Return of the War God

Chapter 1595: : Weird and cold divine power

The vortex contacted by the silver eagle outside the sky is the channel for the release of Silver Moon Star, and everything that enters the silver moon star must enter the channel for release before entering.

"It's even more magnificent when you look up close! This Silver Moon Star is only a subsidiary star of the Blue Sea Star, so there is such a view, tusk..."

The silver eagle from the sky slowly flew into the silver moon star, Ye Wuque constantly scanned all directions, and saw the full picture of this silver star, which was silver, like platinum, extremely vast and prosperous.


At this moment, it is not only the silver eagle outside the sky, there are almost countless floating warships and localized warships flying in and out of the entire Silver Moon Star, exuding a vast atmosphere!

According to Balao, this is one of the thirty-three main stars of the Eastern Star Region of the Big Dipper. Every day there are countless creatures that pass by or come here specially. The horror of popularity is unimaginable!

It took a full quarter of an hour before the Tianwai Yinying flew to the end of the release channel and landed.

When Ye Wuque really landed on Yinyue Star and put away the sky outside the silver eagle slowly walked out of the channel port, he finally saw the prosperous and blazing Yinyue Star!

As far as I can see, it is a city that towers over heaven and earth, all in ancient silver, lying across the entrance of Silver Moon Star, stretching for an unknown number of miles, full of ancient atmosphere, as if through the vicissitudes of time.

On the top of the city gate are carved two huge "Silver Moon" writings, silver hooks and iron paintings, very gorgeous.

Ye Wuque, wearing a black cloak, stood in front of this city pass, looking at the area behind the city pass, his eyes filled with shock.

"Even if it's just an affiliated star, this Silver Moon Star is countless times stronger than the Canglan Realm!"

At the same time, various streams of light continued to escape from Ye Wuque's surroundings, and then walked into the Yinyue City Pass. He was extremely familiar, and obviously most of them were not here for the first time.

Ye Wuque scanned the surroundings with his eyes flashing.

"Good guy! Is this the background under the stars? Any cultivator has at least the cultivation base of the Three Tribulations True Venerable! The Three Tribulations True Venerable Great Perfection can be seen everywhere!"

After scanning for a week, Ye Wuque immediately noticed that there were only a handful of true monarchs of the Second Tribulation and True Persons of the First Tribulation, and almost all of them were true masters of the Three Tribulations Realm, and there were even many masters in the Half-Step Human Realm. .

This is just before Silver Moon City Pass, what kind of scenery would it be in the larger stars?

Ye Wuque smiled dumbly, and there was a hint of heat in his eyes.

"That's interesting..."

Right now, Ye Wuque no longer hesitated anymore, and also strode towards Yinyue Chengguan, wanting to enter the interior of this ancient star.

"A person who enters the silver moon star must pay 100 best yuanjing!"

An icy voice rang out into Ye Wuque's ears.

I saw eight monks wearing silver armor standing on each side before the Silver Moon City Pass, all with cold faces and strong evil spirits overflowing all over their bodies. They were obviously the guards of this Silver Moon City Pass.

Ye Wuque's eyes flashed and he smacked his tongue secretly. Just to enter the Silver Moon City, one must pay one hundred best yuan crystals. If it is a day, this kind of profit is an astonishing figure, and it is even more unimaginable to continue for months and years.

Ye Wuqian completely entered the Silver Moon Star after paying the 100 best Yuanjing.

But when he stepped into the city, he suddenly felt a strange and cold divine power sweeping from a very secret place on the right!

Ye Wuque's eyes flashed in the depths, but he didn't act rashly, but walked forward as if there was no one else.

Because this weird and cold divine power just dissipated after less than a breath of time around him, and Ye Wuque's keen sense was that it was not aimed at, all the cultivating creatures who entered the Yinyue City Pass were taken away. This power of divine thought shrouded, and none of them fell.

Ye Wuque’s power of divine consciousness has almost reached the peak of the soul king, far surpassing his cultivation base. Naturally, he can detect this cold and strange divine power. It is not aggressive, but has a strange discernment and exploration. meaning.

It seems that this sudden power of divine mind has been checking every monk who enters and exits Silver Moon Star, and must have a plan.

Since it was not aimed at him alone, it would be better to do more than to do less, Ye Wuque ignored it, and set off towards Yinyue Star, enjoying the prosperous and vastness of Yinyue Star.

Just after Ye Wuque left, in a deep alley on the left side of Yinyue Chengguan, there seemed to be several silhouettes. Everyone wore a weird green cloak to hide their true face, and one of them was holding one in his hand. Not too big, not too small, the pitch-black compass.

If Ye Wuque were here, he would definitely find that the strange and cold divine power that had just come from this pitch black compass.

These few figures seem to have been standing here for a long time, constantly detecting every monk entering and leaving Silvermoon City with a compass.

"Boss, we have been guarding here for more than 20 years! Maybe that **** has escaped long ago? How long shall we guard?"

Suddenly, one of them spoke, and there seemed to be a trace of complaints that had been accumulated in his tone.

After a long time, another deep voice sounded slowly, and it was the person holding the pitch-black compass.

"Standing at the city gate to prevent that **** from escaping from Silver Moon Star, this is the task the Young Master has given us! Don't go against it, otherwise you don't know the end?"

The person holding the pitch-black compass is obviously the leader of this group, and the breath of the rest of the people is suddenly stagnant after speaking.

Especially after hearing the words "Young Master", the eyes of the group of people behind them under the cloaks were filled with a hint of fear, and all of them were downcast.

The leader seemed to feel that his words were a bit suppressive, and immediately said: "Don't worry, since we have been guarding for 20 years, then don't care for a few more years. According to the above news, the young master seems to have invited a soul. The master cultivator will search out that **** from the silver moon star."

"That **** was seriously injured. In the past twenty years, the direct sales disappeared within the Silver Moon Star. She did not dare to show up. The injury would definitely not be able to recover. In addition, she had long been locked in with her spiritual aura. It's about to be completed, and once I go back, the reward will be very rich."

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"So let's bear with it for a while."

As soon as the leader said this, the rest of the people were magically shaken up, and they all claimed.

At the same moment.

Ye Wuque had already strolled inside the silver moon star, widening his horizons, and by the way, he was also paying attention to the various messages inside the silver moon star.

After a full three hours, he stopped in front of a magnificent decorated pavilion.

"Yinyue Pavilion, it is said that this pavilion is one of the largest auction houses in Yinyue Star..."

After Ye Wuque looked at the plaque, he immediately stepped into it.

Half an hour later, Ye Wuque, who was covered in black robe, walked out of Yinyue Pavilion.

Under the cloak, Ye Wuque's eyes showed a faint smile, rubbing the Yuanyang Ring on his right hand, seemingly rewarding.

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