Return of the War God

Chapter 1031: : Suppress with one hand!

Zhang Ziwen Unblocker

Xin Wentian's shot immediately demonstrated his terrifying power!

That right hand concealed the void, covering all directions, as if even the sky could be fanned open, rumbling and shaking the void, wherever it passed, the cracks in the space followed and continued to collapse!

But Xin Wentian, who took this palm towards Ye Wuque, didn't look at Ye Wuque again. Instead, his eyes turned to look at Li Xuanfeng and Hua Mingyu who had already started killing!

In his eyes, Ye Wuque was nothing more than a grasshopper who didn't know the heights of the sky and earth. He didn't even need to look at the second one to kill the opponent, he could just slaughter him with extreme contempt.

At this moment, the eyes of the entire sacred tree were also focused on Li Xuanfeng, Xin Wentian, and Hua Mingyu, waiting to see these three long-known super geniuses attack and achieve brilliant achievements.

Moving like thunder, shattering the void!

This is Li Xuanfeng and at the same time, there is another person who is quite eye-catching. It is the soul of Meng Xinghun who is optimistic about the wind. With a pair of iron fists, he brazenly killed the two closest young geniuses at the beginning of the melee. , Bathing in the blood of the two!

"Yes! You are worthy of the genius you value in Chasing the Wind. This Meng Xingshun possesses a powerful body refining technique, and a pair of iron fists whizzes through the void, smashing everything, and fighting in close combat can almost rule the roost!"

Master Shui Miao looked at the Meng Xinghun with a hint of praise in his eyes.

"Haha! To dig his own seat, it pays no small price, but now it seems that everything is worth it! Although compared with Li Xuanfeng, Xin Wentian, and Hua Mingyu, Meng Xinghun is still inferior, but After all, it is the capital of outstanding people, with unlimited potential!"

Regarding Master Shui Miao's words, Master Zhuifeng's face had a thicker smile. He also looked at Meng Xinghun and felt more satisfied. Update l new 5j the most; fast %n on d cool d craftsman? ~ Net f

"Li Xuanfeng! Li Xuanfeng! Li Xuanfeng..."

"Xin Wentian! Xin Wentian! Xin Wentian..."

"Hua Mingyu! Hua Mingyu! Hua Mingyu..."

These are the three names that countless monks are shouting, cheering for them, and surging for them!

There was a hint of heat flashing in Xin Wentian's eyes. He could not wait to get into the crowd, sweeping enemies in all directions like Li Xuanfeng and Hua Mingyu, and smashing his own unmatched power!

But in the next moment, Xin Wentian's eyes suddenly condensed, because he felt something wrong!

The palm that I took out didn't have the slightest pleasure of crushing the flesh and bones of others in the past, but it was like a shot on cotton, all the strength quietly disappeared in an instant.

"what happened?"

Xin Wentian, with a sense of confusion in his heart, had to withdraw his gaze, and once again looked at the ant in his eyes, the black-robed boy.

With this look, Xin Wentian suddenly narrowed his eyes.

A hundred meters away, the black-robed boy was still standing with his hands in his hands, his black hair fluttering, and his bright eyes were light but deep, staring at himself like this, without even moving his footsteps.

"The blow just now was too weak, so I'll give you another chance to use all your strength."

The faint voice resounded loudly and fell in Xin Wentian's ears. First he was taken aback, and then he was very angry and laughed!

"Okay! I pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger! It's a pity that you are not a tiger, but a stupid pig! If you pretend to be a ghost, then I will fulfill you! God and Devil Xiaotianquan!"

With a low drink, Xin Wentian's expression became a little savage, and his right fist blasted out, and ninety-nine waves burst out of the void, stretching endlessly, one weight was stronger than the other!

A huge black and white fist was born out of the sky, it was tens of thousands of feet in size, as if half a god, half a demon, contradictory and harmonious with each other, mixed together, bursting out of earth-shattering power!

The void was torn apart, it seemed that it couldn't bear such power at all. It was wailing and struggling, but it was crushed in the end!

Xin Wentian blasted this punch, and the horror of its fluctuations shocked countless people in an instant!

Everyone is wondering what happened. Xin Wentian actually used such a terrible killing technique. Even the eyes of Li Xuanfeng and Hua Mingyu, who started killing, flashed an unexpected color, and they turned their eyes together. It seems.

However, when everyone focused their attention on Xin Wentian, they saw an unforgettable scene in their lifetime!

Facing Xin Wentian's extremely powerful punch, Ye Wuque's black hair was violent, and his expression was indifferent. His bright eyes swept toward the slaying giant fist, flashing a touch of disappointment, and then shook his head slightly again: difference."

In the next moment, Ye Wuque's right hand that was behind him slowly stretched out, the palm of his hand was white and slender, his five fingers spread out, and he pressed away in the direction Xin Wentian was at random!


In an instant, a shining giant hand tens of thousands of meters in size evolved into the void, covering the sky, and directly enveloped Xin Wentian and his giant fist of the gods and demons!

If Xin Wentian’s giant fist of the gods and demon concealed the void, then Ye Wuque’s palm was to cover Xingyu, whether it was momentum or fluctuation, it surpassed Xin Wentian ten times!

The golden red blood is vigorous and magnificent, surging out from Ye Wuque's body, lingering around the dazzling giant hand, shaking the nine heavens and ten earth, and it is far and wide!

"Ah! How can this be! How can you be so strong!! This is impossible!"

At the moment when Xin Wentian felt the brilliant giant hand suppressed by Ye Wuque, the whole person's complexion changed drastically, and his mind roared infinitely. The absolutely invincible posture that came under pressure swept everything, imprisoned everything, and destroyed everything!

As if thousands of thunders roared in his heart, no matter how Xin Wentian struggled or tried to dodge, he found that it was just a futile effort!

This dazzling giant hand sealed all his life, making his scalp numb, his body trembling, and his soul trembling!

"I fought with you!"

However, after a few breaths, Xin Wentian was driven to a desperate situation. He yelled up to the sky, violently violently, hysterical, and crazy. The whole person burst out with earth-shaking light of vitality. Behind him, the soul beast roared in the soul yang and turned into one. The indomitable gods and demons phantoms are going to cut their way down and kill Ye Wuque!

Unfortunately, no matter how crazy Xin Wentian is and how desperate he is, he cannot change what is about to happen.

With a bang, that bright giant hand obliterated all Xin Wentian's attacks, slapped down from above the sky, and directly fanned Xin Wentian out like an ant!

Click! Click!

It was the sound of bones shattering and exploding, and blood in the void hurriedly, Xin Wentian flying across the void like a torn sack, his limbs twisted, his head turned upside down, and he slammed heavily on the green leaf battle platform. It was extremely miserable and turned into a pool of fleshy mud!

But even so, Xin Wentian was still alive. His bloodshot eyes stared at Ye Wuque, full of madness and disbelief, and endless fear, as if he wanted to say something.

"Your mouth is stinky, but unfortunately, your strength is too bad."

Glancing at Xin Wentian, who was already inhuman, Ye Wuque spoke lightly.


These words of Ye Wuque made Xin Wentian tremble crazily, exhausted all his strength, spit out a word, but in the end he turned his head and died!

With only one move, Ye Wuque would easily kill Xin Wentian as if the autumn wind swept the fallen leaves, and Xin Wentian had no power to fight back at all! Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!


Seek a wave of devil fruits, brothers! !

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