Return of the War God

Chapter 1525: :You are...the king!!!

That's a top-grade artifact blew up!

This level of power, even the Three Tribulations True Venerable Great Perfection, would fall in an instant, unable to even resist.

As soon as the top-grade artifact exploded, deep in the earth, the **** old mother's face showed a touch of cruelty and madness!

"Mandala Blood Forbidden...Open!"


A blood-colored mandala flower suddenly bloomed behind the **** mother. The **** mother immediately surging with infinite violent power and her breath soared. In order to escape for her life, she not only blew herself up a top-grade artifact, but also displayed it without hesitation. Mandala blood forbidden, it shows that it is cruel and crazy!

With a scream, the violent and turbulent vitality inside the **** old mother exploded, immediately smashed through the ground, and began to rush towards the distance, the speed is unimaginable!


With a loud noise, the old **** mother burrowed out from the ground. At this moment, she was several miles away from Ye Wuque, almost in the sky, the only thing that could be seen clearly was a faint blood-colored rainbow piercing the sky!

But at this moment, Ye Wuque is still surging with devastating fluctuations!

"Little beast! Wait! If you don't retaliate against this old mother, you will swear not to be a man! I want to slaughter the nine races of your blood! Don't keep one!

The **** old native tongue is very resentful, but there is a hint of surprise and pride in his eyes!

This is the end, and she has escaped safely.


Just when the people in the royal capital were frightened and angry, a strange roar suddenly came from the entire sky, and then the world was silent!

Everything seems to freeze and freeze!

The wave of destruction caused by the spontaneous detonation of the high-grade artifact slowly dissipated like broken dust, and the **** brilliance that flooded all directions was completely dimmed, but within one breath, the sky before the capital was restored to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

A tall and slender figure stood on the void, and the corners of the clothes were not disordered, it was Ye Wuque.

"No shortage of!"

"Old Ye!"


Surprising voices sounded again, and everyone's eyes showed infinite excitement. Not only was Ye Wuque safe and sound, but the power that was enough to destroy the entire Star Emperor Empire was easily wiped out by him.

Looking at the direction in which the old **** mother disappeared, Ye Wuque was still expressionless, only the coldness in his eyes remained frozen.

A few miles away, the **** old mother was racing at her limit!

A half-step man king realm who has performed a secret method is escaping with all his strength, how terrifying his speed will be?

In just a few breaths, the **** mother has left the border of the Star Yan Empire, and the speed is still soaring!

But in the next moment!

Just in the ears of the **** mother who thought she had escaped with a sneer on her face, a cold voice suddenly rang!

"Did I allow you to go?"


The **** mother suddenly set off a huge wave in her heart, like an endless thunder blast, an old face instantly turned pale, and her eyes showed unbelievable horror, as if she had eaten a dead fly!

"Do not!"

The **** old mother roared, her tone trembling!

Immediately after the **** mother found that she could not move, she was imprisoned in the void!


Immediately, endless power suddenly overflowed in the surrounding void, and I wanted her to cover it, dragging her directly backwards!

"Impossible! This...this is the power of heaven and earth? How could it be the power of heaven and earth! How can that little beast control the power of heaven and earth?"

As if recognizing the power from the cover, the **** mother was completely crazy!


Like a dead dog, the old **** mother was smashed to the ground once again, and once again returned to the front of King Star King's Capital. Above the void, Ye Wuque stood tall, without moving from start to finish.

On the earth, the old **** mother was struggling frantically. She raised her head to look at Ye Wuque, and there was no more resentment in the eyes of the Scarlet Madness. Some were just despair, infinite despair!

Staring at Ye Wuque, the **** old mother's eyes were filled with death gray, a hoarse voice sounded, and a few words were difficult to spit out: "Use the power to control the are...the king of people!!!"

After these words burst out of her mouth, the **** old mother immediately slumped down, and fell to the ground like mud, as if she had been drained and turned into a dead dog.

She looked at the young figure hunting in the black robe in the void, her heart was roaring, her ears buzzed, and her breathing could not be calmed down. At this moment, her despair reached the limit.

Mobilize the power to control the world!

This represents the unity of nature and man, and the absolute realm!

This is a power that only super powers of the human king realm are qualified to touch, and it is also a sign of the super powers of human king realm.

And the power she was dragged back was the legendary power of heaven and earth!

Ye Wuque can control the power of heaven and earth. Doesn't this prove that he is a king of humans?

A tragic smile appeared on the face of the limp and **** old mother for a moment, her spine was chilling, and goose bumps were growing all over her body. She suddenly felt ridiculous and thought she could escape from birth, but all of this was in Ye Wuque’s eyes. It's just a joke.

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Ye Wuque is the king of men!

The words of the **** old mother reached the ears of everyone in the king, making everyone directly petrified!

"Old flower! I...I have no mistakes in my ears, right? That old witch said Wuwei is...the king?"

Yan Hongxie's open-mouthed boss stammered and asked Hua Nongyue, who was also shocked.

"I heard it too! King of Humans! That is the invincible existence in the legend of Canglan Realm!"

There was a touch of excitement on Hua Nongyue's handsome and unparalleled face. He looked at Ye Wuque and the young man who had risen with him in the Xingyan Genius War. He was full of emotion for a while.

Sikong picked up the sky and shook his head, admiration flooded in his beautiful eyes. Looking at the figure above the void, for some reason, he clenched Ji Yanran's hand beside him. Ji Yanran's eyes reflected Ye Wuque's figure. Again and again!

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