Return of the War God

Chapter 1059: : The duel between battlefield divisions

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"Ah! Ye Wuque! You kind of kill me!"

Click! Click!

"Ye Wuque! You... let me go! Let me go!"

Click! Click!

"Ye Wuque! Ye Wuque! I will never die with you! You **** thing! I will definitely not let you go!"

Click! Click!

On the first battle stage, Huang Ke’s desperate howls and roars continued to sound, and at first he was full of madness, and his voice was very high, but as Ye Wuque cruelly squeezed every bone of his, this clamor and madness slowly It sinks down until it feels like a gossamer, it is hard to die!

He once said that everyone in Longgu County would be better than dead, but now Ye Wuque let him taste this taste!

Ye Wuque's left hand continued to be crushed on Huang Ke's body like a grinding disc, and the cracking sound of bones being crushed continued to sound, which lasted for nearly half an hour!

During this process, Ye Wuque's expression was cold and calm, without the slightest mood swing, nor the slightest hesitation.

Huang Ke struggled wildly from the beginning to "the 2998th block..."


Ye Wuque's left hand smashed a bone on Huang Ke's body again, and Huang Ke let out a howling that was already so low that it was inaudible.

"The 2999th block..."

"The 3000th yuan..."

When Ye Wuqian spit out the 3000th piece of words, his right hand finally released, and with a bang, a pudgy-like fleshy Huang Ke slammed down on the battle platform, aroused. dusty.

At this moment, Huang Ke was completely submerged in the boundless pain, as if completely sluggish, but still did not die. He was just thrown on the battle platform by Ye Wuque, lingering.

You can't live, you can't die, nothing more than that!

Ye Wuque's treatment of Huang Ke did not arouse any disgust or dissatisfaction.

The road of cultivation, the road of super genius, is accompanied by thorns along the way, not to mention this genius battle, only asking about the result, not the process.

After solving Huang Ke, Ye Wuque looked at the rest of the battlefield. At this moment, the battle of fifty sitting on the battlefield had ended for a half, and only the last two-thirds of the battlefield was still in a frantic battle.

After all, the super geniuses who can get to this step are all talented characters. Except for a few too abnormal existence accidents like Ye Wuque, Feng Caichen, etc., most of them are not the same, and the gap between them is not too big.

To decide the victory or defeat, it takes a long and fierce battle to defeat the opponent step by step until the victory.

call out!

The victorious Ye Wuque stepped out in one step, swept across the sky, and returned to the Throne of Green Leaves. At this moment, the style minister had returned, and he had also finished the battle, and naturally won.

The clear gaze glanced at the first battle platform, slowly disappearing into streamer Huang Ke, the handsome minister nodded towards Ye Wuwei.

"Thank you."

As soon as Ye Wuque sat down, a daughter's voice that was indifferent but with a hint of mood swings rang out, it was He Hongyao who came from behind him.

She watched the battle between Ye Wuque and Huang Ke without fail, knowing that Ye Wuque was venting her anger.

Although He Hongyao had become indifferent and ruthless for some reason, he was not unkind, and he expressed his gratitude to Ye Wuque.

"Hehe, it's nothing, after all, everyone is in the same county and needs mutual support."

Ye Wuque smiled faintly and waved his hand.

He Hongyao regretted being eliminated and lost the opportunity to enter the Xingyan Temple, but with her aptitude and as a swordsman in the line of sword repair, the three major forces would definitely throw an olive branch on her and recruit her.

About a quarter of an hour later, Wan Ziliang, covered in blood, returned. Although there was a trace of regret on his face, he did not feel much unwilling or depressed.

He tried his best to fight his opponent to the last moment, but after all he was still slightly inferior, so he drank hatred.

However, Wan Ziliang, who had already gotten the chance to enter the Xingyan Temple, didn't care at all.

Not long after, Tang Ming and Gan Gang both returned with joyful faces. They used all their best to fight their opponents, and finally won and reached the top 50!

Finally, until a certain moment, all the battles on the stage of the fifty were over, and the top fifty was born!

Immediately after taking a rest for about an hour, the 50-to-twenty-five arena decisive battle started again!

IELTS's voice resounded again, the huge light curtain in the void began to flicker, the names were randomly assigned, and the fifty green leaf battlefields became twenty-five.

A super genius who had read his name was full of spirits, and once again rushed to their respective battlefields.

"Battle Platform No. 17, Gangang in Longgu County, Lan Mingri in Tianma County."

When these words resounded, Ye Wuque's eyes flashed and he looked at Qian Gang.

"Haha, rest assured, I will be careful, even if it is not the opponent of Lan Mingri, but he wants to catch me, it is absolutely impossible!"

As if feeling the gaze from Ye Wuque and others, Qian Gang laughed, Xing Yan's clone stood up with the Surprise Knife, nodded towards the crowd, and stepped out, killing on the thirteenth battle platform.

Looking at Qian Gang’s back, Ye Wuque was not worried, because Qian Gang’s strength was extremely powerful, and the Surprise Knife was a quasi-sacred weapon. Even if it lost to Lan Mingri, it would definitely not fall to Lan Mingri In the hands of him, let him be slaughtered.

On the seventeenth battle platform, Gan Gang carried an eight-foot shocked knife on his shoulder, with a trace of zealous warfare on his face.

And that blue dark sun cloak hunting, descending from the sky, an earth-shaking suffocation spread, with a sense of killing and cruelty!

"People of Dragonbone County! I will want you to taste the world's pains and beg me to kill you!"

Even if it is Xing Yan clone, Lan Mingri is also wearing a cloak. At this moment, the voice comes from under the cloak, like a magic sound, making the scalp numb. Coolsmith net q√ positive) version first released

"Hahahaha! I'm afraid you don't have this ability!"

Gan Gang laughed, and the stunned knives slammed, and an extreme fighting intent broke out. There was no fear at all, only excitement and heat.

The IELTS voice continued, saying one by one.

When the elegant minister and Tang Ming both rushed to the battlefield again, knowing that the second to last, that is, the twenty-fourth battlefield, the name of Ye Wuque finally resounded in it.

"Twenty-fourth battle platform, Longgu County Ye Wuque, Xuetian County Binghao!"

Ye Wuque's bright eyes suddenly lit up when he heard his name!


He didn't expect his opponent to be assigned to Bing Hao, and immediately, Ye Wuque's mouth slowly sketched out a hint of expectation.

call out!

With one step, Ye Wuque crossed the sky and landed on the 24th battle platform.

On the other side, the tall and cold Binghao also landed on the 24th platform.

Ye Wuque and Bing Hao faced each other far away, his eyes touching in the void, as if a strong spark came out!

The moment Binghao saw Ye Wuque, an astonishing light finally flashed in his indifferent eyes!

This battle is a duel between two battlefield divisions!

It was also the battle between Ye Wuque's "Tianlong Breaking the Sun Formation" and Binghao's "Ice-Finished Mountains and River Formation"!

Who is strong and weak is known in the first battle. Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!

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