Return of the War God

Chapter 1842: : Seven Star Disciple

As soon as these words came out, I heard someone start to applaud, followed by thunderous applause resounding from the mountains and the tsunami to every corner between heaven and earth, boiling spectacular!

A famous monk looked at Ye Wuque with deep awe and awe in his eyes, cheering for him!

From the sudden emergence to the perfection through the trial of a hundred refining real dragons, Ye Wuque is like a young God of War from outside, conquering everyone with incredible and amazing performance that exceeds everyone's imagination!

Ye Wuque deserves his name after entering the Great Sect of the North Dou Dao, and he can even be regarded as one of the best disciples of the Great Sect of the North Dou Dao in endless years!

At the top of Bailian Peak, the statue of Ye Wuque is clearly visible, calm and peaceful, lifelike.

In front of the huge city, Ye Wuque stood tall, with a faint smile on his face. At this moment, after hearing Elder Hong Tao’s words, he did not have the slightest arrogance, his face was calm, and his eyes were calm. He still clasped his fists and replied: "Thank you, elder, disciple Ye Wuque. Elders." cl is: version l first: r sends b2

The more he looked at Ye Wuque, the more praise appeared in Elder Hong Tao's heart, and the eyes that looked at Ye Wuque softened.

Shocking talent, extraordinary talent, but not humble or overbearing, arrogant but not arrogant!

Such a true dragon disciple can be met even if it is the Great Sect of the North Dou Dao!

The more than 10,000 new disciples of the North Dou Dao Extreme Sect in front of the huge city looked at Ye Wuque, who was calm and calm, and his eyes were full of complexity and gloom. Some people were still unwilling and dissatisfied, but they were immediately smiled bitterly. And powerless to replace.

Ye Wuqian in front of him is so powerful and terrifying that it makes people desperate!

Elder Hong Tao immediately turned his gaze again and looked at Oxichen, who had already come behind Ye Wuque, and said with a slight smile: "Oxichen, you are also welcome to join the Beidou Dao Extreme Sect."

"Disciple Oxichen, thank you elder!"

Originally Ou Xichen still had a hint of tension and anxiety. After all, the ancient voice from the seventh floor of the Nine-layer Realm only announced that Ye Wuque could worship the North Dou Dao Extreme Sect, without mentioning his name.

But now as Elder Hong Tao speaks, Ossichchen is completely relieved, and his heart is full of joy. For him, today is undoubtedly a big ups and downs, and there will be another village in the dark.

Countless monks between the heavens and the earth are not surprised that Ou Xichen joined the Great Sect of Beidou Dao, because Ou Xichen also relies on his own efforts and performance, and is better than Yan Zongheng and Yu Qiongru. Such talents will not be absorbed. The Great Sect of the Beidou Dao was in vain as the first one of the Beidou.

"That's the end of the matter. The selection of disciples of the North Dou Dao Extreme Sect is over. All the new disciples will follow me into the city. Someone will tell you the rules of the North Dou Dao Extreme Sect. Hope you wait for your practice and don’t fall into the sect’s authority. !"

The elder Hong Tao waved his sleeves, and the old voice vibrated in all directions. Soon he turned into a stream of light and rose into the sky, flying towards the depths of the city. At the same time, the three white-robed guardians also followed closely.

However, before leaving, the white-robed old woman Rui Rui glanced at Ye Wuque fiercely, her eyes were like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, and it would send a fatal blow at any time!

But there was a sneer in the eyes of Protector Rui, and she was also sneer in her heart: "Little beast! Do you really think you can sit back and relax after worshipping into the Great Sect of the North Dou Dao? Wait, you will soon understand what is called Desperate to call the earth not working! Soon!"

Immediately afterwards, she stopped looking at Ye Wuque, and left with the other two white-robed law protectors following Elder Hong Tao.

Similarly, more than 19,000 newcomer disciples regained their mood, and slowly stepped into the huge city in front of them with a trace of excitement and anticipation!

Countless monks between heaven and earth began to flicker at this moment, and the vigorous selection of disciples came to an end, and they should naturally leave, but everyone’s face was filled with deep aftertaste and emotion, and they were still discussing and communicating.

It is foreseeable that it will not be long before the news of this disciple selection will spread throughout Beidou!

In particular, the name "Ye Wuque" must be the most important thing. It has been mentioned by countless people, and it is also spread in Beidou.


"Welcome all the juniors and sisters to join me!"

Just after more than 10,000 newcomers stepped into the huge city, a gentle and elegant daughter's voice sounded. Not far in front of them, there was a beautiful shadow full and independent, like a daffodil in full bloom in the spring breeze, making people The eyes lit up.

"My name is Chen Yingxuan, you can call me Senior Sister Yingxuan."

Chen Yingxiu has beautiful eyebrows and a slender figure. She can be regarded as a delicate and beautiful woman, especially because she seems to have a friendly atmosphere, which makes people feel close.

"I have seen Senior Sister Yingxian!"

Naturally, the more than 10,000 newcomers held their fists to meet the courtesy, and so did Ye Wuque.

Chen Ying made a pretty face with a smile, and his beautiful eyes swept over the 10,000 young faces in front of him, but he paused slightly on Ye Wuque's body, and a gleam of light flashed within it!

After all, the Bailian True Dragon Trial conducted by Ye Wuque before was really too shocking, and it almost shook the nine cities under the stars. It has attracted the attention of countless people!

It can be said that although Ye Wuque has just become a disciple of the North Dou Dao Extreme Sect and has just entered the nine cities, his reputation has spread within the nine cities, and even the nine-layer realm above the star sea has spread.

Therefore, Chen Yingxiu is naturally curious and concerned about Ye Wuque many times here.

However, Chen Yingxuan's gaze only flashed away, and immediately she showed a soft smile and said: "You have just entered the sect, so let me introduce some information about the Beidou Dao Extreme Sect."

As soon as the words came out, everyone's eyes were shocked, and they immediately listened intently, and Ye Wuque's bright eyes flashed with a stern look.

"As you can see, my Beidou Dao Polar Sect is located in the center of the Southern Star Territory, surrounded by nine star realms. It forms a single world and has the best practice environment in the Southern Star Territory. The division of the entire sect is based on this The endless and mighty sea of ​​stars!"

As Chen Yingxuan began to speak, everyone once again looked at the magnificent, mysterious and bright sea of ​​stars!

"Xinghai separates heaven and earth!"

"Above the stars, nine levels of realm!"

"Under the stars, nine cities!"

"This is not only the division of the sect of the Beidou Dao Extreme Sect, but also the division of the sect disciples!"

Chen Ying said, but the information revealed shocked everyone!

"Dare to ask Senior Sister Yingxuan, what does this disciple rank mean?"

A newcomer disciple immediately asked, and also asked everyone's doubts.

Ye Wuque's eyes flickered slightly, and he had keenly guessed that the division of disciples in the Beidou Dao Extreme Sect might be very different from ordinary forces.

It seems that this question would have been expected for a long time, so Chen Yingxuan immediately smiled and said: "In my Beidou Dao Extreme Sect, there is no uniform division like other disciples. Some are just a full name... Seven-star disciple! "

Seven-star disciple!

When everyone heard these four words, their eyes became more curious!

"Everyone is now in the city under the sea of ​​stars. Any disciple who worships the Great Sect of the Beidou Dao will first come to the nine cities and start all training and promotion here, and the disciples in the nine cities are called For... Apprentice Star Watching! Taking the meaning of watching the Big Dipper from a distance!"

"That is to say, whether it is everyone or me, Yu Zongmen's identity is now an apprentice of Wangxing, which corresponds to the nine cities, and the venue for activity training can only be in the nine cities."

"The seven-star disciple is the promotion goal that countless Wangxing apprentices dream of all their lives!"

Chen Yingxuan's tone became a little sigh, as if she was full of deep yearning for the Seven Star disciples.

"In the Beidou Dao Extreme Sect, you don't look at cultivation base or identity, but only one thing, that is...sect contribution value!"

"For example, an apprentice looking for a star can participate in the promotion battle only after accumulating enough sect contribution points. If the promotion is successful, you can... fly to the star sea! Go to the first level of the nine levels above the star sea, once After flying there, he has since got rid of his status as an apprentice of the star star and successfully promoted to become star disciple!"


Chen Yingxuan's words said here, all the hearts of the present were throbbing, and their pupils shrank sharply!

Ye Wuque was also shocked, even if he suddenly realized it!

"It seems that everyone has already guessed it! That's right, the nine cities under the sea of ​​stars correspond to the apprentice stargazers, and the first seven levels of the nine levels above the sea of ​​stars correspond to the disciples of the seven stars!"

"When you fly to the first level, you are called a one-star disciple. By analogy, a disciple who lives in the seventh level can become a true seven-star disciple!"

"The benefits and rights enjoyed by seven-star disciples of different levels are completely different. Each level corresponds to a kind of disciple. The higher the ascending realm, the more abundant things they can enjoy, the higher their status, and the greater their freedom. The bigger!"

"But one thing is certain, that is, once you ascend, you will be completely liberated. Maybe you don't understand what this means, but you will know in a while."

"So everyone, work hard, I believe you will be able to ascend to Xinghai one day, get rid of the status of apprentice stargazers, and become one-star disciples!"

After Chen Yingxuan's introduction, passion and excitement poured in everyone's hearts!

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