, the atmosphere here was already a bit fiery. Thousands of young geniuses were entrenched in each other, talking and looking at each other.

Choosing an empty area, the five hundred people in Longgu County sat cross-legged, quietly waiting for the next thing.

After about a quarter of an hour, a total of 9,000 genius representatives from the 18 counties and counties from the first floor to the eighteenth floor of the genius building arrived, and no one was absent.


The center of the hall suddenly reverberated with four vast waves, and at the same time four figures appeared!

One of them was one of the two black-robed old men received by the Genius Building before, but the remaining three were extremely strange.

But the moment these three people appeared, the eyes of the nine thousand genius representatives suddenly condensed!

Because they felt tremendous pressure from these three people!

"The fluctuations in the cultivation base of these three people are no longer under the guard of Fulong County. Obviously they are three masters who have reached at least the Heavenly Soul Great Perfection level!"

Ye Wuque's heart shook slightly and his eyes flickered.

"Dear genius representatives from the eighteen counties, let me introduce you three adults..."

The black robe old man spoke, with a hint of respect in his tone!

"This is Master Chasing Wind, from Star Soul Pavilion!"

Yao pointed to the middle-aged man with a vast temperament like a starry sky among the three, and the black robe old man had a respectful tone.

"The second one is Master Xuan, from the Alliance of Two Instruments!"

Master Xuan is also a middle-aged man, but this person has a cold face and exudes an aura that no one should approach.

"The last one is Master Shuimiao, from Qinghuoshan Village!"

The third Master Shui Miao was the only woman among the three. Her face was covered with a white gauze, her posture was graceful, and she exuded a broad and gentle aura.

After the black-robed old man introduced the identities of the three, he then said: "Presumably you are all confused. These three adults are from Star Soul Pavilion, Liangyi Alliance, and Qinghuoshan Village."

"These three names represent the three powers, and they are the three most powerful powers other than the King Capital Xingyan Temple!"

"To bring you together here today, three adults will come forward to test. If you meet the requirements and volunteer, you can choose to join one of these three forces, and since then you will rewrite your life and fly into the sky!"

The voice of the black-robed old man is very contagious, but the 9,000 genius representatives present are all super geniuses selected through the cruelest elimination in the eighteenth county. Naturally, they will not be easily bewitched, but all their faces are exposed. A look of doubt and incomprehension.

Even Ye Wuque's eyes flickered at this moment, with a trace of uncertainty.

Finally someone couldn’t help but stood up and raised a fist to the old man in black robe and the three adults. “Dare to ask the four adults. In the finals, the ultimate goal is to join the Xingyan Temple in the capital. Why would the three adults suddenly ask us to join the three forces? And why didn't those from the 19th to 36th floors appear?"

The words of this genius representative not only asked the doubts in his heart, but also the doubts in the hearts of everyone present.

Xingyan Temple!

This is the place that all the talents of 36 counties yearn for!

At this moment, the eyes of Master Xuan among the three adults swept across all directions, and the aura from all over his body rolled away, with a sense of intrigue.

"Your question is also everyone's question. The answer is simple and cruel."

"Because the final finals and the final top 100 people who can enter the Xingyan Temple Tianjiao will not be generated from you. Only from the 19th floor to the highest 36th floor genius representatives. , Which is why they did not appear."

"Maybe you can't understand it at the moment, and you are extremely unwilling, but countless genius wars have told me that these are laws, except for a very small number of people, no one can break."

Master Xuan's voice was equally cold and stern, and it seemed a little unkind to speak like this.

"To put it simply, your nine thousand people are not strong enough to compete with the other nine thousand people on the 19th and 36th floors. Even if you participate in the genius finals, you just accompany the prince to study, so Xingyan Temple , You nine thousand people, can't get in."

"There is no need to be unwilling, there is no need to be dissatisfied, it is not against anyone, nor is it to look down on anyone, this seat is just stating a fact.

These words sounded cruel and indifferent from Xuan Da's population, and suddenly the atmosphere in the entire hall on the first floor became extremely stagnant! ◇ 8 only i one\'positive+c version\"j, ◇other g are all m; pirated* version of ya WeChat search "", pay attention to the name of the work, read the full text for free! Update the most fast!


Fourth! I was really busy today, but I still gritted my teeth for four changes, but it’s hard to say tomorrow. If you can only change three times tomorrow, please forgive me, because these two days are lack of skills and I can’t help myself... I ask for a last wave. Devil Fruit! Thank you so much, always pay me!

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