Return of the War God

Chapter 1853: : I have seen Master Ye Dan!

She is a good white-robed guardian of the nine cities, but at most it can affect the mission that Ye Wuque, the Great Hall of Contribution, will receive. In the face of the alchemists who refine the pill for the sect in the city, she must be cautious and quiet. , Otherwise if you accidentally angered the alchemist in Pill City, there would be no place to cry.

For example, the pill that she gave to Yan Zongheng's resources was from Pill City!

Feeling that the situation is beyond her control, Guardian Rui can't wait to jump her feet with anger, but after all she has gone through a lot of wind and waves, desperately suppressing the anger in her heart, sitting down again, forcing herself to become calm, those old and cold pairs Cold light and conspiracy are constantly surging in his eyes!

"Continue to keep an eye on that little beast, and report any disturbances at any time!"


When only Protector Rui was left in the darkroom, she seemed to have recovered her calm, but the bitterness and chill in those eyes became more intense.

"Little beast! Let me be proud of you for a while, but things will never end like this!"

In the darkroom, a whisper with bitterness and sorrow slowly resounded.

With the emergence of Ye Wuque’s three medicinal pills, the entire Xuancheng was shaken. Although most of the 22 medicinal pills fell into the hands of major powers, some of them were purchased by some star-watching apprentices. under.

The effects of Wushen Pill and Kong Mie Pill were also directly announced, which made the monks who were not as enthusiastic about these two pill as Xiaoluoxia Pill as if they were beaten with blood, and secretly vowed what would happen next time they buy it. You have to buy some too.

In this way, time slowly passed, and the warm atmosphere of the profound city was accumulating.

There has never been such a thing before, and all the star-gazing apprentices in a huge city were moved by one person.

Finally, after the ten days that Ye Wuque said when he left before, the entire Xuancheng was finally boiling!

Xuancheng, Freedom Square.

Freedom Square, which was already surging in popularity, today’s popularity is so terrible that it has directly increased by more than ten times!

And the corner of the pill that Ye Wuque had sold before had long been surrounded by water, and countless apprentices looking forward to it, with deep heat in their eyes.

"Hi! My God! The Tiger Gang, the Sirius Society, the Illuminati, the Xijian Pavilion, the Sun Moon Gang... the leaders of so many forces are here!"

"Isn't it? These big guys usually see the dragons at the head but never see the end. I didn't expect that they were all here today. Tsk tsk, I can only say that the pill of Alchemy Ye's is really amazing! No one knows. miss!"

At the moment, among the crowded black star-gazing apprentices, one after another looked towards the front of the crowd, the seven or eight distinct small circles kept talking in low voices.

In those seven or eight small circles, there are several figures standing, exuding a powerful and vigorous aura. It is precisely the high-level cadres of the various major forces in the entire Profound City who are qualified to stand at the forefront of each small circle. Only the leader of this faction!

The leader of the Tiger Gang... Gao Lixiong!

Sirius Club President... Duan Sirius!

Master of Xijian Pavilion...Gu Kong!

The leader of the Sun Moon Gang... Qin Yi!

President of the Illuminati... Xia Zhong!

This is exactly the fifth most powerful force in Profound City. As for the remaining small circles, the forces are much weaker than their five major forces.

At this moment, these five chiefs all carried their hands on their backs, their faces were expressionless, giving people a sense of unpredictability, just like a nine-day dragon.

But a discerning person can still tell at a glance that the five major forces are not in harmony with each other, after all, they almost carve up the entire Xuancheng. There are more or less frictions on weekdays.

Xia Zhong, the president of the Illuminati, was a man with fluttering clothes. His face was straightforward, his eyes were deep, and he stood there like the center of the world, with a very charming personality.

Behind him, there are two figures standing side by side. The one on the right is Wang Zhiyuan, and the one on the left is Oxichen!

At this moment, there is still a touch of shock and admiration in the eyes of Osschen!

He never expected that when he met Ye Wuque just before, the other party looked unknown, but in such a short period of time, such a huge storm was created, causing the entire Xuancheng to move for him!

"Brother Ye deserves to be Brother Ye! These characters are truly amazing, and people will never be able to guess what will happen to him in the next moment..."

Ou Xichen sighed secretly, but immediately thought that Xia Zhong and Wang Zhiyuan discussed with him in the morning whether Ye Wuque could be recruited into the Illuminati, and his heart was slightly warm, but there was still a touch of uncertainty and anxiety.

After all, although he has some acquaintances with Ye Wuque here, strictly speaking, he doesn't have much friendship, and on the contrary, he owes Ye Wuque an adult. Therefore, although Ossichchen also wants Ye Wuque to join the Illuminati, he is still not sure.

At this moment, the crowd behind suddenly became noisy!

Then I didn't know who exclaimed and said: "Look! Alchemist Ye is here!"

As soon as these words came out, countless people immediately turned their heads, and a series of excited voices followed!

"Really Master Ye Dan!"

"The one in front, quickly make a way!"


In an instant, a crowd of people who had been under the black pressure automatically separated a path, and at the end of the road, which was also the end of everyone’s sight, a tall and slender figure in a black robe came slowly, with a slight smile on his face. Who is Ye Wuque?

After seeing Ye Wuque's figure, the leaders of the forces who stood with their hands on their backs all had their eyes bright!

"Well, it seems that the shock caused by the three medicinal pills is stronger than I thought. Even the leaders of the major forces in the Profound City have arrived. If this is the case, the way of selling this time will change... …"

Ye Wuque's dazzling eyes flashed slowly, and even he was slightly shocked by the terrifying and turbulent popularity in front of him, but a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

The more people there are, the more popular it is, and the more beneficial it will naturally be for him to sell pills.

"Master Ye Dan!"

"Hello, Master Ye Dan!"


As Ye Wuque slowly stepped into the road among the crowd, countless star-watching apprentices all around him greeted him with a hint of flattery and warmth in his tone.

When Ye Wuque walked to the vacant corner in the center, the leaders of the five major forces almost unanimously took a step forward, with a friendly smile on his face, clasped his fists in his hands and bowed towards Ye Wuque, and then spoke!

"I have seen Master Ye Dan!"

"It's better to see each other!"

"Master Ye is really a dragon and a phoenix!"


The countless apprentices around Star Watching looked at this scene in a daze!

How did the leaders of the five major forces in Xuancheng open to the same person in such a polite manner at the same time?

It was so shocking!


Not surprisingly, Ye Wuque's radiance at this moment is so radiant and eye-catching!

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