Return of the War God

Chapter 1560: : Welcome

In an instant, the guard of Fulong County felt a majestic, magnificent, and indescribable force suddenly rushed into his right shoulder, and began to walk along the veins in his body!

Suddenly, Fulong Junshou's whole person was placed in the furnace, and the whole body was filled with compelling high temperature, sweat gushing out, but Fulong Junshou's eyes were surprised!

After only a quarter of an hour, Ye Wuque withdrew his right hand, and Fulong County's guard had already closed his eyes. As Ye Wuque closed his hands, a stream of water vapor evaporated from his martial arts robe. The sweat disappeared.

After Fulong Junshou opened his eyes, his inner spirit flashed away, and was immediately replaced by boundless joy and excitement!

At this moment, Fulong County Guard found that the injuries in his body were not only completely healed, but the vitality in his body was nearly doubled!

In this way, the combat power of Fulong County Defender will also nearly double!

"Fulong, thank you Young Master Ye for his rebuilding!"

Immediately Fulong County Shou was about to hold his fist and give a deep bow to Ye Wuque, but he was blocked by Ye Wuque, and a full ten small jade bottles appeared in Ye Wuqu's hands and placed them in Fulong County Shou's hands.

"The county guard is polite, and these ten bottles of pills will be given to you, as long as you have enough time, you should be able to survive the physical calamity and set foot on a real person."

Ye Wuque smiled and said, only then did he notice the injuries in Fulong County Shou's body and directly assisted him. Now he has given Fulong County Shou enough pill, which is in return for the help of Fulong County Shou.

Fulong County Shou firmly grasped ten bottles of pill, and his excitement was beyond description!

"In the future, the Qingqiu clan will look after the county to take care of you."

Finally, Ye Wuque spoke like this, and Qingqiu Yueyao's beautiful eyes flashed with gratitude.

"It will be worthy of Master Ye's request!"

Fulong County kept a solemn promise, and had made up his mind to stand with the Qingqiu clan.

"Okay, here's the matter, we should go now, little stone..."

Ye Wuque smiled and said, and suddenly a golden figure of hundreds of feet emerged from the Qingqiu mansion, it was a small stone.


The eagle resounded from all directions, the silver eagle outside the sky was shining in the void, and the little stone carried Ye Wuque and the handsome ministers into the sky!

Qingqiu Yueyao looked at Ye Wuque who was about to leave, Lianbu chased after him, and said loudly: "Master Ye! If you have time in the future, you must come to the Qingqiu clan, Yueyao will always wait and welcome you by sweeping the couch!"

The moment this sentence was uttered, Qingqiu Yueyao's beautiful face suddenly turned red!

Fulong County Shou's face also showed a strange meaning!


Why do these four words sound so confusing?

On Tianwai Yinying, Ye Wuque almost staggered, unexpectedly Qingqiu Yueyao would say these four words.

Standing Qingqiu Yueyao's face flushed, but even though she was shy at this moment, she still looked at Ye Wuque courageously, with a trace of firmness and enthusiasm in her beautiful eyes, and a voice echoed in her heart!

"If Young Master Ye can really come, what's the point of sweeping the couch and welcoming him?"

Above the void, Ye Wuque seemed to feel Qingqiu Yueyao's hot and firm eyes, and he couldn't help but coughed. Immediately, the eagle resounded in all directions, and the silver eagle from the sky cut through the sky, leaving only a clear young laugh.

"If it is destined, I can see you again..."

In front of the Qingqiu mansion, Fulong County Guard and Qingqiu Yueyao stood side by side, looking at the silver eagle in the sky slowly disappearing at the end of the sky, with different expressions in their eyes.

The guard of Fulong County was full of amazement and rejoicing. Fortunately, the Dragon Bone County he guarded was able to walk out of such two outstanding figures!

As for Qingqiu Yueyao, only reluctance and... sadness remained in her beautiful eyes.

She suddenly felt that maybe from now on, it would take a long, long time to see Young Master Ye, and she would not even be able to meet again in this life.

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Qingqiu Yueyao has always believed in her instincts, but at this moment she hated her instincts so much, and in the end, she sighed for nothing.


Sin City.

This city is the intersection of the Sifang Realm and the Mystic Light Realm among the nine regions of Dragon Bone County, and is also connected to the Northern Heaven Realm.


When an eagle resounded through the void, only an extraordinary localized warship of the gods and horses fell into the lonely city of sin. It was Ye Wuque and the elegant courtiers.

Looking at the Guilty Lonely City, Ye Wuque's eyes showed a trace of emotion. In his mind, he recalled the scene when he and the elegant ministers walked out of the northern sky region and first entered Longgu County.

Ye Wuque will always remember the amazement and shock when they saw the outside world at the time, and the ten times the rich heaven and earth power made them unforgettable.

"Time is like running water..."

The elegant demeanor sighed lightly, apparently remembering the beginning.

Now, the two of them have finally returned, returning home in fine clothes and honoring their hometown.

Ye Wuque even remembered that they met Qingqiu Yueyao by chance here, and then took Qingqiu Yueyao's localized battleship Ling Waterfall from the Sinful Isolated City to Longgu County, which took several days!

And now, it only took a quarter of an hour for the two to return from Longgu County to the Guilty Isolated City.

As soon as he thought of this, the emotions in both Ye Wuque's and Feng Caichen's hearts became more intense.

"Let's go, we should go back...huh? It's not right!"

But in the next moment, just as Ye Wuque was halfway talking, a chill burst out in his dazzling eyes because there was no one in the entire Sin City!

Here, I don't know when it became an empty city!

And among the nine teleportation formations in the city, Ye Wuque swept away the power of divine consciousness, and instantly discovered that a tragic and cruel aura overflowed from the teleportation formation leading to his hometown North Heaven!

Obviously, at the other end of the teleportation array, that is, within their hometown, an unimaginable battle is taking place!

In an instant, Ye Wuque's eyes gushed with earth-shaking evil spirits, and his killing intent exploded like a fire!

"Dare! I want to see who it is!"

Ye Wuque's voice was like freezing ice, and the entire guilty lone city trembled in an instant, the sky shattered, and the void was wailing!

There was a deep chill in the bright eyes of the handsome minister, and the killing intent was also shocking!

Without any delay, the two rushed directly into the teleportation formation!

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