Return of the War God

Chapter 1054: : All in the top 100


The second group of battles began to end slowly over time.

Similar to Sumo, Ji Caiyun, and Bing Hao, these three super geniuses have already won by an absolute advantage and entered the top 100. The rest are people of similar strength fighting frantically, trying their best. .

After all, one step in heaven, one step in hell, for their own future, after all, desperate.

After the second group of ring decisive battles were all over, the whole human sacred tree reverberated with a shocking cry!

The IELTS voice sounded again!

"The following are the fifty super geniuses from the third group, welcome to enter!"

Above the void, the huge light curtain began to shine again, and the third group of duel lists were immediately assigned.

"Battle Platform One, Wang Xian of Liuguang County, Chen Feng of Guiyuan County!"

"The second battle platform, Gangang of Longgu County, Feng Kedi of Jintian County!"


"On the ninth battle platform, Yiqing County Baihua, Longgu County Wan Ziliang!"


"Twenty-third battle platform, Wu Gang in Sanshan County, Tang Ming in Longgu County!"


As the voice of IELTS kept ringing, the whole sacred tree broke out again with earth-shattering cheers!

In Longgu County, the Xingyan clones of Qiangang, Wan Ziliang, and Tang Ming all slowly stood up, and a great momentum circulated suddenly!

"I practiced hard for so many years, so that it is a blockbuster today! Hahahaha!"

Wan Ziliang laughed and stepped forward, and the tower-like body directly hit the 9th battle platform like a black star.

Tang Ming didn't speak, but the fierce aura on his body was like a wave, and even trembling, but it was not fear, but excitement!

Gan Gang was even more straightforward, carrying his Surprise Knife very excited, and said with a long smile: "Stunned, let's go kill people together!"

The three people in Dragon Bone County were all assigned to the third group, which was a battle to determine their fate.

Ye Wuque looked at the three of them in the distance, a blessing welled up in the bright eyes.

Five hundred genius representatives from their Longgu County came to Xingyan King's Capital and fought all the way. Only six of them succeeded in the promotion. Now He Hongyao has also been defeated, and only five are left.

Ye Wuque hoped that all five of them could reach the top 100 and successfully join the Xingyan Temple.

"The third group of ring is decisive, start!"

The voice of majesty resounded, and fighting broke out on twenty-five battle platforms!

There is no difference from the first two groups, the third group's battle also reached its peak in an instant!

A famous super genius is breaking out, unleashing all his combat power, trying to kill his opponent.

As time passed slowly, the victory and defeat began to separate.

On the 9th battle stage, Wan Ziliang was bloodied at this moment, but his expression was extremely mad. He was already very fierce in the fight. His terrifying physical power made his heart palpitations. The terrifying melee combat was even more powerful enough to dominate. Listed at the pinnacle of this genius battle!

Wan Ziliang's opponent is a woman, not beautiful in appearance, but extremely good in strength. At this moment, he is inextricably killed with Wan Ziliang. She has already been bloodied, but she is still extremely strong!

On the second battle stage, Gan Gang was even more crazy. The Surprise Knife in his hand continued to explode, and the seven-style knife intent continued to cut out. In addition, the Surprise Knife was not a normal product, but a genuine quasi-artifact. , At this moment he has the upper hand.

Qian Gang seems to have a winning ticket!

But the most powerful is not Gan Gang, but Tang Ming.

Since Tang Ming's rise in the battle of Dragon Bone County, his strength has skyrocketed to an incredible level. It was also quite dazzling in the previous arena melee, but still hidden his strength.

Now that this step is reached, it has finally erupted completely, and at this moment, countless monks in the royal capital are also looking at him inside the sacred tree and cheering for him.

"Yes, it seems that this time Longgu County's performance will break the historical record, and it is considered to be worthy of the reward and cultivation of the previous Fulong County guard."

On the Throne of Green Leaves, Ye Wuque smiled with his right hand and opened his mouth. He turned his eyes slightly and saw where the 36 county guards were on the subjective battle arena. The forehead of the guard of Fulong County was very conspicuous. He was already full of joy at the moment. Smile.

Obviously, Fulong County Shou was also extremely satisfied with the performance of the three of Qiangang.

After all, Longgu County was originally counted down in the 36th County, and only one of the best results in the previous genius wars was worthy of entering the top 100.

But this time it is very different!

How could Fulong County Guard be upset?

"Haha! The winner of this battle is me!"

On the battle stage, Wan Ziliang roared, his arms tearing through the void like a magic dragon's arm, exploded with a shocking blow, and finally killed his opponent!

On the independent battlefield, Wan Ziliang looked up to the sky and roared with fierceness!

On the other side, the Qiangang seven-style sword intent broke out, also hitting the opponent, splitting the opponent in half!

He was panting violently at this moment, and he was also suffering from a serious injury, but he still carried an eight-foot long knife on his shoulder and smiled.

However, Tang Ming was the first of the three to end the battle. He was still calm, but the waves in his eyes were turbulent, and his heart was obviously extremely excited!

At this point, in Longgu County, except for He Hongyao and the outstanding officials who have not yet played, the other four people have all entered the top 100 and obtained the qualifications to enter the Xingyan Temple.

On the subjective battle arena, where the 36 county guards are located, the Fulong county guard is also laughing at this moment, very happy!

His Dragon Bone County finally exaggerated in this genius battle!

Five people!

In the heart of Fulong County Guardian, the demeanor was naturally unstoppable. Although he did not play, it was already a certainty, and he did not have the slightest doubt.

And what made Fulong County Guard very much looking forward to is that Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen are unmatched in strength, and the top 100 is definitely not their end.

"Congratulations to the twenty-five super geniuses in the third group. Now I will announce the fourth and final group of participants."

Above the void, as the voice of IELTS resounded, the huge light curtain flickered again.

With a clear and loud voice resounding, IELTS began to introduce the last fifty super geniuses.

"The nineteenth battle platform, Wushuang County Evergreen Song, Longgu County style minister!"

As soon as this group of names sounded, the inside of the sacred tree became boisterous again!

Feng Chenchen, nowadays extremely popular, is one of the few super seeds, his appearance naturally attracted the attention of countless people., Yong: Long ◎free a fee sf watch {small (say

The avatar of Xing Yan stood up, hunting in white clothes, holding my sword on his back, stepping out, turning into a sword light and roaring the sky, and landed on the nineteenth battle platform.

With the appearance of the handsome minister, the eyes of True Monarch Jianxiong flashed on the subjective battle stage!

"This son..."

True Monarch Jianxiong is a strong man in the line of kendo, and his cultivation is so strong that it is earth-shaking. He just glanced at the handsome minister and immediately felt the strangeness.

The Golden Eyed Karmapa on the side is already smiling at this moment. He is extremely confident in his handsome ministers, because he also sees the true cultivation of the handsome ministers, so he naturally believes that he can definitely impress True Monarch Jianxiong. If this is the case, it must be an answer. There was a good destiny.

What if the Emperor Jianxiong's deadline is approaching?

At least True Sovereign Jianxiong can live for ten years. As long as True Sovereign Jianxiong does not die in a day, he is an invisible deterrent. After all, the record of Sword Slashing Three Two Tribulations is too sturdy and famous.

On the nineteenth battle platform, facing away from the handsome minister, he is a super genius from Wushuang County. He is also quite famous. Although it is not comparable to Qin Wushuang and Li Xuanfeng, it is also not to be underestimated.

"Charming ministers! Both of my Wushuang County were defeated by your Longgu County Ye Wuque, but this time, my Changqing brother must win back a city for Wushuang County. You will lose in this battle!"

Chang Qingge is a tall man with short hair, with an indifferent tone, but the light of thunder surges all over his body!

This Evergreen Song seems to cultivate the Thunder Element Power, and the attack power is extremely terrifying.

"Make a move."

Regarding this, the style minister just flashed a light in his clear eyes and spoke softly. Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!

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