Return of the War God

Chapter 1528: : Xue Tuo

The faces of True Monarch Jiufeng and Granny Xueying suddenly showed boundless anger, and True Monarch Jiufeng smiled with anger, staring at Young Master Xie Ming directly and said: "Are you threatening my eight empires?"

"Yes! I'm threatening you!"

Young Master Xie Ming confronted each other sharply.

The atmosphere is suddenly tense, and it seems to burst out at any time!

"Enough! Xie Ming, you are too presumptuous!"

At this moment, an old voice sounded, and Young Master Xie Ming's expression suddenly changed!

I saw several figures coming out from the depths of the imperial fortress. The deputy head of Tianyan was the leader, and behind him were several elders of the Heaven-Splitting Dao.

The appearance of Deputy Taoist Master Tian Yan made the atmosphere suddenly slow, but the faces of True Monarch Jiufeng and Granny Xueying were still gloomy.

"Deputy Dao Master, I just sincerely want to marry the two girls, I feel a little anxious for a while, and I ask the Vice Dao Master to forgive me."

In front of Deputy Dao Master Tian Yan, Young Master Xie Ming no longer dared to be arrogant, but he still spoke like this.

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Bai Youhuang and Zhen Lan were so angry that the overseas Chinese alliance was white, and the matter was over, this Xie Ming didn't give up.

"For love matters, pay attention to what you want and what you want. You are forced to fall behind. Okay, now that you are here, go to the front line with me to take a look..."

Deputy Dao Master Tian Yan spoke lightly, and Young Master Xie Ming flashed unwillingly in his eyes, but after a fist clasped his fists, he obediently stood behind Deputy Dao Master Tian Yan.

But right after, Deputy Dao Master Tian Yan didn't even look at True Monarch Jiufeng and Granny Xueying, and directly took a few old people into the sky!

Only when Young Master Xie Ming was leaving, he smiled coldly in the direction where True Monarch Nine Phoenix was, and made a throat cut movement.

The faces of True Monarch Jiufeng and Granny Xueying suddenly became ugly!

Deputy Taoist Tianyan's attitude completely ignores them!

But immediately there was a deep sense of powerlessness in their eyes!

This is Heaven Splitting Way!

Within the Canglan Realm, the Heaven Splitting Way is the sky, the overlord, and no one dares to question and resist, otherwise there is only a dead end.

Deputy Dao Master Tian Yan is a half-step human king, in his eyes, he can ignore anyone!

"Oh, let's go..."

Granny Xueying sighed and walked towards the depths of the imperial fortress. True Monarch Jiufeng also looked tired.

Bai Youhuang and Zhen Lan followed the two of them, biting their red lips tightly, and even biting through the relationship with too much force. The blushing blood was left behind, making the two women feel sad and gorgeous.

In the hearts of the two women, for the first time, there was no awe of Heaven Splitting, and instead it was a kind of disgust.


Above the void, under the leadership of Deputy Taoist Master Tian Yan, a group of several people crossed the Wanshui Lanjiang and flew towards the **** fortress!

"That Xuetuo is the ancestor of the **** mandala, and this person is also considered to be an amazing person! In fact, thousands of years ago, the human king was condensed, and he successfully ignited the vitality divine fire in his body and turned into a **** spring. , Successfully stepped into the King of Human Realm!"

"However, at the moment when the Xue Tuo was successful, we didn’t know that we had already received the news. Litian Dao Master and I shot at the same time, and this knocked the Xue Tuo off the dust, severely wounded it, and fell into the King of Human Realm. Otherwise, Thousands of years ago in the Canglan Realm, there has been an extra King of Humans, and the world is in chaos!"

Deputy Taoist Lord Tian Yan spoke lightly, telling the secrets of the past years, and heard the hearts of several old old and Xie Ming young masters trembling.

"But I didn't expect that Xue Tuo didn't die, he carried it over abruptly, and used a thousand years of effort to resurrect the human king corpse in the dark blood ruins, to make up for his shortcomings, and to come back with the human king background. , Once again set foot on the King of Man, this will make a comeback."

"Since I can destroy the Dao of Heaven Splitting once, I can destroy it a second time! In addition to the Dao of Heaven Splitting, I don't need a new King of Man!"

The voice of Deputy Master Tian Yan became cold but domineering!

"This time on a whim, I felt that the hexagram had changed, so I came out to have a look. Although the Xue Tuo merged with the human king corpse and once again set foot in the human king realm, he has not yet achieved completeness and comfort. It will take some time to accumulate. In the retreat, take this opportunity to find out the **** fortress clearly, and wait for the Lord Tao to come and annihilate it in one fell swoop!"


Several old elders and Young Master Xie Ming made a promise, and among the several old elders, Long Qing was impressively listed.

After about a few hours, Deputy Taoist Master Tian Yan and his party came to a hidden place a few miles away from the **** fortress and began to prepare to dig out carefully.

But at this moment, a voice full of silence and sonorousness suddenly resounded through the sky, with a **** and cruel, as if floating from a sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain, making people numb in the scalp and endless fear. Meaning!

"Tian Yan! My ancestor knew you would come, and I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

In an instant, Deputy Dao Master Tian Yan's expression changed suddenly!

"Xue Tuo? You..."


I saw an upright figure suddenly emerged from the blood-bathed fortress. It was a hundred thousand feet tall and blood-red. It was engraved with many ancient inscriptions, full of visual impact, and it was the one with the dark blood ruins. Human King Corpse!

But at this moment, the king corpse opened his eyes, his eyes are evil and cruel, like the gaze of a blood demon!

With a hum, the corpse of the one hundred thousand feet tall man shrank rapidly, and finally turned into a size of ten feet, but the surging momentum became more and more terrifying, the power of the heaven and the earth in the sky was surging, and the king was infinitely majestic!

Xue Tuo!

The ancestor of the **** mandala has now come back again with the corpse of the human king and enters the realm of the human king again!

"Tian Yan, Tian Yan, thousands of years ago, you used Tian Yan to calculate that I was about to set foot in the human king realm. So you and Li Tian joined forces to ambush me and knock me out of the dust. I have been suffering for a full thousand years. I'm back to the top, the enemy of the millennium, let's calculate a little interest today!"

Xue Tuo stared at Tian Yan, and the killing intent in his eyes swept across the nine heavens and ten earth!

"Huh! I can destroy you once, I can destroy you ten times! Xuetuo, what if you set foot on the King of Humans? No wonder the hexagram has changed. It turns out that you have completely integrated the corpse of the King of Humans, but since I dare to come. , Doesn't it count this?"

Tian Yan smiled coldly, he looked like a child, but the sneer on his face at the moment made his scalp numb.

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