Return of the War God

Chapter 1544: : Unparalleled in the world, holy method of fighting!


The nine-five supreme heavenly powers of the front two arms erupted, the dragons, the phoenix, the roars and the cranes rang out in unison, the power of the three supernatural powers came out, turned into three rounds of scorching sun and rose into the sky, was photographed by Ye Wuque, and surrounded his hands Rotating bit by bit!

Then the trajectory of the two arms was also finished, suddenly joined together, and suddenly an indescribable battle intent exploded in Ye Wuque's body, and the origin of the fighting holy law completely broke out, completely awakened!

Everything happened in an instant, Ye Wuque's black hair danced wildly, his eyes became blazing, and the power of the Nine-Five Supreme Heavenly Power to control the three supernatural powers exploded, directly blasting the Heaven-Splitting Divine Power that was cut by Ji Wuzong!


The terrible collision exploded in an instant, and the two forces seemed to collide with the ancient stars. The power of the broken nine days once again shook the entire Canglan Realm, and the cultivators and mortals of the entire Canglan Realm once again felt boundless fear!

"Without the power of the giant bronze cauldron, would you dare to fight against me? It's really reckless! Turn to fly ashes for me...what!!! How is this possible? How can your power soar!!!"

Ji Wuzong sneered, but his voice suddenly changed in the next instant, and his tone became sharp and shocked, full of disbelief and horror!

Above the sky, Yuanli's glory burst, and a figure staggered backwards, extremely embarrassed, it was Ji Wuzong!

After retreating to nearly a million feet, Ji Wuzong stabilized his figure, but immediately his throat trembled, and a mouthful of blood was coughed up!

Ji Wuxian, who coughed up blood, was full of unbelievable expressions, those bizarre eyes stared at Ye Wuque in the distance, his body was shaking!

"This is impossible!!"

With this blow, he was repulsed by Ye Wuque frontally and was directly injured!

In the distance, Ye Wuque stood in the void, with his arms up in the sky, looking lofty and domineering, with a shocking aura, but Ye Wuque's bright eyes revealed a touch of complexity, like recollection, gratitude, and sadness.

"The battle power is superimposed, and the ultimate sublimation! Deduction of the magical powers of the heavens, evolving all the methods of fighting! Is this the true power of the holy law of fighting? Kong, you left me more than the ninety-five supreme heavenly powers, and this... …Holy method of fighting!"

Ye Wuque muttered to himself, his eyes became inexplicably sad, but his body was shining, and every inch seemed to exude extreme fighting spirit!

Holy method of fighting!

This is the true manifestation of the origin of the Holy Dharma of Fighting!

Since Ye Wuque obtained the origin of the holy law of fighting eleven years ago, he died for ten years and finally succeeded in condensing this holy law. This has become the strongest trump card for his rise all the way. If there is no origin of holy law of fighting, There would be no current Ye Wuque.

But the terrifying blow of Ji Wuxian just now made Ye Wuque wander on the edge of life and death, and the potential in his body was forced by the limit, and finally he truly understood the power of the holy law of fighting!

For a long time, Ye Wuque's use of the origin of the fighting sacred law was actually very shallow, confined to the holy way of fighting energy in his body, besides, he didn't have more control and display.

One is because he does not have enough understanding of the origin of the holy warfare, and the second is because although he has successfully condensed the origin of the holy warfare, he has not truly integrated with it.

If you want to truly get the power of the holy law of fighting, and blend it perfectly, the only way is to cross the catastrophe!

The first calamity...Fen Jin destroys veins!

The second calamity... flesh and blood rebirth!

Only after passing through the second calamity of the origin of the fighting sacred law, can it be considered as an official entry, and then can the power of the origin of the fighting fighting sacred law be truly unlocked, stepping into this door, you can see the unparalleled... !

And the fighting sacred magic is infinitely powerful and profound. It can be called one of the most brilliant exercises in the heavens and all realms throughout the ages. It has almost been jealous of the sky, scattered through the ages, and countless times, it is just a shock. The creatures are almost gone!

The power of the Holy Law of Fighting is mainly reflected in two aspects!

}On the latest chapter

One is... war!

When the creature successfully runs and triggers once, it can instantly enter a kind of extreme combat state of runaway. In this state, its own strength, that is, combat power will increase several times!

More than that, the defense power, spiritual sense, combat instinct, reaction speed, and even the speed of the body's elemental energy can be increased!

The second is... fight!

When the spiritual cultivation is strong enough and the realm is high and deep enough, the holy method of fighting combat can unlock and use the potential of the body, gain insight into the principles of all laws, and deduct the supernatural powers of the heavens and evolve all the methods of battle. !

In this state, your own attack power will be increased to an unbelievable level!

If you can comprehend this method to the limit field, in the battle, no matter which clan or line of magical powers, ancient techniques, and secret skills can be used, it can make the opponent create flaws!

This is the horror of the holy method of fighting, it can be called shocking, unparalleled in the world, and jealous!

Although the holy method of fighting and fighting is unparalleled, if you want to turn it into your own use, talent, understanding, opportunity and good fortune are indispensable!

It is even more necessary to possess the flawless and strong physical power to withstand the power that bursts out of your body instantly!

Otherwise, if the physical strength is not enough, even if the Holy Method of Fighting is successfully triggered, the ultimate strength burst will not be able to hurt the enemy at all. It will only hurt yourself in an instant, burst into pieces of flesh, and completely fall!

The reason why Ji Wuzong was shocked by Ye Wuque’s blow and coughed up blood and wounded was because Ye Wuque not only harnessed the power of the three supernatural powers with his ninety-five supreme heavenly powers, but also successfully triggered the battle in the Holy Law of Fighting. Zi Jue, instantly doubled his own combat power!

With double the combat power, the power of the Ninety-Five Supreme Heavenly Power to control the three supernatural powers naturally rose to the limit, and instantly overwhelmed Ji Wuxian's power and knocked it back head-on!

"No wonder Sora let me go all the way to physical training, tempering my physical body, making it stronger and stronger..."

"It's no wonder that both the conciseness and the power of the Holy Way's battle spirit are ten times the general strength of the heaven and earth, which gives me the qualification to win the weak and the strong..."

"All of this is because of the Holy Law of Fighting, and preparations for the Holy Law of Fighting..."

Ye Wuque had already fully understood at this moment. Knowing Kong's good intentions, the longing in his eyes became more intense!

At this moment, Ye Wuque had insight into the origin of the fighting sacred law and obtained the heavenly fighting sacred law, but he was not happy, instead a trace of sadness crossed his eyes.

"If it's empty, it would be great..."

"Sora, I miss you so much..."

Ye Wuque spoke softly, his body shining brightly, the eternal immortal body was surging, the dazzling star flame around his body, as if standing on the other side of the starry sky, with a lonely sadness.

But in the next instant, the sadness in Ye Wuque's eyes disappeared and turned into cold and deep again, and the bright eyes flashed like a heavenly sword in an instant, sweeping through the void, looking at Ji Wuzong in the distance!

His whole person became calmer and calmer, calm and frightening, as if turning into a Primordial Demon Mountain, standing in the void, immovable like a mountain, suppressing Canglan!

/> But Ye Wuque’s physical power was running at an extremely fast speed, and the vision behind him became more and more terrifying, and his momentum was steaming!

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