Return of the War God

Chapter 1511: :Play slowly

The reason why Kai Yangzi left without hesitation was not Ye Wuque at all, but the two indescribable great beings in Ye Wuque’s soul space, although he didn’t know why those two great beings let him go. Fate, did not kill him, but since he did not die, then he didn't want to stay and seek his own death.

Now he has abandoned his physical body, leaving only the state of primordial spirit, which can be described as a great loss of vitality. The anger and killing intent towards Ye Wuque is so strong that he wants to swallow Ye Wuque alive, but Kai Yangzi dare not!

"In my current state, I can only choose another peerless genius to seize the house and restore my physical body as soon as possible. Fortunately, this Canglan Realm is extremely barren and there are no masters. Otherwise, once my soul state is discovered by a master, the consequences will be unimaginable. "

Kaiyangzi's thoughts surged, but the cold light in his eyes immediately became more intense.

"As for this child...huh! There will always be a chance for revenge in the future..."

Immediately after Kaiyangzi's thoughts moved, the speed spread faster, and the soul radiated light, but at this moment, Kaiyangzi suddenly realized that there were nine golden chains on top of his soul. The speed is moving forward, clattering and dancing endlessly!

"What is this?"

Kai Yangzi was startled, but immediately after hearing the voice from Ye Wuque again, this time there was only one word!


The moment when the voice fell, Kai Yangzi's hurricane speed suddenly stagnated, and the golden chains suddenly burst into strong light, drilling out of Kai Yangzi, binding him like gold, and that's it. Imprisoned in the void!

Kaiyangzi's pupils shrank, but immediately burst out a violent meaning. Suddenly, a raging fire ignited above the primordial spirit, and the terrifying high temperature spread open. The flame appeared to be a gray, obviously a very powerful door. The means, with incredible power!

The void immediately began to melt, and everything that the gray flame passed was completely burned out.

But then Kai Yangzi's eyes showed incredible meaning, because no matter how he burned, the nine golden chains were not damaged at all, but they tightened him tighter, full of unimaginable power!

"Want to trap this seat? Break it for me!"

Kai Yangzi burst out, this time it was no longer a gray flame, but countless sharp sword lights rushed out from the soul. The sword lights seemed to condense the power of ancient stars, enough to cut the sky. , Break everything!

Compared with the gray flame, the power of this sword light is more than ten times more terrifying!

This is one of Kaiyangzi's most powerful hole cards, and it won't be used until the last moment.


The roar of gold and iron strikes resounded, Kai Yangzi almost fired a thousand swords at once, and all of them were cut on the nine golden chains, and they wanted to cut the nine golden chains.

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However, the next time Kaiyangzi's heart roared infinitely, his pupils were trembling!

"It's impossible! How can it stop?"

Kai Yangzi was very furious, and under the tens of thousands of swords, not to mention cutting off the golden chains, there was not even a gap in the nine golden chains, and no sparks broke out.

You must know that his sword can destroy a tenth of the area on a star!

In the distance, Ye Wuque watched silently, his eyes also showed a hint of surprise, and his heart shook slightly.

"This Kaiyangzi's trump card is endless. It's really amazing. If it weren't for Senior Chu's Nine Dragon Bound Sky Lock, I would be the one who should escape for fear."

Ye Wuque once again deeply learned the power of Kaiyangzi, and he is indeed a great monk under the starry sky.

But even if Kai Yangzi was a hundred times more powerful, he couldn't make any waves at this time.

Ye Wuque's eyes flashed, and his cold voice sounded again.

"Is there any other means you can use to your heart's content? I'll really wait and see."

Bloodshot spread in Kai Yangzi's eyes. After hearing Ye Wuque's words, he turned around suddenly, a pair of eyes seemed to be surging with thunder, staring at Ye Wuque firmly, as if thinking of something in his heart, there was finally a hint of horror in his eyes, directly hoarse. Said: "This is definitely not your strength!"

"Yes, of course this is not my power. With the current I am ten times or a hundred times more powerful, I am not your opponent. This nine-day golden chain is called the Nine Dragons Bound Sky Lock. As for whose handwriting, you will be so smart. ."

The corner of Ye Wuque's mouth outlines a faint arc, and he has already settled on Kai Yangzi.


Kai Yangzi's heart sank suddenly, the panic in the depths of his eyes became more intense, and his mind seemed to start to tremble!

Kowloon bound sky lock!

Who else can this be?

It must be a mysterious restriction set by one of the two major beings in Ye Wuque's Soul Space, specifically to deal with himself.

Thinking of this, the eyes under Kaiyangzi's mask became extremely cold. He stared at Ye Wuque and directly said coldly: "Trap this seat instead of destroying this seat, Ye Wuque, what are you going to do?"


Ye Wuque smiled with a palm, and then said leisurely: "It's good to talk to smart people! What I want is simple, that is, from now on, you...surrender to me!"

As soon as these words were spoken, Kaiyangzi suddenly exploded with terrifying evil spirits, and a burst of laughter that shook the sky!

"Hahahaha... just because you ant wants to surrender to this seat? What are you? This seat can pinch you to death with one finger!"

Kaiyangzi laughed wildly, with contempt in his eyes.

Ye Wuque was expressionless, as if he had expected Kaiyangzi to have this attitude a long time ago, and he continued to speak unhurriedly, but his tone became equally cold.

"Do you think I'm asking for your opinion? If you don't submit, I can't help you! Burn!"

Extinction fairy pupil refracted a golden light beam once again, reflecting the void!


Kai Yangzi, who was laughing wildly, suddenly howled miserably, and the nine golden chains burst into golden flames at this moment, burning Kai Yangzi's soul.

The unspeakable pain made Kaiyangzi completely crazy. He has experienced countless storms in his life and encountered many life and death crises. The pain he has tasted is all kinds of pains, but no one can bear the pain at this moment. Than, not even one in a billion!

The miserable howling echoed in the abyss of the West Extreme, so infiltrating, like a night owl howling.

Kai Yangzi rolled around in pain, and the primordial spirit was convulsing. This kind of pain would not kill him, but it would make him unhappy, even suicide.

In the distance, Ye Wuque stepped into the void, and slowly walked away from Kaiyangzi ten feet away with a sense of coldness. He looked at him condescendingly, like the emperor who controls the world.

"Under the Nine Dragons bound the sky, without my permission, you can't do it even if you want to die. Give you one more chance, don't you submit?"

Ye Wuque's voice exploded, and the bright eyes were cold.


The eyes under Kaiyangzi's mask were scarlet red. He was struggling crazily and wailing crazily, but he still spit out these two words, staring at Ye Wuque, his eyes were like a peerless beast, full of resentment and madness !

"Very well, it's worthy of being an old monster. The bones are really hard. If so, then we will play slowly. I want to see if you would rather die than surrender and stick to the end. You can enjoy it..."

Ye Wuque smiled faintly, and the extinction fairy pupil opened, and a suction burst, directly taking Kai Yangzi into his own soul space.

The endless miserable howling sounded in the Soul Space, but immediately Ye Wuque's thoughts moved, completely shielding Kai Yangzi's voice, and the world immediately became quiet.

Ye Wuque was not at all soft in dealing with Kaiyangzi with Nine Dragons Bound Sky Lock.

If there is no time and the golden lightning man, he has already been taken over by Kaiyangzi at this moment, so there is no need to think about what will happen.

For the enemy, Ye Wuque was never soft-hearted.

After doing all this, Ye Wuque's figure slowly descended from the void and onto the dark ground.

In the next instant, Ye Wuque's eyes became extremely cold and sharp, and it seemed to be filled with endless sharp edges, and all the sharp edges could cut out this void and destroy one!

"Ji Wuxian..."

The three words burst out little by little from Ye Wuque's opening, Ye Wuque slowly raised his head, looking at the exit of the Western Extreme Abyss, the terrifying killing intent exploded directly!

"Thanks to you, Ye has died once, and even walked through the abyss of the West. How can he not repay such a great favor?"

Immediately, Ye Wuque's right hand flashed, and a delicate pocket heart suddenly appeared, with silver lines on it, it was the Chiyun Silver Heart!

To find Ji Wuxian revenge, you must have the strength to surpass the king.

Now that his Heavenly Soul reaches the Great Consummation, he has even achieved the Lichen Extreme Realm Supreme Soul Yang. If he wants to gain more powerful strength, he must break through.

This Scarlet Cloud Silver Heart can make him directly break into the half-step Longmen Realm, and after this, it is the fleshly calamity among the Three Great Tribulations!

Ye Wuque believes that as long as he has gone through the bodily calamity and officially set foot in the Longmen Realm, then he will be reborn again and truly reach the top of Canglan!

At that time, he will have the power to fight against the king and even kill the king!

"When I step out of the abyss of the West, that's when I become a real person!"

Ye Wuque sat down cross-legged, his dazzling eyes were icy, and the battle aura of the holy way broke out, Chi Yun Yinxin suddenly emitted a brilliant light, completely drowning him...

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