Return of the War God

Chapter 1143: : Tit for tat


Osu Mi's sudden sentence was like a thunder on the ground, like a huge mountain crashing down!

Qingyu, who led Osumi, was watching his nose, his nose and heart, and his eyes straight ahead. There was no expression on the beautiful face, no joy or sadness, as if he had heard nothing.

Since the last time he received a lesson from Ye Wuque, Qingyu has changed a lot and matured a lot.

And the bright moon that led Ye Wuque here was a glimpse of her beautiful eyes, as if she didn't mean to interrupt, because whether it was Ye Wuque or Osumi Osuya was the object of the fairy invitation, she, a maid, would naturally not take the initiative to blend in.

Moreover, Mingyue also knew that there was an enmity between Osumi and Ye Wuque, which was almost a thing that everyone knew in the sanctuary.

Osumi stepped forward, walking with dragons and tigers, and if the mountains collapsed and the ground broke, the ordinary disciples of the temple would feel a suffocating terror pressure when they saw him.

Even Mingyue felt the terrible breath emanating from Osumi's body at this time, her eyes kept flickering and her heart trembled!

On the Shengtang Tianjiao list, the gap between the top five and the bottom five is really big, almost every world!

As the fourth super arrogant, Osuya was so terrible that he was completely beaten out by one hand!

But when Mingyue looked at Ye Wuque, his eyelids suddenly jumped.

Because in her eyes, Ye Wuque stood still, hunting in his martial arts robe, and his face was calm, as if the might of the big beard was overwhelmed by him. It was like a spring breeze, except for the corners of his clothes. Any effect.

This alone is enough to demonstrate the strength of Ye Wuque!

However, how did Ye Wuque respond to the words that Osuya apparently deliberately targeted?

"Girl Mingyue, is there a habit of raising dogs in a place like Yanran Palace?"

Just when Mingyue was surprised at Ye Wuque's strength again, she heard this sentence from the black robe boy in front of her, even with a hint of doubt in her tone.

At the moment he heard these words, Mingyue shook his head subconsciously and blurted out: "No, fairies have always loved cleanliness and clarity. Naturally, they will not raise any monsters, nor can they raise dogs."

Mingyue’s answer made Ye Wuque’s mouth a sneer, and immediately raised her dazzling eyes, sweeping towards the approaching Osumi, and then slowly said: “Where did this crazy dog ​​come from? He also cut a short hair. Everyone grinned, barked, barking so loudly, it seems that you have a mad dog disease, you must deal with it as soon as possible, otherwise it will pollute the Feng Shui of the Yanran Palace, it will really be more than a loss."

As soon as the words came out, Mingyue was taken aback for a while, and then a pretty face turned red, desperately inviting to be patient, but after all, he laughed out!

Mingyue smiled here, and the rest of the Yanran Palace maids couldn't bear it anymore. Even Qingyu, who had been watching his nose and heart, couldn't bear it, and laughed directly.

For a time, the entire Yanran Palace echoed with laughter like a girl's silver bell!

Ye Wuque's words are too bad!

"A single ant dare to provoke me? I'm looking for death!"

Osumi's footsteps, like two big guns hidden in the front of the eyes, suddenly a touch of indifference and sternness, the overflowing air makes the earth tremble, several cracks burst open, and an astonishing chill is rippling. , So that everyone present except Ye Wuque was shocked, and the laughter stopped suddenly!

The land is cracked, and the power is imminent!

This Osu Mi was angry, it really seemed to be a floating corpse, **** and bloody, making people palpitate!

"A mad dog chirps crookedly, beware of the dog's head being screwed off and kicked."

Ye Wuque stood with his hand holding his hand, and his tone became extremely cold, facing Osuya **** for tat, without fear, exploding with a vast aura like an ocean, not weaker than Osuya.

Osume's eyes narrowed, and then he opened his eyes again. There was a gleam of light. Although he did not speak, the evil spirit and contempt in his eyes coexist. Staring at Ye Wuqian, he is truly ruthless, and seems to be considering whether to directly destroy Ye. No shortage of.

"You should be grateful that God can stand in front of Yanran Palace now, otherwise every bone in your body will be crushed by me at this moment, like a puddle of mud!"

A deep voice sounded, and if the magic sound screamed, Osumi stared at Ye Wuqian, his gaze like a torch, very catching.

"Only you? A mad dog? The dog has so big eyes, who are you scaring? No wonder the mongrels in the kennel like Xumishan look the same from top to bottom. It turns out that they follow you. It's really a litter of mad dogs."

Ye Wuque spoke coldly, extremely strong, if he talked about the advantages of words, how did he ever fear anyone?

"It seems that one move to kill Zuo Xingfeng has given you enough confidence. Rubbish is always rubbish. Sitting on the well and watching the sky, Yelang is arrogant and brave enough to yell at me. That's good. Then I will kill you with one hand during the assessment. This ant."

Osumi is extremely indifferent, and the contempt in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger. He hunts and hunts in his martial arts, and there seems to be a mountain collapsed in his eyes. When he opens his mouth, he speaks the law, which makes people fear and convince from the bottom of his heart.

"You can't, it's too far, the end of a mad dog biting someone is always trampled to death."

Ye Wuque fought back strongly, equally indifferent, that kind of posture, invincible and wild.

In front of the entire Yanran Palace, the two super arrogances faced each other tit-for-tat, their eyes met, and the turbulent surrounding void was all roaring and rushing. Obviously they didn't do anything, but there were space cracks torn apart, the scene was terrifying!

"Both of them were invited by Yanran. If they are guilty for this, then it is Yanran's not. Please enter the Yanran Palace."

At this moment, a soft female voice came from Yanran's palace, with a hint of apology, it was from Ji Yanran!

"Yanran invited me, Osumi would come here to celebrate, but I was delayed by an ant. Yanran, long time no see, I miss it very much."

Osumi retracted his gaze from Ye Wuque, and did not look again, strode out, a smile appeared on his face again, even a touch of heat gushing from the depths of the sharp eyes, and directly entered the Yanran palace. , There is a sense of impatientness.

"The people on the Shengtang Tianjiao list are all the same as this mad dog? They are all so familiar, do you directly call Miss Ji's name?" @酷匠网唯一《,_其n他^ are#pirated

Ye Wuque stepped forward in the same way, but he didn't rush, his face was calm, and he asked at random to the bright moon beside him.

"Of course this won't happen, only Osumi is the case. Although most of the proud children on the Tianjiao list admire fairies, only Osumi directly calls the fairies."

Speaking of this, Mingyue also seems to have a slight displeasure, which is obviously not very good for Osuya's behavior.

"Hehe, it turned out to be a mad dog who thought he was a faceless and skinless dog..."

Ye Wuque smiled faintly, and then the figure slowly disappeared in Yanran Palace. Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!

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