Return of the War God

Chapter 1825: : It's lit... the Emperor Goddess card!

Genius remembers "" in one second.

Void stood, his eyes closed slightly, and his complexion calm. At this moment, Ye Wuque seemed to have a slightly different temperament on his body, as if there was an unknown mystery more than before, as if he was connected to unknown time and space behind him.

After a few breaths, Ye Wuque opened his eyes. The bright eyes were black and white, and the eyes became darker and deeper, as if there was an unknown mysterious world hidden in them!

"Is this the immortal body of the Black Hole Realm... a curious and wonderful feeling! As if I can smash the sky with one punch!"

The white and slender two clasped slightly, Ye Wuque murmured to himself, but his dazzling eyes surged with a kind of dignity and domineering!

Black hole!

This state of the highest level of immortality that only exists in the concept of the broken star elders was finally absorbed by the black hole, and he stepped out a way, and he really did it!

"This black hole realm is completely different from the previous planetary realms and stellar realms. If the first two realms are gradual, then this black hole realm is basically a qualitative leap, completely stepping into another. A whole new world!"

"This new realm is mysterious and unknown, and it is full of destruction and destruction. Once I release it with all my strength, my physical power may really be enough to cause unimaginable destruction! And until this moment, I have a deep understanding of the concept of the elder Broken Star. The deepest level of profound meaning in it seems to have reached the limit of his original idea, and he began to look at the inaccessible ultimate realm of'eternal squareness'..."

There was a deep look in Ye Wuque's eyes. Although he was immersed in the joy of practicing into the Black Hole Realm, he also understood the deep desire of Elder Broken Star.

"Huh...but it's too early to think about this. I don't know how long it will take to push the Immortal Body into the Black Hole Realm. I must leave as soon as possible!"

After a long sigh of relief, Ye Wuque took a deep look at the black hole in front of him again, his mind moved, and his body, the size of a hundred meters, began to slowly retreat. After about ten miles, he completely broke away from the black hole. .

A loud roar of cranes resounded, and after leaving the black hole enveloped, the Tiantian Demon suddenly rose into the sky, and under the control of Ye Wuque, it rushed towards the light source above!

"Well, it's interesting, there is still repulsion!"

At the moment when he entered the light source exit, Ye Wuque felt a terrifying repulsive force sweeping over him, as if he was preventing Ye Wuque from leaving, and wanted to leave him in the space crack.

"Perhaps it was really a big trouble for me before, but now..."

Ye Wuque's eyes were filled with a sense of radiance, and the demon and god's wings against chaos exploded. The power of space exploded, and the front crossed upwards, fighting against the chaotic undercurrent of the light source. At the same time, Ye Wuque extended his right hand. Lean in front of you!


In an instant, a terrifying force burst out from this palm, and there was no slight fluctuation in the vitality, it was pure physical power!

An amazing scene happened!

I saw that terrifying repulsive force turned out to be like hitting a huge mountain uplifting. It had no effect at all. It couldn't stop Ye Wuque from being crushed by him, and kept moving forward!

With a hum, the hundred-meter-sized Tiantian Demon carrying Ye Wuque disappeared into the depths of the light source, leaving the crack in this space!


This is a primitive jungle full of primitive, wild and mysterious, with towering ancient trees in the sky, quiet and deep, and exudes a rich and incomparable vitality, conceiving endless life.

However, such a vigorous virgin forest is called by the surrounding creatures...the forest of death!

Just because there is a huge cliff in the center of this primitive jungle, the cliff stands here as if a line of sky, and there is an aura of chaos and destruction all the time. This is a cliff that connects the cracks in space. Then it was called...Death Cliff!

Such a dangerous place will naturally not be visited by people, and it has always been off the beaten track, without any vitality.

But at this moment, if anyone is here, they will surely make their eyes fall down!

Because right in the cliff of death, a huge light source was lit up at this time, surging out the power of the rich and incomparable space, and a powerful force was about to rush out of it!


After a strong brilliance shone, the light source exploded directly, and a figure suddenly jumped out of it with a trace of embarrassment. After Void turned a somersault, it stabilized and landed on the ground.

With fluttering black hair and fair complexion, it was Ye Wuque!

"There is no danger, finally came out!"

Ye Wuque looked at the primitive forest in all directions with a faint smile on his face.

"It seems that I should have come to a certain planet in the Southern Star Territory, but I don’t know which one of the nine star realms it is, but no matter which one will do, I have the ability to teleport to the Great Sect of the North Dou Dao. The teleportation array! I think I should be able to catch up with the disciple selection of the Beidou Dao Extreme Sect!"

After recognizing the direction, Ye Wuque was about to leave this virgin forest, find the prosperous part of this place, and figure out where he was.

However, at this moment, Ye Wuque's body trembled suddenly, and his face with a slight smile suddenly solidified at this moment!

In his deep and bright eyes, a touch of excitement, surprise, anxiety, tension, longing and all kinds of complex emotions slowly poured out, the whole person was completely lost, and even his hands trembled!

In the next moment, Ye Wuque looked at Yuanyang Ring on his right hand, his heart beating like crazy!

The reason for this is because he felt that something within Yuanyang Ring had changed at this moment!

Holding his breath, Yuan Yang Jie's faint light flashed, and then an extremely delicate magic card appeared in Ye Wuque's right hand!

The moment he saw this magic card, Ye Wuque's eyes showed infinite surprise and deep excitement!

This magic card was the one left to Ye Wuque when the elder Qi Luo picked up Yu Jiaoxue...the goddess card!

And at this moment, the emperor goddess card is shining with a strong and incomparable jade-like glory!

When Elder Qi Luo left, told Ye Wuque that the Emperor Goddess card would be lit twice!

The first time it lights up, it means that Yu Jiaoxue's injury has completely recovered and is back to the peak!

And now, at a time and place that Ye Wuque didn't expect at all, this Emperor Goddess card was so quietly lit for the first time!

All that comes is such abrupt and incredible.

"Jiaoxue... are you finally okay? It's... so good..."

In the depths of the primitive jungle, the black-robed boy held the Emperor Goddess card tightly and muttered, with a trace of trembling, but his tone was full of tenderness, thoughts, and joy!

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The dazzling eyes reflected the emperor goddess card that shone like a jade, and Ye Wuque seemed to be a little silly!

In his mind, a beautiful face seemed to be smiling at Ye Wuque, gently calling his name.

In an instant, tears flickered in Ye Wuque's eyes!

Two lines of tears!

One act for common people!

One act of beauty!

No one knows how excited and happy Ye Wuque was at this moment, even crying with joy!

Yu Jiaoxue!

The person he loved in this life was finally out of danger and finally had a beautiful life again. What could make him happy and excited?

Gently pressing the Emperor Goddess card tightly on his chest, Ye Wuque's bright eyes poured out a touch of deep love and longing!


What a thousand words wanted to say finally only turned into these two words, but it contained all the love of Ye Wuque.


At this moment, Ye Wuque's heart suddenly lit up with a faint jade flame!

The moment the jade flame appeared, the Emperor Goddess card seemed to feel something, and it resonated, making the jade radiance on the card to the extreme, and finally merged with the male faint jade flame. There was a constant shaking in the palm of Wucai, as if to break free!

"This is the emperor's heart flame Jiaoxue left to me! How could this be? Could it be..."

The sudden change made Ye Wuque's mind roar, but immediately he seemed to think of something, with a touch of anxiety and expectation in his eyes, and directly let go of his palm, the Emperor Goddess card flew above the void in an instant, and the light on it was lingering. It turned into a jade light curtain in the end!

Seems to show him something!

Ye Wuque's eyes condensed instantly, staring at the jade light curtain!

In the next instant, the jade light curtain started to flicker, and then a picture appeared!

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