Return of the War God

Chapter 1861: : The Great Soul King Peak!

It is indeed extremely difficult to refine the nine-grade pill. For an alchemist, it is indeed a challenge like a carp jumping through the dragon gate, but people are always forced to do it. How can you know if you don't try? "

Ye Wuque stood up long, with his hands on his back, and opened his mouth lightly. There seemed to be thousands of rays of light surging in the bright eyes. This sentence was extremely calm, but anyone could clearly hear the kind that could pierce everything. Edge and Xuanhe!

After hearing Ye Wuque's words, Xia Zhong's eyes kept flickering and said, "Could it be that Brother Ye is already confident of refining the nine-tier pill?"

"There is no absolute certainty, but as I said just now, it is always better to try, so it is better than waiting to die, what if it succeeds?"

The four chiefs slowly nodded, and Ye Wuque’s words undoubtedly said something. If nothing was done, then it was destined to be the most serious end. Ye Wuque needed to bear a full three years of notoriety. It would be better to fight for it. Fight, but it's the worst!

But what if Ye Wuque really succeeded in gaining the identity of the clover alchemist?

The conspiracy of the White Dragon Society will only be self-defeating at that time, and at that time, with the blessing of the clover alchemist status, the value of the pill that Ye Wuque refines will bring earth-shattering profits!

Enough to exceed the previous three eight-pin medicinal pills ten times, or even dozens of times!

Thinking of this, the gloomy hearts of the four chiefs suddenly became hot again!

"Okay! Zhike swallows the sky! Since Master Ye has such confidence, then we will definitely support it. From now on, if Master Ye has any requirements but it doesn't matter, we will do our best to meet them!"

They are all the heads of a major force. After thinking clearly about the pros and cons contained in them, Gao Lixiong was the first to speak with a firm tone!

"That's right, what we want to say about the high gang leader is what we want to say, Master Ye Dan, do not hesitate to ask what you want. After the grade meeting officially starts in five days, I will definitely accompany you to Dancheng to cheer for you!"

Duan Sirius also spoke firmly.

"Hehe, thank you for showing your love, Ye Mou accepted it with my heart."

Ye Wuque also smiled faintly.

"Brother Ye, you can rest assured to prepare. We will not be idle for the next five days. I have already ordered to go down and start tracing the trails of the strange poisonous souls on the snow. Five days later, I must give that Bai Lengchen a surprise! The Falling Water Spirit Pills of the Tianbai Dragon Society are sold well! It's just a conspiracy, who can't play it yet?"

Xia Zhong spoke at the end, but expressed his stance like this, with a palpitating light in his eyes!

Immediately after a few people stopped staying, they all left, leaving Ye Wuque more time.

Within the cave house, there was only Ye Wuque left again soon.

He sat down again, naturally he would not go to alchemy again, but quietly closed his eyes, began to recharge his energy, and digested the huge gains of these three months!

In the past three months, Ye Wuque was almost completely in a state of crazy alchemy. He had completely forgotten food and sleep. Except for the necessary rest, he stayed at home and kept alchemy without ever having any. stop.

Forgetting sleep and food, and full attention, Ye Wuque also entered a state like a fairy and a devil here, chaotic and ignorant, as if he could not perceive anything, but his spirit was extremely clear and sharp, except for There is no other pill, and it is almost integrated with the pill!

This state is extremely strange, according to Balao's statement, this is the epiphany state that countless alchemists dream of and hope to meet!

In this state, the alchemist's alchemy will advance by leaps and bounds at an unimaginable terrifying speed!

Therefore, even when he heard that the Pill City Grade Association was a clover alchemist, Ye Wuque still didn't have any fear here.

All this confidence is due to the tremendous gains brought by the state of epiphany!

Therefore, no one knows that compared with three months ago, Ye Wuque is completely reborn in alchemy and has improved more than one level!

But even so, Ye Wuque still didn't have full confidence in whether he could really refine the nine-grade pill.

After all, from the information Xia Zhong told him, the clover alchemist grade meeting in the city of Pill, independently refining the nine-level pill is only a basic condition, truly qualified to win the only "clover" level alchemist. , Must have the strength to refine the 9th-rank intermediate or even the 9th-rank high-rank pill!

But at this point, Ye Wuque had already made a decision to fight hard. As for the result, it didn't matter. It was good if it was successful. Unsuccessful was also a huge experience and experience for Ye Wuque.

Inside the cave, Ye Wuque sat cross-legged quietly, as if it had turned into a statue, and his aura slowly fell silent, as if it had turned into a quiet and serene lake, unrelenting and perfect as a mirror.

Time passed by little by little, and soon five days' time went away quietly!

When Ye Wuque opened his eyes again, there was a touch of extreme depth in those bright eyes!


In the next moment, an infinitely high and infinitely majestic aura suddenly swept across the entire cave, like an invincible king sitting on the void, deterring everything and overwhelming everything!


This is the fluctuation of the power of divine mind!

And the power of this divine mind is strong and powerful, far surpassing before, giving people a sense of majestic vastness, as if straight through the sky, spreading all over the world!

"After three months of alchemy and polishing, before the start of the rank meeting, my spiritual power finally broke through to the peak of the Great Soul King!"

Ye Wuque, who was sitting cross-legged, finally had a hint of joy on his face and whispered softly.

Great Soul King Peak!

It seems that it is still in the realm of the Great Soul King, but the quality and intensity of the power of the divine mind are several times higher than the ordinary Great Soul King, and it is also superior to the high-level Great Soul King who surpasses the ordinary Great Soul King!

If compared purely with the power of divine consciousness, today's Ye Wuque with the Great Soul King peak is enough to sweep the past seven or eight of himself, this is a similar to qualitative improvement!

"The stronger the power of the divine mind, the stronger the control over alchemy. As a result, my confidence in the alchemy grade meeting has improved a lot! It has been more than three months and five days without leaving home. It’s time to see the light again..."

Slowly standing up, there was a deep ray of light in Ye Wuque's bright eyes, and the figure disappeared in the cave with his thoughts.

call out!

The light flashed, before the disciple Dongfu, a figure of Ye Wuque in a black robe appeared out of thin air, and the warm and bright sunlight reflected on his white and handsome face, making him look more handsome and handsome, especially those bright eyes. , Like reflecting the stars of the universe, full of a strange charm!

But in the next moment, several laughter resounded almost simultaneously!

"Haha! Brother Ye really left!"

"I have been waiting for a long time!"


Following the reputation, Ye Wuque immediately saw the six figures, naturally the leaders of the five major forces, as well as Oasichen.

"Hehe, let you all wait, let's go now."

Taking a step forward, Ye Wuque smiled and opened his mouth, his martial robes flicked. The whole person seemed to be quiet and far-reaching, even returning to the basics. It was completely different from five days ago, as if it were a different person.

This immediately shocked the hearts of the five leaders!

But immediately, a touch of joy rushed into their hearts. Obviously, within these five days, Ye Wuque seemed to have made some kind of breakthrough here!

No matter what kind of breakthrough, it would be beneficial and harmless for Ye Wuque to participate in the alchemy grade.

Seven figures walked side by side, but Xia Zhong smiled at Ye Wuque and said, "Brother Ye has worked hard, but I have a piece of good news that I can tell Brother Ye."


Xia Zhong's words immediately made Ye Wuque's eyes flash, and there was a hint of interest.

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