Return of the War God

Chapter 1038: : Wen Douyi


From the moment Ji Yanran appeared, Ye Wuque noticed the extraordinary of this woman. Just as Lan Mingri had said before, Ji Yanran had a cultivation base and was unfathomable.

Ye Wuque naturally felt this.

However, his perception was even more mysterious. From this Ji Yanran, he felt a strange feeling that seemed to have a hint of illusion. There was a feeling of inexplicability that was difficult to describe.

But Ye Wuque didn't have any plans to delve into it. Even if he thought about it with his butt, he knew that such a mysterious and beautiful woman who was crowned the King of Stars, could there be no power behind her?

Perhaps the three major forces tonight are the forces behind Ji Yanran, otherwise how could Ji Yanran be invited?

These thoughts only flashed in Ye Wuque's mind. He just felt that the behavior of the three adults in inviting Ji Yanran on an occasion like Jin Wa was a bit strange.

For Ji Yanran, Ye Wuque didn't plan to greet him, although other super geniuses rushed to speak, all trying to attract Ji Yanran's attention.

Obviously Ye Wuque and the elegant ministers are not in this list.

The two of them enjoyed the leisurely time of drinking at this moment, and it would be nice to continue quietly until the end.

However, Ye Wuque did not provoke others, but others came to provoke him.

Na Ji Yanran was clearly talking to Lan Mingri who was constantly talking, but suddenly the front of the conversation turned, her beautiful eyes flowed, her clear and bright eyes looked at one place, her red lips kissed her, and she said softly: "Yanran has already come. For a long time, Master Ye and Master Feng have never spoken, do you have any opinions on Yan Ran?"

As he said this, Ji Yanran's eyes were already staring at Ye Wuque and the elegant officials, but it was Ye Wuque more.

And Ji Yanran said this sentence with a hint of resentment, and even her eyes were filled with incomprehension and sadness, and people couldn't help feeling infinite love and compassion when they read it!

Ye Wuque, who was having a good time with his elegant minister, didn't expect Ji Yanran to speak like this. See w*Genuine i` chapter\"上t酷匠~m网y6

At the same time, that Lan Mingri was a little embarrassed, and the gaze that came out through the dark blue cloak narrowed slightly, and a chill flashed in it.

"Ms. Ji’s words are a shame to Ye. The first beauty in the capital is here today. It is enough for Ye to see the beauty of the beautiful woman. It's already a supreme enjoyment, no need to ask for too much."

Ye Wuque spoke lightly, a calm and deep gleaming eyes, and looked at Ji Yanran.

These words, Ye Wuque can be regarded as giving Zu Ji Yanran face.


Suddenly, Ji Yanran chuckled. In an instant, if a hundred flowers were in full bloom, a beautiful and indispensable thing, her wonderful eyes looked at Ye Wuwei, soft, as if it contained emotion, which made people unable to indulge in it.

"Young Master Ye is really funny and humorous, Yanran offers a drink to Young Master Ye."

Ji Yanran's slender right hand suddenly sucked, and an exquisite wine glass that seemed to be cast from white jade appeared in her hand, which was already filled with wine.

Immediately, Ji Yanran raised a glass to Ye Wuque from a distance, full of sincerity.

Ye Wuque's heart moved, it was obvious that Ji Yanran seemed to be treating herself like this deliberately, but she was well-mannered, and Ye Wuque naturally wouldn't refute her face. She also raised her glass and nodded slowly.

The eyes of the two of them touched in the void, but Ye Wuque turned back at once, while the depths of Ji Yanran's eyes, which were like a bowl of autumn water, flashed with a strange meaning.

This scene fell in the eyes of all the super geniuses around, and immediately caused many people to squint, and a flash of unpleasantness flashed deep in their eyes.

Good guys!

Before so many people kept looking for opportunities to talk to Ji Yanran, hoping to win the beautiful lady a smile, without success.

But now Ji Yanran is so proactive to Ye Wuque, not to mention her toast, the tone and gesture of her speech is simply different!

How do these arrogant super geniuses accept this?

Especially that Lan Mingri spoke suddenly at this moment.

"Ms. Ji doesn’t need to take it to heart. After all, some people come from the corners of the poor country and have never seen anything in the world. For a fairy like Ms. Ji, I will inevitably feel infinitely ashamed. I am sure that I dare not speak up, because he does not courage."

When Lan Mingri said this sentence, the whole banquet hall suddenly burst into laughter.

Everyone could hear that even though Lan Mingri didn't name him by name, he was talking about Ye Wuque's table of people from Longgu County.

Ye Wuque drank the wine from his glass and put it down gently. His expression didn't change at all. There was no flat anger, but a faint voice followed.

"Miss Ji, sometimes some people speak, you don’t need to pay attention, because they are all hidden and revealing goods, wrapping themselves so tightly that they dare not even show their true face. They only show two eyes. They look really good. Wretched, who knows if the strictness of the package is ashamed to meet people? Well, maybe it's a dog in a cloak."

The moment the atmosphere in the entire banquet hall sounded with Ye Wuque's words, it suddenly stagnated, and then burst into laughter that was ten times that of just now!


The wine glass in Lan Mingri's hand was suddenly smashed, and the eyes under those cloaks stared at Ye Wuque, the chill inside it had turned into a terrible anger!

"Huh? Is this the sound of a cup being crushed? Is there a guilty conscience? This is an initiative to admit that he is a dog in a cloak? Then Fengmou is very curious and wants to see if this dog brother is really Who?"

This voice was no longer Ye Wuque's, but came from a handsome minister!


These words of the elegant demeanor made the laughter that had just stagnated in the banquet hall become warm again!

Huang Ke next to Lan Mingri was already glaring, his scorched yellow face was full of cyan!

As for Lan Mingri herself, the dark blue cloak seemed to tremble twice, as if she was taking a deep breath to control her emotions.

"The words of Young Master Ye and Young Master Feng are very humorous, which makes Yan Ran an eye-opener, but is it possible to be here with you tonight? It would be too boring to drink just like this. You are all outstanding members of the younger generation of my Star Yan Kingdom , There are dragons and phoenixes among the people, how about a little competition to add to the fun?

Ji Yanran changed the subject without leaving a trace, but it made all the super geniuses in the banquet hall shine!

"Of course, this is a banquet hall, not a battlefield. Fighting must be impossible. Yan Ran means Wen Dou. What do you think?"

With a faint smile on her beautiful face, Ji Yanran's eyes flashed, looking at everyone in the distance, as if asking for the opinions of those present.

"Hahahaha! Since Miss Ji has already spoken, I can't help but wait!"

"Wendou is Wendou, I also want to see how you can do your talents again!"

"Please also Miss Ji to write a question!"

As soon as Ji Yanran's words fell, everyone agreed and agreed, obviously all of them were extremely interested in this literary fight.

For example, Qin Wushuang, his eyes lit up right now!

And that Lan Mingri, even under the cloak showed a conceited smile. Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!


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