Return of the War God

Chapter 1081: : Noisy blue dog


"Hahahaha! You can kill me in a moment? Good! Good! Come on!"

Sumo's voice resounded with a hint of madness, and he clanged the **** sword in his hand out of its sheath, and the monstrous **** sword light suddenly poured out, and there was a strong **** smell that followed!

It seems that Somo's long sword was originally not blood-red, but because of too much blood, he was full of blood and eventually dyed the long sword red!

As the blood-colored long sword was waving, there was a scalp tingling wailing sound, as if there were countless souls wailing on it!

Huh huh!

A dozen blood-colored sword lights soared into the sky, each of which was a thousand meters in size, cut through the void, and slashed towards Lan Mingri!

Jianguang, red as blood!

The power of this sword is impressive enough to easily kill the monks of the later stage of the Earth Soul Realm!

Although Su Mo's battle is **** and crazy, his strength is not even a bit of water, and he is a swordsman. It is because he is strong enough to be crazy, and strong enough to be arrogant!


With a cold snort, Lan Mingri's cloak was hunting and hunting, and the horizontal and horizontal sword light that was overwhelmingly suppressed did not seem to cause any tension or anxiety!

"The Doomsday Soul Slayer!"

A black giant hand turned out to cover the sky, as if coming from the depths of hell, with the flames of doom on it. It is a terrible fire that can directly burn life. Whenever it appears, it means the end is coming!

The pitch-black giant hand wiped out the void, collided with the blood-colored sword light, and burst out earth-shaking fluctuations, the blood-colored sword aura penetrated the world and killed everything!

In the end, the two seem to be on par, and disappear together!


Crazy and **** laughter rippled, and saw a red-robed Somo holding a long sword, stepping out in one step, like a wind!

"Taste my blood mad three styles! Slashing fierce vendetta style!"


The blood-colored long sword bloomed with immeasurable blood, and Su Mo burst out of endless vitality, injected into the long sword, and a crazy sword intent burst out!

In the void, a blood stain suddenly appeared, spreading continuously, and dripping blood, the blood stain continued to expand, and finally turned into a size of tens of thousands of meters, as if it turned into a blood-colored flood dragon!

The blood-colored flood dragon roared in the sky, and rushed towards Lan Mingri with an extremely tragic as if avenging his life and death!

The power of this sword has increased several times!

The blood-colored flood dragon transformed by the sword light made Lan Mingri's eyes slightly narrowed under the cloak, feeling a sense of danger!

"Darkness strikes, and all creatures die!"

As if the sound of a demon whistling, Lan Mingri once again used the weird secret method used to deal with Gan Gang before, summoning a round of dark sun!

The dark sun rises in the void, bursting with endless dark light that makes people palpitating, splashing down, making the light of heaven and earth dim, really as if the end is coming!

When the sky turns out, what it brings is not light and heat, life and vitality, but killing and extinction. What kind of despair is that?

At this moment, Ye Wuque's bright eyes on the top ten throne moved slightly, but he recognized Lan Mingri's true source of power!

"If the dark attribute power among the nine attributes is not bad, Lan Mingri has realized the dark attribute power to the perfect state..."

Ye Wuque muttered to himself, but the dazzling eyes became cold, and a chill surged in his heart.

On the green leaf battle platform, it has completely turned into a doomsday scene, and the dark sun melts into the void, drowning everything, as well as the blood-colored flood dragon that Sumo's fierce vendetta turned into!

But how is Sumo's sword style so good?

The blood-colored flood dragon composed of endless sword light roared and swept in the darkness, and the surging power tore the darkness apart. It was a kind of crazy power!

"Blood madness three styles! Parting anger style!"

Su Mo's whole body soared into the sky, and the **** long sword in his hand slashed out the second sword, and suddenly a **** light appeared in the original darkness above the void!

It was the sword light from Somo, as if there was the roar of an unknown and powerful creature in the world, the sword light slashed out!


It was a pure sword light to the extreme, with incomparable anger and killing intent!

With this sword alone, the top ten kings on the top ten thrones have their eyelids jumped, feeling the horror of this trick!

That Lan Mingri also felt a strong threat.

The eyes under the cloak suddenly burst into endless darkness, and Lan Mingri's voice is like a roar of Demon Lord!

"I can see my dark force field! You died well too!"

As Lan Mingri's words resounded, a dark light suddenly surged out of his body, which spread out in the next instant, forming a black and boundless force field!

In the presence of darkness, despair, and a sense of doomsday, it also surging strangely with a completeness!

This is a force field of perfect darkness!

In an instant, the cultivators inside the sacred tree opened their eyes wide, and breathed slightly, because this was the fourth super genius who had realized the power of the nine attributes to the perfect state!

Su Mo's complexion changed, he felt the spreading perfect dark force field, shaking in his heart, knowing that he had only the last chance, otherwise he would be enveloped by Lan Mingri's perfect dark force field, and he would definitely lose!

"Dead Soul Killing Style! Slash!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Somo directly used the strongest ultimate move!


The **** sword light soaring to the sky spread, and Somo's whole person directly turned into a blood sword, cutting everything, going up against the darkness, as if to get rid of everything!

"Struggling ants! Exterminate! Dark Sun!"

Lan Ming's sun sound like a magic sound, high above, with a kind of looking down and indifferent, performing the ultimate move bred by the perfect dark field!

A dark day was suppressed, covering the blood-colored lightsaber, but there was no more!

Somo didn't even have the right to resist, and was completely killed!

Lan Mingri wins strongly!

On the green leaf battle platform, Lan Mingri didn’t even look at Somo who had become a corpse. Instead, he turned around suddenly. His eyes under the cloak looked at Ye Wuque on the top ten throne, and he suddenly made a gesture of cutting his right hand. Arrogant, clearly provocative!

"Ye Wuque, have you seen it? Your fate will be a hundred times more miserable than him!" New chapter! h Festival {p上@酷$1匠网cu

Lan Mingri's voice was indifferent and ruthless, as well as a deep killing intent!

The sudden provocation made countless cultivators startled for a moment, and then they all started talking. Obviously everyone could see that there seemed to be enmity between Ye Wuque and Lan Mingri.

However, against Lan Mingri's provocation, Ye Wuque's face was calm, with his right hand resting on his cheek, and a faint voice sounded: "Noisy blue dog, barking is really unpleasant."

As soon as he said this, Lan Mingri's eyes fell abruptly, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he sneered and stepped down.

After the first battle ended, it represented that the battle of the top ten kings had reached this point, and the last two of the first round of duel were naturally obvious!

Hua Nongyue of Shuiyue County, against Yang Qingge of Baihua County!

Even Ye Wuque was extremely interested in this Hua Nong Yue.

However, when the duel between Hua Nongyue and Yang Qingge broke out, even Ye Wuque was shocked! Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!

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