Return of the War God

Chapter 1583: :Got to go……

After entering the quiet room, the two women immediately saw the bleeding from the corners of their mouths and the pale face of the elder Tianban, and also saw the radiance of the prohibition that has begun to dim quickly and quickly, and the hearts of the two women suddenly sank!

They are already forbidden Taoists, and naturally understand what the forbidden brilliance and dimness in the forbidden enlightenment means!

"Quick! Push your two's natal ban with all your strength and pour it into the perfect source ban!"

After hearing the words of the elder Tianban, the two women immediately spurred the cultivation of their bodies without hesitation!

The silver moon imprint on Weng Qingyue's forehead shone out, restraining the fluctuations, and his delicate hand touched Ye Wuque's head!

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Mo Qingye's forehead was also flashing with light, but a green leaf, full of vitality, also stretched out a delicate hand to caress Ye Wuque's head!

Celestial Forbidden elder bit his teeth and swallowed a few pills. After swallowing a few pills, his body's cultivation base turned extremely fast again, the forbidden cultivation base broke out frantically, and the old hand overflowed with amazing fluctuations!

In an instant, the three of them unreservedly burst out all their power, gathered together, maintaining Ye Wuque's forbidden enlightenment!

The extremely fast and dim prohibition brilliance can be maintained.

Half a quarter of an hour, a quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour...


Mo Qingye's delicate body trembled suddenly, blood coughed out from his mouth, and the original ruddy face turned pale, and the bright red blood stained the cyan martial dress, like a plum blossom in the grassland.

The delicate hand was already trembling, and Mo Qingye was injured, but even though there was severe pain and emptiness in his body, there was a touch of tenacity flashed in Mo Qingye's wonderful eyes, and his silver teeth clenched!

"Be sure to hold on! Be sure to hold on!"

Mo Qingye is calm and introverted by nature, and is the least conspicuous among the three sisters of the Mo family. He is not as long-sleeved as Mo Honglian, nor is he as charming and cute as Mo Bai's root, but when it comes to tenacity and perseverance, Mo Qingye is far away. Super the other two sisters.

For Ye Wuque, Mo Qingye had already had an inexplicable feeling for Ye Wuque, and at the same time was full of deep gratitude!

Without Ye Wuque, the fate of their three sisters would never be rewritten, and she would not be able to worship into the holy way of the heavens, worship into the palace of the forbidden way, become the apprentice of the elder of the forbidden sky, and enjoy the glory of the holy way of the heavens.

But Mo Qingye understood that the gap between her and Ye Wuque was too big, so big that Ye Wuque was like a hot sun, and she was just a firefly, even if she wanted to repay Ye Wuque, she couldn't repay it at all.

But at this moment she has such a chance!

Therefore, even if he tried his best, Mo Qingye would never let Ye Wuque's prohibition fail.

For an instant, a forceful light flashed in Mo Qingye's beautiful eyes, the willow eyebrows were erected, and the green leaf mark on the forehead burst into a fierce light, making the temperament of Mo Qingye instantly full of heroic aura and a trace. overbearing!

The strength in his body that had been almost dried up was still being sent out endlessly at this moment, and Mo Qingye seemed to be in a very special state!

Mo Qingye was desperate, and Weng Qingyue on the other side was also desperate, biting her silver teeth, ignoring the blood spilling from the corner of her mouth!

The eyes of the elder Tianban were bloodshot, she was under the greatest pressure and paid the most, but even if the last trace of strength in her body was drained, Ye Wuwei had to guarantee the success of the ban.

Two quarters, three quarters, half an hour...

The ban was still going on, Ye Wuque still hadn't successfully awakened yet, obviously he was still feeling the changes in Yuan ban.


Suddenly, with a roar, Weng Qingyue's body was blown out, her body slammed into the wall of the quiet room, blood spurted out of the void, and she finally reached the limit and was rejected by the terrifying force Get out.

Weng Qingyue leaned on the wall, with blood overflowing from her mouth, her face pale, and she couldn't move anymore, all her strength was exhausted, and she gasped quickly.

There was bleakness and self-blame in her beautiful eyes, Weng Qingyue wanted to stand up again, but unfortunately she couldn't.

"Master! Junior sister! Come on! Must... Must succeed!"

Weng Qingyue murmured as she stared at the three figures in the center of the quiet room.

Finally, time has passed an hour!

Mo Qingye's body was already swayed, her face pale, and she was sweating coldly, but she still insisted, the Cuiye imprint exudes a strong brilliance, and her cultivation has been exhausted, but the momentum that overflowed has become much stronger. !


Mo Qingye shot desperately, but under such pressure, he broke through the bottleneck and entered the ranks of intermediate forbidden Taoist masters!

It was precisely because of Mo Qingye's breakthrough that he could last so long.

But manpower eventually has its limit. After a dozen breaths, the bang reverberated again, and Mo Qingye was also blown out, hit the wall, and sat down with Weng Qingyue, with red lips bleeding.

In the end, only Elder Tianban was left.

And the elder Tianban has also reached the limit!

Half a quarter of an hour later, a deep self-blame flashed across the bloodshot eyes of Elder Tianban, and her whole body was also shaken out, and the blood was spilled into the sky!

But at the moment when the Celestial Forbidden Elder was shocked and flew out, the moment when the brilliance of the restraint was completely dimmed, a strange roar suddenly came from Ye Wuque's body!

Immediately, everything subsided.

In the quiet room, Ye Wuque sat cross-legged in the center, and his whole body no longer had the brilliance of restraint, as if restraint had failed.

Elder Tianban, Weng Qingyue, and Mo Qingye each leaned against the wall and stared at Ye Wuque closely!

"Master... Master... Did... really fail?"

Mo Qingye's voice trembled, she was afraid of the result.

"do not know."

The elder Tianban shook his head, and there was a bit of bitterness on the old face, which was unsure.

The difficulty of Ye Wuque's prohibition surpassed her imagination, even the master of Forbidden Dao could not explain the final result.


Suddenly, a dazzling light suddenly lit up on the head of Ye Wuque who was sitting cross-legged, and a special wave of waves rippled up and down his whole body!

But this wave of fluctuation is so familiar to Elder Tianban, Weng Qingyue and Mo Qingye!

"This is... the suppression of fluctuations! It succeeded! The Saint Son succeeded in the ban!"

Weng Qingyue cried out with excitement, her pale pretty face filled with blush, and her eyes were full of surprises!

Mo Qingye cried with joy, looking at Ye Wuque, who was shining all over, he was countless times more happy than her own breakthrough.

The bitter expression on the elder Tianlong Canglong who was leaning against the wall was gone, replaced by intense excitement and excitement!

"God pity! Hahahahaha..."

Sitting cross-legged, Ye Wuque suddenly opened his eyes, and suddenly there seemed to be cold electricity in the quiet room!

The mind returned, Ye Wuque's eyes were a little dazed at first, and then they became clear.

Ye Wuque felt the warmth all over his body, as if he was soaking in a hot spring, extremely comfortable, and there was a deep understanding in his heart.

"Is this... the power of restraining one group?"

Ye Wuque murmured to himself, Xuan even saw the three people in the quiet room, his eyes condensed suddenly, he understood everything, and a trace of apology appeared in his eyes.

With a flash of figure, Ye Wuque appeared directly beside Weng Qingyue and Mo Qingye, stretched out his hands and grabbed the two women's slender hands, causing the two women to tremble at the same time, and there was a hint of joy and shyness in their beautiful eyes!

With a heartbeat, the vast and unparalleled sacred way fighting energy was directly transferred into the two women's bodies. In an instant, the two women were refreshed, and the injuries in their bodies began to heal quickly, and they immediately began to adjust their breath with all their strength.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Wuque's figure flashed to the side of the elder Tianban, drawing a gourd in the same way, and healed the elder Tianban.

"Unexpectedly, banning for me caused you to suffer such a severe injury!"

"Haha, no shortage, don't blame yourself, you don't know how happy you are now as a teacher! All the efforts are worth it!"

Feeling the sacred road war energy exploding in the body, the spirit of the elder Tianban also lifted, and the serious injuries in the body healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The elder Tianban smiled and looked at Ye Wuque in front of him with pride and excitement in his eyes, and immediately said to Ye Wuque again: "Wuqi, your forbidden revelation has been successful, and the source forbidden is carved in the body. Days, for as long as seven or eight days, when the source forbidden in your soul space is completely rooted, you truly become a...junior forbidden master!"

After saying this, the elder Tianban closed his eyes and started to heal his injuries with all his strength.

The quiet room became quiet, Ye Wuque stood up long, recalling the words of the elder Tianban, a trance came out from the depths of the bright eyes.

"Finally became a junior forbidden master... are you leaving..."

A light sigh sounded from Ye Wuque’s mouth, he was not pleased, the trance in his eyes turned into a deep feeling of dissatisfaction, his eyes seemed to penetrate the quiet room, the Forbidden Dao Palace, and the Heavenly Dao. , Fell on the entire northern sky domain.

Because Ye Wuque understood that becoming a Junior Forbidden Taoist Master meant that he was about to leave Canglan Realm completely.

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