Return of the War God

Chapter 1863: : Genius alchemists!

He had long expected that not all alchemists would be eligible to participate in that level meeting. If some were eliminated first, the existence of the stone platform and the trial in front of him would serve this purpose.

At the same time, after Ye Wuque saw the light flashing on the stone platform, dozens of figures appeared, all of them alchemists, apparently just finishing the trial.

It's just that the vast majority of them have gray and desperate faces, and their eyes are full of unwillingness. Only a few people have a proud smile on their faces, and the momentum is soaring!

Failing the trial means that you are not qualified to participate in the grade meeting. Naturally, some people are happy and some are sad.

At this moment, one direction suddenly became extremely noisy and noisy, and it was mixed with a lot of shocking discussions!

"Look! It's Xue Miaoyi, the disciple of Master Pill City Master Heavenly Medicine, here!"

"Hey! It's really Xue Miaoyi! That's a pill refining genius who is known as a thousand-year-old! Even the Master of Heavenly Medicine is amazed by his aptitude, and he has earned him an extraordinary income!"

"That's right! Xue Miaoyi himself is not only outstanding in the world, but also the youngest alchemist who has obtained the status of Shamrock in nearly five hundred years! He is like a fairy!"

"Yes! As early as two years ago, Xue Miaoyi won the status of Shamrock Alchemist. She didn't expect that she had the ability to attack the Shamrock Alchemist after just two years of accumulation. It's amazing!"


Sounds full of exclamation and enthusiasm spread one after another, which directly attracted countless apprentice star watching to stop and look in that direction.

"Xue Miaoyi! The youngest two-leaf clover alchemist in five hundred years! I have long heard that this genius alchemist who has worshipped the city master Tianyao master has never showed up easily, but I did not expect to encounter it today !"

At this moment, Xia Zhong's face also had a touch of amazement, as did the other four people, obviously they were all known to this Xue Miaoyi for a long time.

This also made Ye Wuque's eyes a glimmer of interest, and the bright gaze suddenly looked over.

In the next moment, the world seemed to be quiet suddenly!

Because a world of beauty is slowly coming, if floating down from above the nine heavens!

She is wearing a silver-white martial arts skirt, like a snow lotus blooming on the top of a snow-capped mountain, ethereal and fresh, her skin is snowy, crystal clear, she is truly beautiful, her body is exquisite and beautiful, and the most important thing is her temperament seems very Cold, there is a kind of coldness and beauty that people dare not look at, which makes people feel ashamed.

This woman is Xue Miaoyi!

If one step was like a lotus flower, Xue Miaoyi walked towards the stone platform, obviously she showed up to participate in the trial.

Not surprisingly, the arrival of Xue Miaoyi made the atmosphere here become boundlessly hot, but soon someone discovered that the talented alchemist here was more than Xue Miaoyi!

A young man in black who stepped from another direction also attracted the attention of countless people!

"That's Hu Qingfeng! He is the most amazing and brilliant Shamrock Alchemist in Heaven!"

"Also, look at that panting fat man, is it Hongcheng's first alchemist Xu Congliang?"

"Damn! It's like an appointment! Cai Boyuan, the first alchemist in the deserted city, has also arrived!"

As a series of exclamations continued to sound, I saw figures from all directions that were well-known in major cities, all of whom were genius alchemists who had already obtained the level of Shamrock!

"Snow sister, we meet again!"

Hu Qingfeng in black walked to stand in front of Xue Miaoyi, with a gentle smile on his face, as if he smiled softly as if he was a son of a turbid world, and that demeanor suddenly brightened the eyes of many women around him.

However, Xue Miaoyi frowned when he heard Hu Qingfeng's affectionate name here, but still faintly said: "It's been a long time since Master Hu."

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"The crowds are pretty good! But I'm sorry, this time the clover alchemist will only belong to Xu Congliang, who belongs to me! Hey, such a long journey is exhausting me!"

A fat man with a weird hairstyle like a chicken coop stood still, panting, and his small eyes filled with palpitating light!

"You are not ashamed of speaking! Xu Congliang depends on you?"

Cai Boyuan, the first alchemist in the deserted city, snorted coldly. His figure was thin and his appearance was very distinctive, but he gave people an unfathomable feeling.

"You Caipi chirps crookedly, you are still so annoying!"

Not to be outdone, Xu Congliang glared at Cai Boyuan fiercely, and by the way, he glared at him with Hu Qingfeng!

All of a sudden, the atmosphere among the four great genius alchemists seemed to be a bit rattled!

Before this stone platform, the four of them also became absolute protagonists!

"Although there are still a few people who have not come to the whole, but since we meet again, before the official start of the grade meeting, it is better to play with this trial. It can be regarded as our warm-up first, how about?"

Hu Qingfeng smiled faintly and spoke like this.

"Come on then!"

"Come on! Who is afraid of who!"

Cai Boyuan and Xu Congliang immediately agreed, and Hu Qingfeng immediately looked at Xue Miaoyi who was aloof.

Xue Miaoyi's green silk fluttered, her beautiful eyes swept across the three people's head and said slightly: "Also, let's discuss it."


The four of them immediately flickered and rushed towards the stone platform!

Now the world seems to explode!

"Damn! The four great genius alchemists have begun to compete before this level meeting officially begins?"

"This is interesting! Don't miss it!"

"The four great genius alchemists are on the stage. Who else dares to come on? This round of trials is probably the stage for the four of them!"

Sure enough, the alchemists who were preparing to take the test on the stage saw the four of them rushing up, all of them changed their expressions, and they all retreated automatically!


Participating in the trial with these four talented alchemists, isn't this looking for abuse?

It doesn't matter if you have to wait a long time.

In the distance, Ye Wuque, with his hands on his shoulders, looked at the four Xue Miaoyi, and a faint gleam of light surged from the bright eyes: "Shuangye Cao alchemist? They are indeed four powerful opponents."

Ye Wuque's words made the four of Xia Zhong nodded in agreement. In front of these four, people like Mo Feng were not even qualified to lift shoes for others.

But the next moment Xia Zhong's expression changed, "Brother Ye, what are you doing?"

Ye Wuque, who had been standing still, actually walked towards the stone platform at this moment!

"Participating in the trial, what else can you do? It takes at least an hour to wait for the last round in vain, which is a waste of time."

After speaking these words lightly, under the incredible eyes of Xia Zhong's four people, Ye Wuque appeared on the stone platform in a flash.

This immediately shocked countless people!

"I'm going! Who is this? You dare to go up with this kind of knotty eyes? Isn't this looking for abuse?"

"The four great genius alchemists competed against each other, and even an unknown alchemist dare to intervene? Don't you feel embarrassed enough?"

"Huh? This person is a bit familiar! I seem to have seen it somewhere, is it Ye Wuque who has passed the trial of a hundred refining real dragons?"

"Oh! Really, but even if he is practicing Tianjiao, but this is a grand gathering for alchemists, is it possible that he is also an alchemist?"


There was a lot of discussion between heaven and earth, and some people recognized Ye Wuque's identity, but even so, there were still countless people who felt that Ye Wuque didn't know the heights of the sky and was looking for abuse by himself.

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