Return of the War God

Chapter 1084: : Ji Caiyun who voluntarily surrendered


"Ms. Ji looks very confident, thinking that Ye Mou will lose."

Above the void, Ye Wuque spoke lightly, mysterious gossip enveloped his body, exuding eight different colors of spatial fluctuation aura!

Space class is unique!

Even in the dust-free realm, it is an extremely rare special genocide. Countless monks in the dust-free realm are unable to obtain one of them. Use space-based methods such as void movement and void imprisonment against the enemy.

But this is only the most basic and basic application, any monk who leaves the dust can use it.

But if there is a unique knowledge in the space, it is totally different!

Only the cultivators who leave the dust can fully exert the power of the space-type faculty, and let the power of space evolve!

For example, at this moment Ye Wuque, if it weren't for the eight-phase heaven gate where he used the eight-phase tactics of the heavenly will, and the body and the gossip were completely integrated, traveling through the void, and the mysteriousness is hard to find, how could he be entangled with Ji Caiyun’s ninety-nine avatars and killed Full two-thirds?

"This is natural, this is my confidence in my own strength."

The opening Ji Caiyun smiled again and immediately her eyes flashed, and the ninety-nine clones that reappeared in an instant were once again attacking and killing Ye Wuque from different directions!

Everything seems to have returned to the beginning of the battle.

call out!

Ye Wuque's whole body was mysterious and gossip shining, he directly activated the eight-phase heaven gate, and his figure shuttled through the void, but instead of making a strong shot as before, he seemed to choose to escape, avoiding and not fighting.

The occurrence of this scene also caused countless Wangdu monks who were watching the battle to flash through a bit of puzzlement. Could it be that Ye Wuque really gave up?

But if you think about it carefully, it's not surprising. After all, Ji Caiyun's ninety-nine avatars are too bad for the sky. The key is that they can be reborn continuously, completely immortal!

Unkillable, unkillable, unkillable!

No matter how strong Ye Wuque is, it can't be helped!

Ye Wuque's behavior made one of the ninety-nine avatars Ji Caiyun smile at the corner of his mouth. She was Ji Caiyun's body, but she could not tell the difference in all the avatars.

"Ye Wuque, you can't escape!"

Ninety-nine avatars filled the void, blocking one line after another that Ye Wuque could dodge, but Ye Wuque’s eight-phase heaven gate is really too mysterious. It seems that a gap can always be found in the mysterious gossip sparkle, and then escaped. day!

However, Ji Caiyun was not anxious, because she knew that even if Ye Wuque's body style was profound, she would eventually be sealed off as the final escape route due to the absolute number of people.

Sure enough, just after dozens of breaths, Ye Wuque's figure flickered out of the void, but as far as his eyes could be, Ji Caiyun's clones were everywhere. This time, Ren Baxiang Tianmen could not escape no matter how mysterious it was. Can escape!

It's not that the Eight Phase Heaven Gate is not powerful enough, but that Ji Caiyun wins by relying solely on numbers!

"Where else can you escape this time?"

From the corner of Ye Wuque's mouth, a avatar of Ji Caiyun opened her mouth, expressing a sense of boldness that her prey was in hand.

"Ye Wuque, just grab it with your hands, you have been blocked by me for even the last way to escape, and you have no power to recover."

Another avatar of Ji Caiyun opened his mouth, seeming to use his words to disintegrate Ye Wuque's fighting spirit and fighting spirit, causing him to collapse.

Above the void, among Ji Caiyun’s ninety-nine avatars, Ye Wuque stood quietly with black hair fluttering, but the expression on his face was still calm, except that the corners of his mouth also outlined a sharp smile in the next moment. .

"Escape? Did Ye say this is an escape?"

Ye Wuque's words made Ji Caiyun all the avatars have a smile on her face. In Ji Caiyun's view, Ye Wuque was struggling before she died, and she was fighting for her own face.

"Why are you persistent, don't you understand? The ending has already been noted..."

But before Ji Caiyun had finished speaking, her eyes suddenly condensed!

Because in the eyes of all the clones, Ye Wuque, who was surrounded by them, suddenly pinched his hands, and then a wave of waves that seemed to be full of extreme fighting spirit came out!

That is the fluctuation that belongs to the battle formation!

Ye Wuque's golden holy way's battle spirit broke out suddenly, and the complexions of all the clones of Ji Caiyun were all changed!

Because just around all the avatars, all the fluctuations of the battle formation were shining, reaching a total of nine shares!

"Tianlong breaks the sun formation! Nine formations open together!"

A low drink sounded from Ye Wuque’s mouth, and the battle seals he pinched in his hands all smashed the void, and he saw a total of nine Heavenly Dragon Breaking Formations erupting from nine directions. The battle formations reflected each other, forming a huge one. The formation of Ji Caiyun shockedly enveloped all the clones of Ji Caiyun!

The reason why the talented Ye Wuque launched the Eight-Phase Heavenly Gate seems to be fleeing for his life, but in fact it is to lay down the entire nine Heavenly Dragons to break the sun formation!

After Ye Wuque knew the number and characteristics of Ji Caiyun's clones, he knew that it would be extremely difficult to defeat Ji Caiyun by his own strength, so Ye Wuque immediately thought of the battle formation!

He is not only physical training, he is also a battlefield division!

The power of the battle formation can use the power of heaven and earth to control it with its own power. In a sense, the battle formation is also endless. If the battle formation breaks out completely, unless the battle formation division ends the battle, it will never be Will stop.

To deal with Ji Caiyun's ninety-nine avatars with the power of endless battle formations was a wonderful tactic that Ye Wuque came up with!

Ji Caiyun's eyes narrowed, and she knew in her heart that Ye Wuque was really not running for her life before, but to paralyze herself, so she took the opportunity to set up these nine battle formations, enclosing herself and her ontology, all within the formation.

"I forgot your identity as a battle formation division, but even if it is a battle formation, what can you do for me?"

Ji Caiyun spoke like a sword, and the ninety-nine clones immediately exploded with all their strength, about to break out of the formation.

But Ye Wuque managed to create this situation, just to trap Ji Caiyun to death. How could she make her wish?

"Three dragons play beads! Heavenly dragon seals the sky!"

Ye Wuque directly used the ultimate move of the Tianlong Breaking the Sun Formation. The nine Tianlong Breaking Sun Formations were all lit up. Each Tianlong Breaking Sun Formation could summon three scarlet heavenly dragons, and the nine battle formations would be a total of 27 scarlets. Denon!


In an instant, the endless red light lit up, and the ancient towering and domineering Tianlong Yin exploded in ten directions, and the twenty-seven red dragons turned into Tianlong Slash, cutting across the void and vertically slashing the sky, cutting crazily in the nine formations!

Chi Chi Chi Chi.........nlook at w@正%版章j$jieshang)\"酷p)smith ¤网u

He only heard the roar of the flesh being killed constantly, Ye Wuque's Heavenly Dragon Breaking the Sun array was extremely powerful. At this moment, the nine arrays came out, and the power increased several times. Once it broke out, it was truly invincible!

But after a dozen breaths, Ji Caiyun's ninety-nine avatars were strangled by Tianlong and only the last three were left!

And Ji Caiyun's body must be one of them!

"What a powerful battle formation! My clone can't be resisted at all! If you touch it, you will die!"

Ji Caiyun's face showed a hint of dread, but immediately her whole body sparked endless colorful vitality again, and colorful butterflies flew out, and flesh and blood clones were reborn again!

The sharp-eyed monk in the royal capital also saw the colorful butterflies, and immediately recognized the origin of the butterflies!

"Yes! It is colorful, and it can summon endless clones! This is the terrifying soul beast ranked thirty-seventh on the list of soul beasts... a thousand phantom color video discs!"

"It is indeed a Thousand Phantom Color Disc! No wonder Ji Caiyun can summon endless clones! Turns out to rely on the Thousand Phantom Color Disc's talent ability! Really has a great chance!"

Ji Caiyun's natal soul beast Thousand Phantasmagoria DVDs immediately made countless monks envy them!

This naturally couldn't escape Ye Wuque's ears, and a touch of surprise flashed through the bright eyes!

Ranked thirty-seventh on the soul beast list!

Such an amazing ranking, no wonder Ji Caiyun has such a terrifying ability to clone!

But even though he was a little surprised in his heart, Ye Wuque knew that when his nine heavenly dragons broke the sun formation and completely besieged Ji Caiyun, the outcome was already doomed!

"Tianlong Fengtian cut!"

Ye Wuque did not hesitate to continue to unleash the power of the nine heavenly dragons to break the sun formation, and the twenty red heavenly dragons turned into sharp blades to slay the void, and once again enveloped Ji Caiyun's entire body!

After a huge roar, the clones that Ji Caiyun had just summoned were all destroyed again!

This time, one did not stay, only Ji Caiyun's body was left.

Feeling the twenty-seven scarlet heavenly dragons cruising around and the constant resounding of the heavenly dragons, Ji Caiyun's beautiful face slowly showed a bitter smile, and finally turned into a hint of helplessness.

Her eyes flowed, she looked at Ye Wuque, who was standing in the void outside the battle formation, resounding with a hint of helpless sigh.

"Young Master Ye is a good method, I lost this battle."

Ji Caiyun unexpectedly gave in!

When this scene happened, countless monks' faces flashed with astonishment! Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!


After all my life, I have to watch three more. I hope I can keep it tomorrow, alas...

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