Return of the War God

Chapter 1092: : Fighting against the moon

vague. Unblocker

"People have sorrows and joys, and the moon is cloudy and clear..."

"Nung, moon and new moon……"

"A toast to invite Mingyue, drink to three people..."

"There is a bright moon on the sea, and the end of the world is at this time..."

"With a knife, the water will flow even more, and a toast will be more worrying..."

"Cut it constantly, the reason is still chaotic, it's sorrow, don't feel the feeling in your heart..."

On the green leaf battle platform, Hua Nongyue, with her feet on the gorgeous flowers, is smiling at this moment, but her handsome face is moaning this ancient poem, her voice is full of magnetism, and her expression carries a deep emotion. .

Such a look of Hua Nongyue fell in the eyes of countless female monks, it was really as if seeing a handsome, charming, and charming family son who was chanting ancient prose under Hua Qianyue, he was silly!

"Ye Wuque, your talent in the line of literary and Taoism is worthy of the eternal! This poem of eternal poetry was born from your mouth, and added a touch of extreme romance to this radiant world. With this alone, you can do it. Qianqiu."

This was almost the first time Ye Wuque heard Hua Nongyue speak. This person’s voice was very different from his handsome and unparalleled face, and all of his words were complimenting Ye Wuque, his expression calm and sincere. There is no fake.

"Thank you for the compliment, but the article was made by nature, and I got it by hand. Ye Mou is just a fluke."

For Hua Nongyue's compliment, Ye Wuque would naturally not treat each other coldly, and of course he would not say that these ancient poems were not made by himself, and he responded indifferently as he went along with the flow.

After hearing Ye Wuque’s words, Hua Nongyue’s star-like eyes flashed brightly, but a smile appeared at the corners of her mouth and said: "You know, after the start of the genius finals, in my Hua Nongyue’s eyes , The only person who can be qualified to be my opponent is you, Ye Wuque. The rest is nothing to worry about."

"Today's battle, I am afraid that everyone thinks that you will definitely lose at this moment, even I think so, but there is another voice in my heart reminding me that you are an opponent who makes me feel mysterious. There is an unpredictable temperament in you, so I feel a hint of danger."

"So, I am also looking forward to this battle, Ye Wuque, I hope you don't let me down."

Hua Nongyue's voice resounded, and there was an undoubted dominance in the magnetism, as if his words were absolute truth, and there was a kind of trembling meaning invisibly overflowing.

"It's useless to say more, you will know it in one battle! Come on!"

On the other side, Ye Wuque was hot in the bright gaze, and immediately the golden holy way of war energy exploded all over his body, and the golden red blood was surging like the Yangtze River. The battle spirit was boiling, breaking through the nine heavens, and directly chose to take the initiative!

Ye Wuque had already longed for this battle!

Because he wants to use this battle to break the shackles and make his cultivation to a higher level!

"Good! Let's fight!"

With gorgeous flowers under Hua Nongyue's feet, her figure rose to the sky, her whole body shining brightly, she directly used the force field of perfect light!

The endless light suddenly appeared out of nowhere, as if coming from outside the sky, scattered nine days and ten places, covering the entire green leaf battlefield, the speed is fast to the extreme!

"The Flower God Spear!"

Warfare was surging on the handsome face of Wushuang, Hua Nongyue displayed the secret technique in the "Flower God Book", a gorgeous flower gun made up of countless petals evolved, bathed in endless light, Shuttle through the void, there are countless gorgeous petals flying, and a terrifying aura that can penetrate all things rolls out!

Ye Wuque's figure is like the wind, and his entire body burns into the sky, and the force field of perfect fire also burns the void, opposing the force field of perfect light!

Only attribute power can deal with attribute power!

Facing Hua Nongyue, Ye Wuque knew the strength of this person, and he had no reservations as soon as he shot, and his direct combat power was full!

A dazzling galaxy rolled down, roots of hair bathed in it, Ye Wuque’s flesh was shining, violent power erupted, the eternal stars behind him turned, his right fist shone brightly, and the whole person went upside down, like a real dragon The arm stirred the void, and the punch was like a landslide!


With a low shout, Ye Wuque's combined killing punch broke out, and the four punches of killing general, killing king, slaying emperor, and slaying demons were combined in one. With the immortal body of the ages, they brought his own melee combat to the extreme realm!


Like the huge roar of the golden and iron strikes, ripples of void power spread out, Ye Wuque's right fist collided with Hua Nongyue's flower **** spear, and a terrifying collision force burst out, the void rolled back, and the dust was wiped out!

Ye Wuque's black hair dances wildly, his tall body is surging with blood and energy, and his whole body rises into the sky. The perfect fire field follows, 10,000 fires open the way and burn everything!

Above the void, Hua Nongyue stood proudly, without ever swaying her body, looking down at Ye Wuque, shining immeasurably light on her body, like a bright **** slandering!

On the first hit, the two seem to be in a tie!

"Okay! Ye Wuque, you are extraordinary if you can block my blow! Then you have to be careful next!"

Hua Nongyue's voice resounded, and I saw endless light shining from Hua Nongyue's body, and a slender and holy light and shadow slowly stepped out of it. Behind him, a pair of wings of light was the angel of light!

"Angel war sword! Exterminate evil spirits!"

The angel of light burst into radiance from the void, with his hands folded in front of him, the voice of holy compassion resounded, and a sword of light with the size of tens of thousands of meters evolved out of it, enveloping an endless edge, cutting the sky and the earth, as if it could cut the setting sun. month!

Ye Wuque's eyes condensed immediately, and a touch of awe-inspiring flashed across his heart!

He felt a great danger from this bright angel!

Hua Nongyue, as a dual-attribute perfect arrogant, is not only terrible at this point, but the use of single-attribute power may have reached the level of perfection!

"Sword lotus soaring to the sky!" A looks right. Version wy chapter a section on ^ Cool kjsmith 0f net n

Ten thousand fires are burning, transpiring into the void, Ye Wuque's right hand also condenses a fiery sword, on which nine flame lotus blooms, gorgeous and magnificent, overflowing with supreme enthusiasm!

One cut out, the nine flame lotus flowers flickered in the void, their size increased sharply, and they bloomed completely, and they slashed away with the sword of light cut by the angel of light!


In an instant, the terrible killing power mixed with sacred and extremely hot firepower surging, the force field of perfect fire and the force field of perfect light clash with each other, and the two figures smashed out from within, fighting in the void!

Ye Wuque opened and closed, punching like a dragon, his legs like a whip, and his melee combat is extremely strong, enough to rule the roost!

Hua Nongyue’s beautiful flowers bloomed all over her body, connected to each other, countless petals shot out, and each other reflected each other. On the strength of melee combat, he might not be able to compete with Ye Wuque, but he used the secret method of the flower god’s scripture to use gorgeous flowers as a carrier. Fight against Ye Wuque while guarding yourself!

In just a few dozen breaths, Ye Wuque and Hua Nongyue fought hundreds of strokes fiercely.

The world is quiet!

No one made a sound, and they all stared at the two fighting each other closely, enjoying the wonderful battle!

But at this moment, Ye Wuque felt a kind of pressure!

Although he and Hua Nongyue seem to be on the same level now, and even he kills wildly and has the upper hand, but Ye Wuque knows that for now, Hua Nongyue has not used the force field of Consummating Wind, and his combat power is still great. Have reservations!


Ye Wuque's black hair dances wildly, the jail moving mountain seal, the fearless lion seal, the perfect aquarium seal, the Fudo Mingwang seal, and the Shen Yun Nianhua seal alternately used to suppress Huanongyue!

Above the void, the black giant peaks are constantly falling, the golden lion rises up to the sky and screams, the golden killer shines through the void, and the crystal-clear huge bottle is poured out, the brilliance is like mercury, and the power is rushing!

King Fudo Ming sits in the sky, King Ming's arm stirs the void, and the crystal clear flowers dance every inch, piercing the world!

Under Ye Wuque's extremely powerful fight, Hua Nongyue was gradually suppressed to a disadvantage!

The occurrence of this scene caused countless monks to take a cold breath, and were shocked by Ye Wuque's strength!

But even so, marveling is just marveling, but no one thinks that Huanongyue will lose!

"Ye Wuque, this son, really has unlimited potential, as long as he is given time, he will shine in the future!"

The King of Golden Eyes exclaimed, Ye Wuque's performance was impeccable and perfect. If it hadn't been for the enchanting level of Hua Nongyue, this genius war was destined to dominate.

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