Return of the War God

Chapter 1832: :against!

This sudden scene shocked everyone!

No one would have thought that the legendary trial of a hundred refining real dragons in this world would make the white-robed protector of the Great Sect of the North Dou Dao unhappy and angry, not only sternly criticized, but even more so ruthlessly!

This reaction is too abnormal, is it a bit too much?

In an instant, almost everyone had such thoughts in their hearts, but this did not stop the old white-robed woman who had already shot.

The big hand is like a mountain, the cover is pressed down, and the momentum is steaming enough to sweep the wasteland and Liuhe, and it also fully expresses the strength of the white robe old woman!

This is definitely a master of humanity above thirty-five divine springs!

In front of the Bailian Peak, Ye Wuque looked at the big hand that the white robe old woman grabbed towards him blankly. He stood still and stood still. This scene fell in the eyes of others almost thinking that Ye Wuque was frightened and stupid.

In fact, as early as the moment the white robe old woman took the shot, the Balao in his mind told him to wait and see the changes, and someone would stop it.

"Huh! I don't know where the little **** who came out dare to disrupt the selection of disciples? Even if I have not heard of the Hundred Refinement True Dragon Trial, there is only one explanation, that is, even if it once existed, it has been The door is banned! So now I am taking action to maintain the sect’s access ban, and I occupy the highest point in justice!"

There was a sneer from the depths of the white-robed old woman's eyes, and his gaze swept over Yan Zongheng who was looking coldly at Bailian Peak not far away, and that sneer was suddenly replaced by a touch of spoiling!

The reason why she suddenly screamed Ye Wuque, and even more mercilessly, the fundamental purpose was... Yan Zongheng!

No one knows, not even Yan Zongheng himself, he is actually the old woman in a white robe...great-grandson!

She wants to ensure that Yan Zongheng shines in the selection of disciples, wins the first prize in one fell swoop, and obtains the glory of great glory. Not only can he worship the Beidou Dao extremely sect, but also attract the attention of the big figures in the upper realm. The glory of the clan!

Yan Zongheng has done it, with all the glory and attention!

Unexpectedly, a Ye Wuque popped up, and even started a special trial in the legend... A hundred refining real dragon!

This is undoubtedly completely disrupting the plan of the white robe old woman!

Because Ye Wuque's move undoubtedly caused a huge response and attention, even at this moment, even in the upper boundary of the nine cities, some people were already alarmed, and everyone was instantly distracted!

In this way, the glory and attention brought by Yan Zongheng's victory in one fell swoop will undoubtedly be greatly reduced. How can this make the white robe old woman tolerate?

So she took the shot without mercy, and wanted to drive Ye Wuque out of the Beidou Dao Extreme Sect, and try to reverse Yan Zongheng's reduced aura.

However, the white-robed old woman sneered in her heart, her big hand was already less than ten feet away from Ye Wuque, but it just disappeared out of thin air!

It seemed that a terrifying but invisible force suddenly intervened to help Ye Wuque to resolve the attack of the old white robe woman!

In front of the Bailian Peak, Ye Wuque's expression was calm and unchanged, but his eyes turned to look at the black robe old man above the void in the distance!

He was the only one who could resolve the attack of the white-robed old woman so quietly.

There was also an old white-robed woman who discovered this too. She suddenly felt a little nervous, looking at the black-robed old man, she was even slightly apprehensive!

The identity of the black-robed old man is one of the powerful elders of the nine cities. He is extremely old and his strength is unfathomable. It is said that he came from the upper realm. It is extremely mysterious. It is not the only white-robed guardian she can provoke. From.

"Swiss, protect the law, leave it temporarily."

The black-robed old man spoke faintly, but with a color of no anger and prestige. After hearing this, the white-robed old woman immediately reverently agreed to take a step back, but even though she had stepped back, she looked at the depths of Ye Wuqian's eyes. It is surging with chill!

She naturally couldn't provoke the black-robed old man, so she took the account to Ye Wuque's head.

The countless cultivators between heaven and earth just came back to their senses at this moment, and understood what had happened, and immediately looked at the black-robed old man to see what happened next.

"Thank you elder for taking action."

In front of Bailian Peak, Ye Wuque once again held his fist and spoke to the black robe old man.

"Young man, where did you know about the trial of the'Hundred Refined Real Dragon'?"

The black robe old man carried his hands on his back, and said lightly, but his old eyes were staring at Ye Wuque, with inexplicable pressure.

Following the opening of the black robe old man, countless people immediately looked at Ye Wuque, with strong curiosity in their eyes!

Just as the black-robed old man said, so many people here do not know the existence of the 100-refined true dragon trial. How did this black-robed young man who seems to be under twenty years old know?

"But I knew it by coincidence. After all, the kid originally wanted to come to participate in the selection of disciples. Unfortunately, like this brother, he was late and missed the selection, but he didn't want to go back in such a disappointment. So I had no choice but to ask the elders. Forgive me."

Ye Wuque spoke neither humble nor arrogant, and at this moment, Oxichen had already come to the side of the lonely mountain, holding the spear tightly in his hand, staring at Bailian Peak with a hot face!

Obviously, the appearance of the Bailian True Dragon Trial also gave him another chance!

Above the void, when the black-robed old man heard Ye Wuque’s words, there was an inexplicable color surging in his eyes. He naturally heard that Ye Wuque did not respond positively, but anyway he could know the existence of the Bailian True Dragon Trial. And the person who opened it accurately must be someone who has a connection with the Great Sect of the North Dou Dao!

The white-robed old woman paid close attention to the face of the black-robed old man. At this moment, she understood that the trial of the 100-refined true dragon really existed, but there must be some secrets in it, otherwise she would not be ignorant.

At the moment, the white-robed old woman's eyes Yihan said coldly toward Ye Wuque: "Boy, Elder Hong Tao dare not answer honestly when he asks you! Say! Who are you? What is the purpose of coming here? Is it to disturb my Beidou? The selection of disciples of the Taoist School? His heart is shameful!"

The white-robed old woman uttered a cold word, and Ye Wuque looked calm in front of Bailian Peak, but there was a flash of chill in her eyes!

He didn't even know this white robe old woman, but the other party has been deliberately targeting herself since then, making it clear that she wants to drive herself out.

"The elder didn't even speak, but a white-robed guardian of yours just kept jumping, so terrifying, do you want to take Elder Hong Tao and replace it?"

Ye Wuque didn't even look at the old woman, but he spoke coldly.

As soon as these words came out, the face of the old woman in Baipao suddenly changed!

"Boy! Do you dare to spit people! You..."

Ye Wuque's words were really too sharp, and even heartbroken. The white-robed old woman instantly panicked and hated Ye Wuque. The countless worlds around him swept over with a touch of playfulness and scrutiny.

After all, just as Ye Wuque said, the white-robed old woman does not stop dancing, is it really intentional?

"Elder Hong Tao, don't listen to this kid's nonsense, how dare I..."

"Get down."

The white-robed old woman who was busy explaining was terrified. If it really caused Elder Hong Tao to misunderstand it, it would be over. But before he finished speaking, he heard two words from Elder Hong Tao's mouth.


The white robe old woman looked like an eggplant that had been beaten by frost. She immediately retreated, but her teeth were clenched, staring at Ye Wuque, a bit of resentment flashed in her eyes!

"Young man, the trial of a hundred refining real dragons has been sealed thousands of years ago and has been forgotten by the world. Are you really going to take the trial of a hundred refining real dragons?"

"Don’t just see the glory brought by the real dragons. You have to know that there are too many peerless arrogances who die in it. This is a road of dry bones. The one who can succeed is almost one in a billion. You are young. Be light, you must know your life."

Elder Hong Tao spoke again, seeming to be sure of something.

"Thank you for the elder's teachings, but the Bailian True Dragon Trial was only sealed, but it was not really forbidden. As the kid said just now, I want to worship the Beidou Dao Extreme Sect, so I can only use this only method. "

"After all, the elder, you also said that there is no rule to make a circle, and the kid also follows the rule."

Ye Wuque's tone was calm, but his attitude was slightly respectful.

These words fell in the ears of everyone between heaven and earth, and they all nodded slowly, obviously agreeing with Ye Wuque's statement.

"There is no rule to make a circle. It seems that your mind is determined. If so, then you also know the rules of the 100-refined real dragon trial?"

After taking a deep look at Ye Wuque, Elder Hong Tao spoke with a strange color.

"Know that once you step into it, you will not be able to exit halfway. If you cannot pass, you can save your life if you are lucky, and you will die if you are not lucky."

As soon as Ye Wuque said this, everyone felt chills in their hearts, and there was a hint of curiosity and jealousy in the eyes looking at the Bailian Peak!

Even the 19,000 newcomers before the huge city are blinking.

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For example, Yan Zongheng and Yu Qiongru's eyes became condensed. Obviously, the trial of the 100-refined real dragon was much more cruel than they thought!

"Since you know, you still want to step on it?"

"Nine deaths without regrets!"

"Okay, you have not seen the sky after thousands of years of trials of a hundred refining real dragons. Now that you have a chance to see it today, the elders are beautiful as adults. Young people, I wish you good luck."

"Thank you elder!"

In front of Bailian Peak, after holding a fist in a salute, Ye Wuque immediately turned around. After taking a glance at Bailian Peak, there was a hint of interest and enthusiasm in the bright eyes, and then he stepped out and stepped on the bronze Dragon's tail!


In the next moment, the desolate dragon chant once again shakes the sky, the peak of Bailian blooms with dazzling brilliance, and the trial of Bailian true dragon officially begins!

Ye Wuque instantly became the subject of much attention!

Elder Hong Tao carried his hands on his back and looked at Ye Wuque quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

But the old woman in the white robe was sneering again and again!

"Things that do not live or die! According to Elder Hong Tao, this trial of a hundred refining real dragons is extremely difficult, and you can succeed with this little bastard? Humph! It depends on how you die!"

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