Return of the War God

Chapter 1569: :go home together

The War of Youyunzong's invasion of the Northern Horizons that had lasted for several months ended lightly.

The speed was so fast that many Northern cultivators didn't even react, as if they were still in a big dream, their heads were dizzy.

But the fleshy mud of countless corpses not far away is piled up in the Tianduan Grand Canyon, like a real sea of ​​blood, a sickly thick **** smell, reminding all the northern monks that all this is true of!

Millions of Youyun Sect disciples!

Just like that by Ye Wuque’s demon pet, that majestic and golden great ape casually slapped a dozen slaps into a piece of flesh. This shock is almost unforgettable for all Beitian monks in their lifetime, and will always be remembered. Heart!

Even more so that all the northern cultivators were unbelievable, and the infinitely roaring mind was that the Heavenly Soul Realm's Profound Light Domain master fell to his knees in shock after seeing Ye Wuque!

The Beitian monks' brains are no longer enough, they can't understand that in just one year, Ye Wuque and the elegant minister will become such earth-shattering characters!

In the end, Ye Wuque used an unpredictable method to completely unify the four regions, and the Northern Sky Region replaced it, becoming one of the nine new regions of Dragonbone County!

Regarding the rankings of "Dragon Bone County" and "Nine Domains", the Beitian monks were all blank, even the Sage Master of the End of the World, Sword Master Zhan'e and others were like this, and they had never heard of it.

But these are not important for the time being!

Because at the moment, the ups and downs of the Northern Heavens were caught in endless carnival and joy. Their hometown was saved, and all the enemies were defeated. They tried their best to defend their homeland after all.

"Holy Lord, Sword Master, Master, Elder, Senior Brother"

Above the void, Ye Wuque's figure fell, and the coldness on his face melted away like the first snow, replaced by a warm smile, which fell into the Tianduan Grand Canyon and fell in front of the Heavenly Lord.

Similarly, the style minister also fell in front of the sword master Zhan'e.

Jin Ao saw that Ye Wuque and the handsome ministers had all fallen, and he hurriedly followed with a cheeky face. The dozens of Earth Soul Dzogchen's subordinates followed his adult with a look of fear.

"No shortage! Admiral!"

"No shortage of!"

In an instant, too many excited and enthusiastic voices sounded, and a large group of people came to Ye Wuque and the elegant ministers. Those familiar faces were filled with smiles and surprises, with excitement and enthusiasm!

Sage Master Tianya's face was still a little pale, and even coughing constantly, he was already seriously injured, and even more injured by the Dark Fire Burning Heaven Forbidden, and now he could barely stand still.

Seeing this, Ye Wuque immediately took a step forward and put his right hand on the shoulders of the Lord of the End of the World.


The pale face of the Heavenly Lord's body suddenly trembled, and then the pale face became ruddy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the already wilted aura suddenly opened like a Yangtze River!

However, after a few breaths, Ye Wuque withdrew his hand, and the dim eyes of the Heaven's End Lord Lord now became radiant again, and all the injuries in his body were healed!

What surprised the Sage Master Tianya was that his original cultivation level that was stuck on the early peak of the Earth Soul Realm actually loosened, and there were signs of breakthrough. As long as he retreats for a while, the middle Earth Soul Realm will no longer be an unattainable dream!

This scene fell in everyone's eyes, and everyone's eyes looking at Ye Wuque became even more fanatical and admired!

"Hahahaha, my good disciple! If it weren't for you and the admirer this time! We are in danger!"

As Ye Wuque's master, Elder Tian Zhan laughed loudly at this moment, and his expression looked proud and excited. That was a smug!

If you are a disciple, what can your husband want?

"You old thing! What's so proud of! Wuxia is so powerful on himself, what does it have to do with you!"

For the elder Tianzhan with a terrifying look, the elder Tianban suddenly laughed and cursed, but he couldn't see this old thing like that.

In an instant, everyone in the holy way of the heavens laughed, and the sorrow that was originally brought by the war also slowly disappeared.

Ximenzun was stained with blood, stood with Zhuo Bufan, and looked at Ye Wuque, who looked like a star-shaped moon, with a deep admiration and emotion on his face.

"Brother Ximen, it's only been more than a year, Brother Ye has already come to this point, I'm afraid we can't even imagine the achievement!"

Hearing Zhuo Bufan’s words, Ximenzun first put away the Heavenly Lotus Demon Spear, and replied with a smile on his resolute face: “I’m not surprised that Junior Brother Ye has such an accomplishment. I am afraid he has already surpassed the height he reached. limit."

The Mo family's three sisters, Nalan Yan, Fang He, Qiu Haiyue and others all looked at Ye Wuque with a surprise smile, and their hearts were full of excitement.

"Aunt Chen, Aunt Linglong!"

Ye Wuque saw Gu Qingchen and Linglong Saint Lord, and he immediately bowed his fists. For these two elders, Ye Wuque was always grateful and never forgotten.

"Good boy! This time, thanks to you."

"Without you, there would be no North Sky Territory."

Looking at the white and handsome young man in black robes, Gu Qingchen and Linglong Saint Lord were full of pride and satisfaction. In their eyes, Ye Wuque had long been regarded as their nephew.

On the other side, the handsome minister also talked with the sword master Zhan'e, the sword master Xilai and others, and the same warm scene was staged.

"Everyone, this battle of the Northern Horizons is over. We have defended our homeland. Over the past few months, everyone has fought side by side, seeing death as home. Now everything is over, and you can all go home."

The voice of the Holy Master Tianya resounded, echoing between the heavens and the earth, falling in the ears of all the northern cultivators, and it also made their eyes stunned, and there was a kind of relaxation and sigh in their hearts.

"Yeah! We won! We can go home!"

"Go home! Go!"

"Master, let's go home together!"

In an instant, all the Beitian cultivators began to leave, but before leaving, everyone paid a deep respect to Ye Wuque and the handsome officials.

In just a quarter of an hour, the sectarian families in the Northern Heaven Region had gone completely clean, because everyone had to go home.

See p; on the genuine chapter:

"No shortage, we should go home too!"

Sacred Master Tianya smiled and said, all the people of the Heavenly Sacred Path looked at Ye Wuque, as if waiting for his words.

Ye Wuque turned his head to look at the handsome minister, the two of them smiled slightly and nodded slowly.

Immediately, the ministers and the sword master Zhan'er, the sword master from the West and all the disciples of the Tibetan Sword Tomb took the lead and flew towards the Tibetan sword tomb.

Seeing the monk in the Hidden Sword Tomb disappear at the head of the sky, Ye Wuque turned around and looked in the direction of the holy way of the heavens, with laughter rippling.

"Go! Let's go home together!"

As the words fell, Ye Wuque's first person rose into the sky and flew towards the holy way of the heavens.

Hoo hoo

In an instant, all the disciples of the Holy Way of the Heavens followed Ye Wuque, followed their holy son, and went home together.

"My lord, what shall we do?"

A confidant of Jin Ao immediately stepped forward and asked Jin Ao.

Looking at Ye Wuque’s back, Jin Ao suddenly showed a sense of determination and determination: “It’s hard to get a chance to meet Young Master Ye! How can I miss this great opportunity for good fortune? A monk who keeps up with the holy way of the heavens , Remember, we just stopped outside the mountain gate, no one can step into the holy path of the heavens without the order of Ye Gongzi!"

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