Return of the War God

Chapter 1847: : Hot way to make money


As long as it is every cultivating creature, regardless of its origin, even monsters, it has an unparalleled effect!

A pill of high enough quality and strong medicinal effect is often worth enough to make people stunned, but still in short supply, even in the practice world, the pill can become a hard currency.

Therefore, this has led to the prosperity and respect of a profession!

That is... Alchemist!

If you ask which professional monk is the richest, then the alchemist is definitely one of them, even among the best!

Of course, although an alchemist is beautiful, it is also extremely difficult to become an alchemist, and there is no chance even one in a million. It not only requires extremely high talent, but also requires a lot of effort and a certain amount of luck.

And what Ye Wuque wanted to do at this moment was...Alchemy!

Just now in that contribution hall, he seemed to be clashing with the white robe staff, but in fact, his attention had been on the many apprentices around Wangxing, and most of them would exchange the corresponding medicinal pill after the handover task got the contribution value.

In other words, in the nine cities, pill medicine is also a good thing in short supply.

"Then let me see how valuable the alchemist and the pill can be reached in these nine cities, and by the way, find out which type of pill is the most popular!"

With a thought, Ye Wuque no longer stayed, and galloped towards another popular place in the nine cities!

Freedom Square!

This is another popular gathering place for the nine major cities. It is a place where all Wangxing apprentices set up a self-help stall, selling all kinds of things. If you want to buy it, you must rely on sect contribution.

After Ye Wuque came here, he began to pay close attention and observe.

"Dzogchen Divine Art, a set of only two hundred points contribution value! Big sale, take a look!"

"A set of supreme artifacts! Only two hundred and fifty contribution points are required!"

"Baiyundan, a five-grade healing pill, a 50-point contribution value!"


The screams sounded one after another in almost every corner of Liberty Square, and the apprentices who watched the stars came and went, almost endless!

Ye Wuque was also strolling in it, watching carefully, and soon half an hour passed.

"Sure enough! Compared to magical powers and artifacts, the demand for pill is greater, and the demand is almost in short supply."

His eyes flickered, Ye Wuque had almost figured out the law, and there was a touch of excitement in his heart, which proved that his conjecture was correct.

"Hiss! Look, Master Mo Fengdan is here!"

"Really Master Mo Fengdan! I have been waiting for a month!"


At this moment, a place in front suddenly became noisy, and the eyes of many apprentice star watchers became hot and excited!

I saw a young man wearing a white robe with an arrogant face coming slowly, surrounded by countless fiery and flattering faces!

"Everyone gave up a saying, Master Mo Fengdan is my Bailong Hui Keqing. If you want to buy the pill made by Master Mo Fengdan, you will always queue up and bid fair!"

A few vigorous monks who followed behind Mo Fengdan leaped out with a scream of fright, and said loudly!

After hearing the words "Bailonghui", many people's complexion changed and they immediately lined up in a regular manner.

"Tsk tusk! Master Mo Fengdan is a one-leaf grass-level alchemist who has passed the Pill City test! He is most adept at refining and practicing pill... Falling water spirit pill! It is said that it can become a seventh-rank intermediate or even a seventh-rank pill. Advanced!"

"No? A seven-rank high-level falling water spirit pill can make a divine spring one-twentieth full, and its medicinal effect is shocking! You can buy seven or eight hundred sect contribution points, and the alchemist is the alchemist, so rich Oil!"


Listening to the comments of many apprentices around Wangxing, Ye Wuque in the crowd was surging in the depths of his eyes at this moment!

"This time a total of 30 Falling Water Spirit Pills will be auctioned, of which twenty-six are middle-level 7-ranks, and 4 are high-level 7-ranks. The following auctions will start from the middle-rank 7s, starting at 500 contribution points, and each increase in price shall not be less than Twenty point contribution value!"

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"I'm out of three hundred!"

"Three hundred and two!"

"Three hundred and six!"


In an instant, the fiery pill bidding began, and countless star-watching apprentices were crazy about it. Obviously they all knew that the falling water spirit pill had amazing effects!

In the end, the first 7-Rank Intermediate Falling Water Spirit Pill was shot for a full four hundred and twenty points contribution value!

After that was the continued hot auction, then Master Mo Fengdan stood aside with his hands on his back, his expression of pride, condensed the fiery eyes of countless people.

Among the crowd, Ye Wuque left quietly, but there was a hint of enthusiasm in his eyes!

"The final auction price of only thirty seven-grade pill has reached a full 10,000 sect contribution value! What if it is a higher-grade pill? This kind of huge profits is indeed amazing, and it is a very popular way to make money! "

Soon, Ye Wuque returned to the cave, his sect contribution value was left with the last two hundred points, but he didn't hesitate to directly empty it.

But in the next moment, before Ye Wuque sat down, his eyes were filled with surprise!

With a wave of his right hand, a huge pill cauldron appeared from Yuanyang Ring, it was Taixu Refining the Heaven Cauldron!

"Haha! Is the evolution finally complete? I was really dozing off and delivered the pillow!"

Looking at the Taixu Refining Heavenly Cauldron in front of him, Ye Wuque's face was full of smiles, and immediately turned into a touch of shock!

"This volatility... is it..."

"A true divine instrument of the corona! Tsk tsk, your kid's luck is really good, but if you can be left with two tenth-grade pill, the quality of this cauldron is indeed qualified to be a true divine instrument of the corona."

Balao's voice sounded in the Soul Space, and he broke through the level of the Taixu Lian Tianding after it was completely restored.

The corona is a real artifact!

The highest level among the true artifacts, the value is inestimable!

With a look of joy, Ye Wuque rubbed the icy tripod body. Although it has been completely unblocked, it hasn’t changed much from the appearance that it’s too empty to refine the tripod. It’s just that there are a lot of complex and ancient inscriptions on the outside. Certain laws and mysterious effects.

"Everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng! Then it's time to start..."

After calming down his surprise and excitement, Ye Wuque sat cross-legged in front of the Taixu Refining Heavenly Cauldron, and with his right hand, two jade slips appeared in his hands. They were the Fengling Pill and Mo Ling Pill from the Fengling General. .

In more than a month from the free heaven to the Southern Star Territory, Ye Wuque had already comprehended the contents of the two great alchemy. Now what he has to do is to select the appropriate elixir and medicine from the two great alchemy. .

"Since I have decided to use the pill to earn enough contribution value, to attract attention in Liberty Square, it must be a blockbuster! In other words, the pill I refined is not only of high quality, but more importantly. The unique pill that other alchemists cannot practice has a unique and powerful effect that everyone can't resist!"

"In this way, the pill that meets these two conditions..."

Ye Wuque immediately began to search in the two great alchemy.

You must know that these two great alchemy are left by the general, and the general is the overlord of the general. The cultivation may not be the top of the generals, but his alchemy is commendable, so stay The pill is also extremely precious, extremely rare!

After a quarter of an hour, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly lit up!

"It's these two kinds of pills...God Enlightening Pill and Kong Mie Pill!"

After searching for it, Ye Wuque finally determined two pill medicines with magical and unique effects, and they were both eight-level pill!

"Once you take this enlightenment pill, you can clear your mind and mind, and your understanding can even increase by 30% within a quarter of an hour. It is a wonderful pill for practicing and comprehending magical powers!"

"Kong Mie Dan is a kind of existence similar to a forbidden drug. After taking it, the surging power of the drug can double in an instant even if it is around thirty-two divine springs. The most important thing is that there is no too irreversible sequelae. , It’s just a day off."

"If these two kinds of pills can be refined, at least they will be more expensive than the falling water spirit pills!"

Ye Wuque looked at the Taixu Refining Heavenly Cauldron standing still in front of him, his eyes burning.

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