Return of the War God

Chapter 1808: : Overlord!


However, in the next moment, a cracking sound suddenly sounded within the Danding, extremely slight, but still unable to escape Ye Wuque’s ears, and immediately he saw a wave of about a finger length appearing on the smooth, mirror-like seal. Cracks.

"Well, it doesn't seem to be ineffective at all."

Seeing the crack that came from that finger, Ye Wuque was also a little bit dumbfounded. Only when the three spiritual sealing lights went down, it had such a little effect.

"Huh! The power of the Dan ban lies in its integrity, and it can't be broken even with force, but now that there is a crack, even if it's just this tiny one, it also means that the complete Dan ban has been broken, and the rest is nothing but It's just lingering."

As soon as Balao said this, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly lit up!

With a buzzing sound, without any hesitation, the holy way's fighting spirit directly surging surgingly gathered on the right fist, and the physical force rolled, and immediately Ye Wuque slammed down the crack in the second layer of ban!


The huge roar resounded, the golden light exploded, Ye Wuque's punch was extremely ferocious!

Kaka Kaka...

When he raised his right fist, he immediately heard a cracking sound, and there were second and third more cracks in the seal!

Bang bang bang...

The next step was very straightforward. Ye Wuque’s fist was smashed. After the seventh fist was smashed heavily, like a mirror falling to the ground, the entire second level of ban was finally completely broken!

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The two ten-grade pills in it suddenly resembled wild horses that had taken off its rein, the flood dragon returning to the sea, without the suppression of the ban, soared into the sky from the pill cauldron, imagining it and leaving!

The tenth grade is already alive!

But how could Ye Wuque let these two pills escape?

A big golden hand directly grabbed it down and grabbed the two pills. After the Holy Path's battle energy was swallowed, the two pills finally came down.

After letting go of his hands, two pills of silver and purple lay quietly on the palm of his hand, silver like a flame, burning blazingly, extremely gorgeous, purple like stars, mysterious and magnificent, and the tentacles are warm and warm.

"Haha, Balo, fortunately not insulting life."

Ye Wuque laughed slightly, and Balao in the Soul Space couldn't help but laugh.

In the next instant, an invisible force shrouded in Ye Wuque's soul space, wrapped in the silver pill and disappeared in a flash, obviously Balao had already taken action.

"The ten-grade pill that I need is a silver deity transforming spirit pill, which is not known to be beneficial to the soul. As for the other purple one, it is a bit peculiar. It is a bit similar to the several pill that I have in mind, but for a while I still can’t tell. When you get to the place I want you to be, there will always be a way to tell."

Although Balao's voice was still flat at the moment, it was filled with a touch of joy and enthusiasm. Obviously, this silver deified spirit pill was really useful for his soul!

After hearing Balao's words, Ye Wuque nodded slowly, took out a small jade bottle and put the purple tenth-grade pill into it, and immediately looked at Taixu Lian Tianding, a strange meaning came out of his eyes!

At this moment, the Taixu Lian Tianding was submerged by a ray of bronze radiance, and there was a simple and mighty breath rippling, as if it was gestating some mysterious power!

This scene made him immediately remember the scene when the first layer of the Taixu Lian Tianding was broken. Obviously, after the second layer of the ban was broken, the Taixu Lian Tianding once again entered the recovery and evolution.

"I'm a little bit looking forward to what kind of grade Taixu Refining Tianding can achieve after it recovers its true colors!"

Ye Wuque murmured to himself, with a move with his right hand, Taixu Lian Tianding immediately disappeared in place, and he was included in Yuanyang Ring.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Wuque stopped staying, his body flashed, flew away from the jungle, and continued on his way.

However, while flying, Ye Wuque spoke again and asked Balao, with a strong curiosity in his tone: "Ba Lao, just now you said that the'Overlord' and the'Brigadier General' represent What do you mean?"

"Hmph, your kid has sharp ears, just to say about the ‘good luck’ message given to you, so let’s tell you all!"

In the Soul Space, Balao responded to Ye Wuque while playing with the Silver Deity Transformation Pill, the eyes under the mask filled with heat.

This caused Ye Wuque's brows to suddenly pick up, listening with respect.

"I have said many times before that the human king realm is one of the important realms that link the previous and the next. The strength is determined according to the number of divine springs. A group of twenty divine springs is called the quasi-human king. The human king! And the title in the human king territory is not just these two! Its title is determined according to the number of Shenquan!"

"From the twenty-one divine springs to the forty-nine divine springs, they are all called kings. But after the monks have really opened up the forty-ninth divine springs in their bodies, they will face a huge bottleneck and shackles. It is more difficult to open up the fiftieth sacred spring than from the first sacred spring to the forty-ninth sacred spring!"

"This is the second great watershed within the human king realm! Almost 70 to 80% of the human king monks have stopped at the 49th divine spring, breaking through hopelessness, and can only choose to attack the next big realm!"

"Only those genius monks who are born, talented, or have amazing opportunities can break this bottleneck and shackles and open up the fiftieth divine fountain!"

"And in the territory of the King of Humanity, the total number of sacred springs that can be opened up is 100, and fifty means half. Once this step is successfully taken, it also represents a milestone! Just like the saying of a mortal in his age, Fifty years old is called knowing the destiny! It is an extremely important age!"

"If the monk really opens up the fiftieth divine fountain, then not only will the cultivation base increase sharply, but he will also evolve, the life level will be transformed to another level, and the entire foundation will reach a totally new world! "

Ye Wuque had been listening quietly, and after Balao said this, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes under the cloak!

"You guessed it, yes, once a monk has opened up the fiftieth divine fountain and stepped into this brand new world, their heights will be different, and they will become absolute tyrants among the kings from then on! So, open up The Fifty Ways of Shenquan, Monk King, has a new title, that is..."


Ye Wuque spoke softly and said the answer!

Overlord, impressively, is the third title exclusive to the human king realm after the quasi-human king and the human king, and it is also a powerful and absolute symbol!

Any monk who is qualified to be called the Overlord King must be a strong person who opens up fifty divine springs.

"You already know everything about the Overlord, so let's talk about the so-called ‘commodore’ and ‘general’."

Balao continued to speak, Ye Wuque's expression straightened again, and he listened quietly.

"As for the concept of human king Feng Jiang, you have come into contact with it a long time ago. Even in the corners of the Canglan Realm, there are human kings who can make generals, but like the human king realm cultivation base, human kings are also among the generals. There are also different levels."

"If the title of King of People is a symbol of strength and status, then the title of'Feng Jiang' is the embodiment of glory and value!"

"And there are three levels of the title of general!"

"The first and lowest level is called...commodore."

"This is also the most common and **** one. There is no need to have compulsory strength restrictions. Even if it is just a monk in the Dragon Gate realm and the Half-Step King, as long as he has participated in a large-scale recruitment in the star field battlefield, it will become a One of the most difficult missions to form a combat power, if you achieve a certain amount of merit, you can become a brigadier general."

"The second level of the title of general is called... general!"


Upon hearing this title at first, Ye Wuque felt a boundless domineering approach!

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