Return of the War God

Chapter 1845: :Oxichen's gratitude

"First, I promised that your great fortune will be stored in the eighth level realm. You can only get it when you enter the eighth level realm! That evil barrier thought I would get it if I got rid of it, huh! Dreaming! "

Ye Wuque nodded slightly, but thoughts were surging in his heart.

Whether it was Balao or the Northern Emperor Luo, who was the insurgent Luo Beihuang, obviously had an unexplainable relationship with the Northern Dou Dao Extreme Sect, and even Ye Wuque had already speculated on Balao's identity in his heart.

"Second, do you still remember the golden token you got in the outer passage of Canglan Realm? The trace on the back is an ancient lost text, and if you want to study or even learn that ancient lost The characters must also fly to the eighth level. Only there is a storage place for this characters."

When Balao said the second reason, Ye Wuque's heart suddenly shook, and there was a fiery spirit in his eyes!

"That's it! I understand! It seems that I must go to the eighth level!"

Ye Wuque murmured, and looked at the exit of the cave mansion, as if he could penetrate the world and see the eighth level above the sea of ​​stars!

Slowly retracting his gaze, Ye Wuque closed his eyes, and the sacred way battle spirit surging out, he began to practice with the help of the heaven and earth power in the cave.

After all, this Dongfu needs a hundred sect contribution points a day, and since it has been bought, Ye Wuque will not waste it.

This practice took three full days.

Three days later, when Ye Wuque opened his eyes again, his eyes became deeper and his breath became more and more unfathomable.

"It is worthy of the first sect of the Big Dipper! Just the nine cities under the sea of ​​stars can have such an amazing practice environment in any cave. After these three days of polishing, I can clearly perceive the barriers of the Great Perfection of the Two Tribulations. , You can step out of the door with the last touch, cross the soul tribulation, and step into the realm of the three tribulations!"

There was a hint of enthusiasm in his eyes, and immediately Ye Wuque stood up and walked outside the cave.

"Then now it is time to understand how this sect's contribution value should be earned..."

After leaving the cave, Ye Wuque determined the direction according to the route instructions of the identity token, and then galloped towards the hall of contribution!

Contribute to the hall!

This is a large hall located in the central area of ​​the nine cities under the sea of ​​stars, and it is also the most popular place in the entire nine cities.

In the Great Sect of Beidou Dao, the sect contribution value is the most important, and here is the place to receive the contribution value.

"It's so turbulent, I'm afraid that one-fifth of all star-gazing apprentices in the entire nine cities have gathered here!"

Before and after arriving at the Hall of Contribution, Ye Wuque saw a majestic and brilliant hall lying between the heavens and the earth. The shape was simple and heavy, facing all directions, with eight huge gates leading in all directions, every moment. Numerous figures entered the school.

Along a giant gate, Ye Wuque stopped staying and headed directly towards the Hall of Contribution, but just as Ye Wuque was about to step into the Hall of Contribution, there was a burst of clear laughter from the opposite side!

"Brother Ye, I wanted to visit you in the past few days, but I didn't expect to meet in this contribution hall! Haha, it seems I was lucky!"

After hearing these words, several figures appeared in front of Ye Wuque's eyes. The leader was handsome and righteous. It was the same person who worshipped the Great Beidou Dao Sect with the help of the Hundred Refined Dragon Trial... Oasichen!

"Brother Ou."

Ye Wuque stopped and smiled lightly.

For Oxichen, Ye Wuque's senses are still good, not only because the opponent was late and missed the selection of disciples before, but also because the opponent was late to destroy a pirate group.

This alone is enough to prove that Oasichen is an upright gentleman who hates evil like enemies!

Such a character naturally possesses his unique personality charm, and will attract everyone's attention wherever he goes.

"Brother Ye! If I didn’t rely on you to start the trial of the 100-refined true dragon, how could I join the sect? For Brother Ye, Oumou is really grateful for you. In any case, I owe Brother Ye a day Great favor! Please be respected by me!"

Before and after arriving at Ye Wuque, Oasichen took a deep breath, with a trace of perseverance and gratitude on his face. When he spoke like this, he wanted to hold his fist and bow deeply to Ye Wuque!

"Brother Ou is serious. Ye Mou just coincided with his meeting. After all, you can worship in the sect. After all, you rely on Brother Ou's own strength. You don't need so much courtesy."

Ye Wuque smiled and opened his mouth, and at the same time he held his right hand, an invisible force radiated out, supporting Oasichen's arms, making him unable to bow down anyway.

Suddenly, Ossien's heart was shocked, and the look in Ye Wuque's eyes immediately filled with shock!

He had long known that Ye Wuque's strength was unfathomable, far above him, but now that this feeling is even stronger after personally experiencing it.

At the same time, the two men and the woman who had been standing behind Ossien were also staring at Ye Wuque at this moment, and there was shock and curiosity in them!

These three people were obviously not the disciples who worshipped the Great Sect of Beidou Dao this time. They were all apprentices of Wangxing.

"Is this the person who started the Hundred Refined True Dragon Trial and passed this round of disciple selection, Ye Wuqian? Sure enough, seeing it is better than hearing it! The strength is unfathomable!"

"Yeah! This is the peerless Tianjiao who has alarmed the upper realm. It is definitely a great master that is far more terrifying than Envoy Euzoo!"

The three of them were talking about Ye Wuque.

Suddenly one of the calm-faced men transmitted the voice: "Do you think it is possible to recruit Ye Young Master into our Illuminati just like the envoy of the European Left? If it succeeds, my Illuminati must be stronger. Increase! The president must also be very pleasantly surprised!"

"Good idea! And it happened that Ou Zuo met Ye Gongzi, this was a breakthrough!"

"No hurry! This matter must be notified to the chairman, and then discuss with the Ou Zuo envoy. If you can't be in a hurry, you need to make some progress.

The three of them made a decision in a few words.

"Brother Ye, a few of us have just accepted a task, and we need to complete it in three days. After three days, I will visit Brother Ye in person. I can only go one step now!"

After some greetings, Ossichchen spoke with a hint of apology, and Ye Wuque immediately smiled and nodded and said, "The future will be long, so don't rush for a while."

"Master Ye, goodbye!"


Oxichen and the three behind him immediately clasped their fists together, with an extremely enthusiastic attitude, and then left.

Looking at the backs of the three of Oxichen leaving, Ye Wuque's eyes flashed with a smile.

In his eyes, this Osschen could be regarded as a person who could make friends, but at the same time he also keenly realized that Osschen seemed to have joined a certain organization and became one of them, and his status seemed to be extremely high.

"It seems that these nine cities are also magnificent, and various organizations are intertwined, like princes fighting for hegemony..."

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Ye Wuque's eyesight is amazing and his mind is delicate, he has already seen that there must be a lot of forces in the star-watching apprentice.

He immediately retracted his gaze and stepped into the hall of contribution.

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