Return of the War God

Chapter 1820: : Enjoy despair!

this moment!

The corners of Ye Wuque's mouth, who fleeed in three directions respectively, had a sneer, and the expression on his face was exactly the same!

"It deserves to be the killer of the Fengling General! This Ten Transformation Divine Shadow supernatural powers are really mysterious! The condensed divine shadow clone is essentially different from the ordinary clone. It uses my blood as the medium and contains everything about me. Can't tell!"

At the same time, Ye Wuque also felt a trace of rejoicing. If it hadn't happened to have obtained these Ten Transformations before then, I am afraid that today's situation would be very troublesome.

The three Ye Wuques behind the sky demon wings flapped and exploded rapidly, fleeing farther and farther, and almost soon disappeared at the head of the sky, and at this moment, they could not take out the heavenly eagle, otherwise the body would be directly exposed.

At the same moment, the human monks on the two floating warships in the distance heard the sound transmission from Ye Wuque!

"Go away, don't delay any longer!"

The sudden sound transmission awakened the monks of all races. Some of them stood up immediately after flashing their experienced gazes, launched the floating warship, and began to flee at speed!

"En Gong has a strong cultivation base, and he can definitely escape his birth!"

"Yes! If we stay, we will become a burden to our benefactor and we will lose our lives in vain!"

Someone is talking, hit the nail on the head!

Fortunately, although the two floating warships have been damaged, they have not suffered irreversible damage and can still continue to cross the void!

After just a few breaths, the two floating warships went away as well!

In one of the floating battleships, Hao'er hugged his mother tightly, looking back at the direction where Ye Wuqian disappeared in the distance with big eyes, and Ye Wuqian's face was deeply imprinted in his mind, and his little heart was Ye Wuqian. prayer!

"Gong, you must survive!"

Mother Hao murmured while holding her son, and the same prayer and deep gratitude came out of her beautiful eyes!


"Little beast! Even if you have a clone, you can't escape the palm of the deity!"

In the starry sky, the giant-faced creatures were roaring. He naturally noticed that the two floating warships were escaping quickly, but at the moment, there was only one Ye Wuwei in his heart. The human monks on the two floating warships were nothing but ants in his eyes, so he didn't care.

Seeing Ye Wuque fleeing further and further in three directions, the cold eyes of the giant face creatures burst out with a stern look, as if he had made a certain decision!


In the next instant, there was a roar, and I saw that the remaining **** of the big **** hands fell off spontaneously, turning into two **** brilliance and rose up into the sky, and Ye Wuque, who fleeed in two directions, rushed away at extreme speed!

After falling off two fingers, the huge face creature in the palm turned red, and then a blood mist spurted out, and the breath became wilted!

The method he used just now is not only the power of the true spirit left behind, but also the power of the body, but such behavior will make him pay a price and suffer a backlash!

But now the giant face creatures have ignored them and must kill Ye Wuque!

"Little beast! Die to me!"

Immediately, the giant face creature soared up with the entire scarlet palm, and also turned into a **** radiance, Ye Wuque rushing to the third direction, the speed is extremely terrifying!

"not good!"

Ye Wuque, who was fleeing extremely fast, felt a strong life and death crisis in his heart for an instant, and immediately his expression changed!

Because I have already felt that one of the ghost clones has been destroyed!

After five breaths, the second **** shadow clone was also destroyed!

At this moment, Ye Wuque's body is left!

And after Ye Wuque's body, it was the **** brilliance that the giant face creature turned into, rushing in extremely fast!


The giant face creature roared, he paid a lot of price, just to kill Ye Wuque!

"Want to kill me! It's not that easy!"

Ye Wuque's eyes were similarly sharp, and the light on his right hand flickered, and a magic mirror suddenly appeared, it was the God Splitting Mirror!

The Heaven Splitting Mirror obtained by Ji Wuzong had already been refined by Ye Wuque, but it had never been used.

The holy way's battle energy was injected frantically, and the Heaven-Splitting God Army burst out with bright light, and finally a Heaven-Splitting Lore Light shot out from it, crashing into the giant face creature!


The terrible roar exploded, and the giant-faced creature was submerged!

But Ye Wuque didn't even look at it here, turned around and continued to flee!

"Little beast!"

A roar shook the sky, and the giant-faced creature leaped out of the brilliance, but the **** brilliance had become extremely illusory, as if it would disappear at any time!

The time he kept has finally arrived, and the true spirit is about to collapse!

For a moment, Ye Wuque seemed to really want to escape!

The eyes of the giant face creatures were filled with extreme unwillingness and anger. He had never expected this human race kid to be so tricky that he couldn't kill him no matter what!

However, in the next instant, the eyes of the giant face creatures suddenly condensed, as if they had seen something, and a touch of fierceness and sharpness came out of them immediately!

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Another mouthful of blood mist sprayed out, and the **** brilliance that had dissipated was once again condensed by three points, and continued to chase and kill Ye Wuque!

Ye Wuque, who was fleeing in front of him, immediately felt the horror wave coming again, his hair standing upright, and he immediately raised the Heaven Splitting Mirror again, wanting to send out another Heaven Splitting Light!

However, there was a sharp pain in the body immediately, blood was coughed out from the corner of his mouth, and he could not draw enough sage war energy to stimulate!

After all, Ye Wuque was already seriously injured at this moment, and his only shot of Heaven-Splitting Lore only exhausted his power!

Feeling the horrible fluctuations behind him, Ye Wuque stared sharply, suddenly turned around, and raised the Heaven Splitting Mirror in his hand and slammed it directly forward!


As if the water was cut off by a knife, the God-Splitting Mirror hit the **** brilliance of the giant-faced creature, and cut it open. It seemed that the giant-faced creature was just a fake tiger, without any extra energy!

"That's it! It turns out that the time for your existence has come!"

Ye Wuque understood immediately, and a touch of brilliance broke out in his bright eyes!

But then he noticed the triumphant color in the eyes of the giant face creatures!


After a touch of ignorance in his mind, Ye Wuque felt a huge force coming, and he was thrown away directly. Although it did not cause serious injuries, it made Ye Wuque unable to resist the serious injuries, and moved towards the extreme speed behind. Rewind away!

Ye Wuque's whole person was like being blown by a big fan!

In the next moment, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly condensed, because he felt a huge suction covering him!

After he looked up, his face suddenly changed!

"No! It's Riot Star Swirl!"

The horrible suction that enveloped Ye Wuque came from a riotous star swirl not far away!

From the beginning, the giant face creature had no intention of directly killing Ye Wuque with this attack, because he knew that his power could no longer do it, but after he saw a secret riot star swirl in front of Ye Wuque, I immediately thought of such a method!

"Little beast! The deity said that you have no life to leave today. Enjoy the despair before you die!"

The giant face creatures were already incomparably illusory at this moment, slowly disappearing, and sprayed out a big mouthful of blood mist, but a pair of cold eyes stared at Ye Wuque firmly and sneered!

In the distance, Ye Wuque was desperately resisting, trying to break free from the suction of Riot Star Swirl. If he was in his heyday, he might be able to do it, but now he has been seriously injured. Powerless to resist!


And the closer to the Riot Star Swirl, the more terrifying the suction power, and Ye Wuque is already powerless here!

"Does heaven kill me?"

A strong unwillingness flashed in his eyes, what would happen if he fell into the Riot Star Swirl, would Ye Wuque not understand?

But after all, he couldn't resist, and his whole body rolled backwards like a windmill that turned extremely fast, and was eventually engulfed by the violent star swirl and disappeared completely!

At the same time, the giant-faced creatures in the void in the distance have also reached their limits, but they have completely dissipated with sneers!

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