Return of the War God

Chapter 1566: : Are you going to stand up for him?

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:These dozens of waves are like the scorching sun that traverses between the sky and the earth, so majestic, almost everyone has reached the point of great perfection of the earth soul!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:Especially the person in the lead, has surpassed the Great Perfection of the Earth Soul and reached the peak of the early days of the Heaven Soul Realm!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:For the Northern Sky Territory, an Earth Soul Great Perfection represents absolute invincibility, and it can absolutely suppress the entire Northern Heavens, even the heavens, by oneself The Holy Path and the Tibetan Sword Tomb did their best to hit the stone with the pebbles, which was vulnerable.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: Three thousand years ago, one of the relics of the peerless double pride of the Northern Heavens was a powerful suppression of an out-of-region soul Dzogchen that was invited by the Qingming Shrine, and finally ended sadly. .

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:Now there are more than a dozen Earth Soul Dzogchens, plus a monk who is at the peak of the Heavenly Soul Realm. This lineup is a great It is unimaginable!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: However, this is only for the Beitian monk, if in front of Ye Wuque and Feng Qiechen... just a joke.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:These dozen figures are wearing uniform golden cloaks. The texture is luxurious and exquisite. They are very valuable at first glance. The faces of this group of people are all covered Under the cloak, it was impossible to see clearly.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: But the next moment, a calm voice resounded, and it was the headed cultivator of the early peak of the Heavenly Soul Realm who spoke.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:"You Fen, my father owed you a favor in the past. The so-called father’s debt repayment, today I will return this favor to you, but there is one thing you want Remember, Jin never kills innocent people indiscriminately. No matter what you want to do, I will shoot, but I will only capture and not kill."

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:"Also, I will only make one shot."

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: This voice instantly sounded from the jade slip in the hands of Sect Master You Fen!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: You Fen was not surprised and delighted when he heard it. He stared at Ye Wuque firmly, and the resentment and hatred in his heart almost exploded!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:"Huh! As long as this adult from Xuanguangyu captures this son, it is enough! I will do the rest myself! I want this son You can’t live but die!"

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:In You Fen's view, although Ye Wuque and his demon pets are powerful, they are a great perfection when they die. He and his Youyun Sect are indeed There is no power to fight back, but this adult in the Profound Light Realm is different, and each of the dozen or so people under this adult is the Great Perfection of Earth Soul!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: What's more, this adult himself is the great monk of the legendary Heavenly Soul Realm!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: Moreover, You Fen also accidentally learned that this adult from the Mystic Light Domain was returning to his hometown. He had participated in the Xingyan Genius War a year ago and finally returned alive!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:Xingyan genius fight!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:What an earth-shattering event is this?

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: There are countless Tianjiao who have fallen in the war of genius, but this adult can return safely!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:On this alone, you can see the horror of this adult. Now he has already ruled the Xuanguang domain and has become a well-deserved overlord!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:So, You Fen is full of confidence in this adult!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: "I don't care what you are! But now you are about to become a dead dog! The adults of the mysterious light domain are the legendary monks of the heavenly soul! Hahahahaha...In front of him, you are an ant!

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&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:"You Fen swear here to torture you to death and wailing for a thousand years!"

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:You Fen clung to the jade slip, and grinned wildly at Ye Wuque with bitterness, the hatred in his eyes almost burst out!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:Father of Heavenly Soul Realm!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:You Fen's words immediately changed the expressions of the northern monks in the world!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:Even the people who have relaxed, Tianya Shengzhu and others are suddenly tense, and there is a hint of worry in their eyes. Look at Ye Wuque and the elegant minister Two people.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:"It turned out to be...Heaven Soul Realm! This is a big trouble. I didn’t expect the old boy You Fen to have such a face. You can invite a legend. The Celestial Soul Realm monk among them!"

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: The Sword Master from the West smiled bitterly, and his face became a little pale. It was not fear, but a deep sense of powerlessness.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:For the monks in the Northern Heaven Region, the Great Perfection of the Earth Soul is an unimaginable invincible existence, not to mention the Heavenly Soul monks who dominate it!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:In the entire history of Beitianyu, only the founder of Tianlan Zhenzong, who was the founder of the Tianlan Zhenzong, who has reached such a realm, has been famous for the ages, and will be known forever .

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:The five super sects that followed have never reached such a realm. If Earth Soul Dzogchen is synonymous with invincibility, then Heaven Soul Realm is... God !

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:Not only the Sword Master from the West, but also the Sage Master Linglong, Gu Qingchen, the Sword Master Zhan'e, and even the Sage Master Tianya showed a bitter smile in his eyes. The Holy Master struggled to stand up, as if ready to take action at any time.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:In their eyes, although Ye Wuque and the handsome minister returned, they have only been in just one year since they left. Even if they are both talented, He had only reached the Earth Soul Realm at most now, and would never be an opponent of the Heaven Soul Realm.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:Above the void, Ye Wuqian stands with his hand holding his hand, black hair fluttering, ignoring You Fen's resentful roar, his eyes turn slightly, and he penetrates the far distance Falling on the dozens of figures.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:How can the mere golden cloak block Ye Wuque’s current gaze?

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:In an instant, the true features of the dozens of adults from the mysterious light domain were clearly seen by Ye Wuque.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: Soon Ye Wuque's eyes flashed, slightly surprised, because he still knew the person who came.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:"I didn't expect to be an acquaintance."

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:In the distance, the handsome minister spoke slowly and said such a sentence, the man in the dozen golden cloaks also couldn't hide it from his eyes.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: Ye Wuque looked at the dozen or so people who were rushing here, but his eyes were slightly cold.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:You Fen looked at the dialogue between Ye Wuque and the elegant minister, and felt very strange, as if the two in front of him actually recognized the adults of the mysterious light domain!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:"Huh! Pretend to be a ghost!"

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: Immediately, You Fen sneered, thinking that Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen were doing their best and were already crazy.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:The next moment, You Fen's eyes lit up suddenly, and his expression became excited!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:Because at the end of his gaze, the lord of the mysterious light field and his dozens of earth soul Dzogchen men appeared!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:In the Grand Canyon of Tianya, the vitality in the body of the Holy Lord of the End of the World and the other people surging again, the voice of the Holy Lord of the End of the World also rang gently.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:"Prepare for the battle, even if we die, we must not let Wuwei and the Admiral have an accident!"

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:Above the void!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:"You Fen has seen adults!"

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:You Fen immediately respectfully bowed to the headed Master Profound Light Domain, and then resounded through the world with infinite resentment!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:"I would also like to ask the adults to take action and take these two people to my disposal!"

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:You Fen pointed towards Ye Wuque and the handsome minister, with a vicious look of resentment!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:The figure in the golden cloak stood in the void. After hearing You Fen's words, the eyes under the cloak turned slightly and looked in the direction You Fen was pointing.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:In his opinion, there is no one in this northern sky that can make him face it. If You Fen used his father's favor, he would not Come to this domain.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:However, in the next instant, the moment this Master Xuanguang domain saw Ye Wuque's appearance, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his face was shocked. Big change!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: This person looked at Ye Wuque, and Ye Wuque's cold eyes also looked at this person, and the cold voice resounded.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:"Do you want to help him?"

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:As soon as this was said, the body of the master of the mysterious light domain trembles like a sieve, cold sweat is shaking, and his golden cloak is lifted with one brush. Showed his true face!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: a shawl with thick long blond hair, a handsome face, a pair of eyes shining like the sun, about twenty years old, like a sun god.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: But at this moment, this handsome face is pale, and Ye Wuqian's face is reflected in his eyes, and there is an indescribable panic!


&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:In an instant, the blond man quickly walked towards Ye Wuque, his steps trembled, and then he half-kneeled towards Ye Wuque with a plop. The head was lowered, and a voice of infinite awe and trembling sounded!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: "Jin Ao has seen Mr. Ye! I don't know that it was Mr. Ye who came here! I don't know Taishan! I also ask Mr. Ye to forgive me!"

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: This adult from the Profound Light Domain is no one else. It is the genius from the Profound Light Domain who was recruited by Qingqiu Yueyao along with Ye Wuque and the handsome ministers... Jin Ao!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: This Jin Ao once refused to provoke Ye Wuque before, but was strongly suppressed by Ye Wuque.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:Later, in the qualifiers of Xingyan Genius Fighting Dragon Bone County, if it weren’t for Ye Wuque’s shot to kill the two young masters of the Ziyue Sirius family, Jin Aozao Has fallen into it.

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:From that moment on, Jin Ao had endless awe and admiration for Ye Wuque!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:This sudden scene made this world completely silent!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:All the northern monks in the Tianduan Grand Canyon looked dumbfounded!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:Sacred Master Tianya, Sword Slayer Master, Linglong Saint Master, Xilai Sword Master, Gu Qingchen and others who were already ready to take action all seem to have become After the sculpture, my eyes are full of incredible!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:The legendary monk of the Heavenly Soul Realm!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:The moment he saw Ye Wuque, he knelt down on him with infinite horror!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:" eyes are not blooming, right? This...this..."

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:The voice of the Sword Master from the West is floating, his throat is extremely dry, and his heart is roaring infinitely!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:Above the void, You Fen, who was originally resentful and excited, is completely stunned at this moment!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: As if there were countless nine gods of heavenly thunder exploding in his mind, his brain was boiling!

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:"No...impossible! How could this be? is this possible?"

&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:You Fen’s voice became trembling, the supreme Lord Profound Light Domain in his eyes, the great monk of the heavenly soul, was actually in the black robe boy In front of him, he bowed down in fear, like an ant!

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