Return of the War God

Chapter 1806: : The strongest inheritance of the Fengling General

"Mo Xuan...dead?"

After a long time, Nie Long on the lonely mountain said with difficulty, his entire throat was dry, and his tone was extremely hoarse and trembling, as if he was dreaming.

On the other lonely mountain, the beautiful face of the bird was pale during the day. She raised her gaze to the only figure standing under the sky, and there was an endless admiration and awe, and even more fear!

There was no smile on Rong Fengduo's national beauty and Tianxiang's face long ago, and it was replaced by an extreme shock and solidification!

"He actually... killed Mo Xuan!"

Muttering to himself calmly Fengduo's mouth sounded, with the same trembling, her delicate body was chilling, it was cold!

Between heaven and earth, countless cultivators trembled and lost their senses, still unable to recover from the boundless shock and reality, unable to believe all this.

That's how Mo Xuan, who swept over ten thousand continents, died?

Not even the bones were found, it was turned into ashes and fell into Ye Wuque's hands.

"The confinement of spirits is over, the strongest... Ye Wuque!"

Suddenly, a blue dragon's voice resounded loudly, breaking the dead silence between heaven and earth, and it was the withered old woman who spoke.

But at this moment, the withered old woman looked at Ye Wuque's muddy eyes, but it was a deep satisfaction and joy.

Following the words of the withered old woman, the monks finally came back to their senses. Their gazes towards Ye Wuque slowly changed, becoming full of awe, admiration, and even worship!

The battle between the dragons and the tigers finally came to an end, and Ye Wuque laughed to the end, and he killed Mo Xuan with his terrifying strength!

"! This is not true! This is not true! Master Xuan... Master Xuan died? This is impossible!"

Yingyi's whole person is crazy, he is trembling all over, the endless fear and bitterness on his face are intertwined, and he screams crazy, he can't accept all this!

Like a mythical peerless Tianjiao, Mo Xuan, the most stunning and unparalleled genius on the Scarlet Fire Star, not only did not avenge Mo Jie, but also took up his own body, and died in the hands of Ye Wuque, with no bones left!

Above the void, Ye Wuque slowly floated down, but a pair of dazzling eyes contained a trace of killing intent, and he looked at Ying Yi!

9) First release of positive r version


For a moment, Ying Yi was pinched by someone's throat, and the expression of fear on her face was frozen, her mouth opened wide, and her whole body was shaking!


Ying Yi felt a crisis of death that was so intense that he was about to flee immediately. Unfortunately, he couldn't even move at all!

The whole person has been imprisoned in place by an infinite force!

"Ye Wuque! You killed Master Xuan! My Mo family absolutely can't spare you, and I will never die with you!"

Ying Yi screamed frantically, but immediately he saw the teasing and ridiculous eyes around him, and his whole person suddenly trembled, and immediately showed endless despair and despair in his eyes!

Even the king of the thirty-one divine springs like Mo Xuan died in the hands of Ye Wuque, what is the Mo Family?

The strongest Patriarch of the Mo Family only has thirty divine springs. If you really dare to come to Ye Wuque, then one of them counts as one, all of them are too long to die!

"No! I don't want to die! Go around me..."

Ying Yi let out a miserable howl, but even if the spin stopped abruptly, the whole person fell directly to the ground, with endless fear and distortion on his face, completely losing his breath.

At the same time, Ye Wuque also gently fell back to the ground.

When this shadow was on the main star of Scarlet Fire, he had already let go of it once, but he didn't expect to chase it without giving up. This time, Ye Wuque would naturally not show mercy.

"Ye Wuque, your excellence has surpassed my imagination, and the master's strongest inheritance entrusted to you is not insulting the master's lifetime effort."

On the sculpture of Dan furnace, the old woman with withered hair spoke, even with a smile in her tone.

"Senior is absurd."

Ye Wuque also smiled slightly, but his face was calm, without any ecstasy or arrogance.

However, at this moment, Ye Wuque breathed a sigh of relief slowly, becoming the strongest person in the spirit sealing and martial arts, the spirit sealing divine sword should belong to him.

"Mo Xuan is dead, and the three of you, come together."

Immediately afterwards, the old woman with withered hair spoke to Nie Long, Rong Fengduo, and Tianqin, and a surprise suddenly appeared on their faces!

The day bird was even more pleasantly surprised, she did not expect that she would have such a chance.

In an instant, the figures of the three of people flickered, and they came to the front of the pill furnace sculpture.

But the three of them unconsciously stopped three feet away from Ye Wuque, and didn't dare to go forward even half a step!

There was a deep admiration and awe on Nie Long's face, just like the day bird.

But here, Rong Fengduo didn't have any smile on her face. She even subconsciously didn't dare to look at Ye Wuque, for fear that she would offend Ye Wuque. She didn't have any more thoughts about Ye Wuque in her heart. Just endless fear!


The old woman withered hair flicked his right hand, and the brilliance enveloped Ye Wuque. The four of them suddenly turned into a stream of light and rushed directly into the pill furnace sculpture!

After the rumbling, the sculpture of the pill furnace sank slowly into the ground and disappeared completely.

At this point, Fengling Huiwu finally ended.

A famous monk withdrew his awe-inspiring gaze, and his figures rose into the sky, leaving the Sealed Spirit Continent like a locust crossing the border.

It won't take long to think about it, and all the news of this spirit sealing and martial arts will be completely spread on the surrounding continents!

At the same time, the name Ye Wuque will inevitably lie on the tens of thousands of continents like the same day, and will be passed on forever!



There was a roar in his ears, and immediately Ye Wuque realized that he seemed to have come to a cave, but there was plenty of light inside, and his feet were on a solid ground.

At this moment, Ye Wuque found that there was only one person in this cave. The three people in the daytime sparrow, and even the withered old woman disappeared.

However, Ye Wuque was not surprised by this. He saw that he walked along the cave mansion and after a dozen or so breaths, his eyes suddenly brightened!

At the end of his sight, a stone platform appeared in the depths of the cave, and on that stone platform, there were dozens of small jade bottles. In addition, there were two pieces of jade each emitting a different light. simple!

Not surprisingly, this is the strongest inheritance Feng Ling will leave!

However, Ye Wuque frowned immediately, because he suddenly discovered that there was nothing on the stone platform besides these things, and the Spirit Sealing Divine Sword was not here.

You must know that the most fundamental reason why Ye Wuque participated in the Spirit Sealing Meeting was for the spirit sealing divine light in this Spirit Sealing Divine Sword.

But Ye Wuque was not in a hurry, but stood with his hand in his hand and waited quietly. He believed that the withered old woman would still appear.

Sure enough, about a quarter of an hour later, a figure appeared out of thin air in the cave, and it was an old woman with withered hair.

As soon as the old woman withered hair appeared, her turbid eyes flashed, and there was a hint of doubt in it. She found that Ye Wuque hadn't moved the strongest inheritance left by Feng Linghui, but seemed to be waiting for herself.


Seeing the withered old woman appeared, Ye Wuque spoke respectfully immediately.

"Ye Wuque, are you waiting for me? Do you have any questions?"

For the strongest heirs selected by the master, the withered old woman's attitude is obviously not the same as before, revealing a touch of closeness.

"Senior, can Feng Ling grant me the magical sword of the sealing spirit?"

When Ye Wuque asked, the withered old woman was startled at first, and then smiled: "It turns out that you want the Spirit Sealing Sword, but the Spirit Sealing Sword has been damaged so badly that it is about to be abandoned and can no longer be used for fighting. I naturally did not include it in the inheritance, but if you want it, then give it to you."

The old woman with withered hair waved her right hand, and suddenly an ink-colored long sword appeared in her hand. The shape was exquisite and gorgeous, but cracks appeared on it, destroying the beauty and making it easier to feel that this sword is about to be abandoned. It is impossible to support the battle.

This scene suddenly made Ye Wuque's heart burst. He hurriedly asked, "Senior, can the spirit sealing light in this spirit sealing sword still be used?"

"Spiritual Divine Light? Although this sword has been abandoned and cannot be used in combat, the Spiritual Divine Light should still be used two or three times."

The old woman withered hair handed the Spirit Sealing Divine Sword to Ye Wuque while answering.

After Ye Wuque, who had held the Spirit Sealing Sword, heard these words from the withered old woman, a hanging heart finally fell, and his face also showed a relieved expression.

"I finally got it. Fortunately, I didn't work in vain..."

Looking at the Spirit Sealing Divine Sword in his hand, Ye Wuque breathed a sigh of relief.

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