Return of the War God

Chapter 1029: : Once a sword is made, it is famous all over the world!

Liu Jiaming Unblocker


This is the sound of the void bursting, I saw in the center of the green leaf battle platform, a long iron gun seemed to have turned into an angry sea dragon, sweeping across all directions, the tip of the gun was cold and light, like a dragon tooth. Eight times!

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

In an instant, eighteen young geniuses were directly picked up where the spear light pointed, blood spurting from the throat, and they were killed by the spear!

"Okay! As expected of Guihai Bailian!"

"Too strong! Kill 18 people with one shot! One shot!"

"Don't watch, this fifteenth round of melee will be Guihai Bailian's performance time!"


Inside the sacred tree, the monks on countless green leaves were talking, their eyes all fixed on the murderous Guihai Bailian!

The gun body was like a dragon, sweeping the void, a young genius was continuously killed by Guihai Bailian, and there was no way to fight back.

In Fengtian County, all the monks in Fengtian County were boiling, shouting frantically!

"Good seedlings! Being able to use the gun to this step is not just a talent that can do it."

Master Zhuifeng stared at the Guihai Bailian who killed the enemy horizontally and horizontally, and said with a hint of appreciation and enthusiasm in his eyes.

"The more true Tianjiao, the better, so that we can have a chance." Cool/v匠网^正@m版r first published

Master Shui Miao also smiled. For geniuses like Guihai Bailian, the three major forces are willing to spend a lot of money to solicit and train them. As long as they don't fall halfway, their future achievements will be extremely high. Longmen is hopeful!

But just when the three adults had already prepared in their minds how to impress Guihai Bailian with rich conditions, an amazing scene happened!


I only heard that in the corner of the Green Leaf Battle Platform, there suddenly resounded through the earth-shaking Qingyue sword chants, like a phoenix sound, like coming from the sky, resounding through the nine heavens and ten earth!


In the next moment, in everyone's eyes, only a sword light suddenly lit up!

The brilliance, sharpness, fierceness, and dominance of the sword light are like galaxy horses, covering ten directions!


An indifferent but sonorous sound of clear drinking sounded, and the sword light suddenly cut out!

Brush and brush...

An incredible scene happened!

I saw that where the sword light passed, a group of figures flew out directly, all with a sword mark in the throat, and immediately blood sprayed, and the head was cut off!

Nearly a hundred great heads rolled in the void, dripping with blood, rolling down!

One sword!

With just one sword, nearly a hundred heads of young geniuses were cut off at the same time!

Amidst the surging light of the sword, a peerless figure in white clothes slowly walked out holding a sword, his eyes are clear, who is not the handsome minister?

The voices inside the sacred tree that were originally cheering for Guihai Bailian were instantly silent!

Above the stands, the eyes of the three adults of the three major forces suddenly solidified!

Especially the Master Chasing Wind, when he saw that the person who came out of it was a handsome minister, a strong man of the Dzogchen level was like a ghost, his face was full of incredible and extremely shocked!

The handsome minister who slashed a sword cleared all the people on the road in front of him, and at the end of the road stood proudly that Guihai Bailian!

In an instant, Guihai Bailian also saw the handsome minister!

The two of them fought against each other in the void, if sparks were raging!

"Master! Absolute master!"

Guihai Bailian muttered to himself in his heart, his eyes narrowed, a dignified flash flashed, and he tightened the iron gun in his hand, because he felt that the skin on his whole body was chilling, a feeling that he had never felt before. Rippling!

"I have a sword, please taste it."

The graceful minister walked with a sword, spoke lightly, and a flash of vibes flashed in his clear eyes, and then the graceful minister moved!

The Yangwu Sword burst out with a dazzling sword light, as if photographed from the starry sky with countless bright stars embedded in his sword. The handsome minister and the sword combined into a handle that was tens of thousands of meters in size. The huge lightsaber slashed directly towards Guihai Bailian!

"Roar! A hundred blows in the angry sea! Drive me!"

At the moment when he saw the style ministers turned into lightsabers to kill, Guihai Bailian roared, and the iron spear in his hand also burst out with pitch-black spear lights. The volume skyrocketed, and a hundred pieces each measuring thousands of feet in size were formed. The tip of the gun, burning endless waves of fury, piercing the void!

This is Guihai Bailian's strongest killer move. He did not hesitate to use it directly!

Because he felt a strong smell of death from this sword of the elegant minister!

Bang! laugh!

In an instant, a huge lightsaber and a hundred gunpoints fought in the void, and a terrifying scene happened immediately!

Guihai Bailian's strongest killer had a hundred spear points and was directly obliterated by the giant lightsaber of the elegant minister!


In the end, there was a miserable howl, and the Guihai Bailian's man with a gun was directly cut in half, blood spurted wildly, and the corpse flew out!

Going back to the sea, be smashed by the sword!


The whole sacred tree suddenly rang out with air-conditioning sounds!

On the green leaf stand, the three adults of the three major forces suddenly stood up, their eyes widened, and even the most temperamental Lord Shui Miao's beautiful eyes also set off a great wave!

On the Green Leaf Battle Platform, the sword of Huanghuang did not disappear after the powerful beheading of Guihai Bailian, but centered on the elegant ministers, covering all the young geniuses within a radius of ten thousand meters, and dozens of people died Under the sword of the style minister!

When the sword light finally dimmed, the center battlefield on the entire green leaf battlefield, only a peerless figure in white standing, holding a simple and simple long sword, looked like a graceful son, with outstanding tolerance and dustlessness.

Even because of the stunning and unparalleled two swords of the style minister, all the genius representatives on the green leaf battle platform that should have been melee subconsciously stopped their movements, their hearts roared infinitely, and looked at the style minister with infinite fear and trembling eyes!


At this moment inside a deadly sacred tree finally broke out indescribable shouts and crazy roars!

"Who is it? Who is that! It's amazing! It's amazing!"

"An elegant minister! His name is an elegant minister, from... Longgu County!"

"My God! Dragonbone County? That's right! There is such an amazing swordsman in the counties from the bottom!

"One sword cut Guihai Bailian! This person...this person is terrible!"


Countless monks were talking frantically, and the six words "Charitable Minister" and "Dragon Bone County" kept pouring out, flooding the world!


Fulong County Shou suddenly got up, looked up to the sky and smiled, his expression full of surprises!

The other county guards were also very envious when they saw this scene, and they did not expect such a young sun to appear in the dragon bone county that has always been counted down!

Above the Throne of Green Leaf, all the genius representatives of Longgu County jumped up, their expressions were extremely excited, and they shouted the name of "Heaven Sword"!

Only Ye Wuque still sat upright, resting his cheek with his right hand, but a smile flickered in his bright eyes.

At this moment, in the entire Xingyan God Tree, the elegant demeanor has become the only focus, everyone's attention, extremely crazy!

On the land of the thirty-sixth county of the Xingyan Kingdom, the white-clothed figure was reflected in the eyes of all the monks.

On the green leaf battle platform, the handsome minister stood with a sword, his clear eyes swept across all directions, all the young geniuses he saw turned pale, and then fled in panic, no one dared to approach him even one step within ten thousand meters. !

The handsome minister at this moment, peerless in white, stood in all directions, and achieved what he said before the battle!

A sword is made, famous all over the world!

The earth-shattering shouts and roars echoed in the Xingyan God Tree, and all the monks were boiling!

"Elegant minister! Elegant minister! Elegant minister..."

Countless people are calling the names of elegant ministers, almost crazy!

Under the majesty of the two swords, the fifteenth round of the arena melee ended in a very strange way.

The handsome minister did not make another sword, and no one dared to step forward to fight him. The rest of the genius representatives fought wildly. When there were only ten people standing on the green leaf battle platform at the end, the remaining nine were far away from the handsome minister. For fear of angering this super swordsman.

"The fifteenth round of the melee is over. Congratulations to the ten talented representatives for their smooth promotion."

IELTS's clear and loud voice resounded, announcing the end of the fifteenth ring melee.

The handsome minister stepped out, and Xing Yan's clone returned to the Green Leaf Throne where Dragon Bone County was located, but on the way, he was no longer the same as before when he was in battle, and his eyes were cast toward him!

"Awesome! It's amazing!"

"It deserves to be a heavenly sword! A sword! It cut that Guihai Bailian, it's so strong!"

"Listen to these earth-shattering cheers and shouts, they are all talking about Longgu County!"


A genius representative of the famous Dragon Bone County was extremely excited at this moment. The handsome minister shocked the world with his sword. Not only did he gain a reputation for himself and become famous in the world, it also made the three words of Dragon Bone County echo in the hearts of every monk who watched the battle. Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!

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