Return of the War God

Chapter 1866: : Laugh out big teeth

Hu Qingfeng actually purified the nine-section green spirit bamboo seven times here, one more time than Cai Boyuan, but everyone knows that the gap is huge!

Unsurprisingly, Hu Qingfeng's attainments in plant purification are one level higher than that of Cai Boyuan.

"I'm sorry Brother Cai, it seems that Hu is overpowering you..."

Hu Qingfeng smiled faintly, and said like this, Cai Boyuan suddenly let out a cold snort, his face turned a little ugly.

"Hey! It's Xu Ye's turn!"

Fatty Xu Congliang gave a chuckle, with a sharp smile in his small eyes, he directly threw the nine-section green spirit bamboo in his hand!

After five breaths, a big "eight" character also shined out!

Like Hu Qingfeng, Xu Congliang also purified the nine-section green spirit bamboo eight times.

"Haha! Lao Cai, Lao Cai, go back and spend more time on plant purification, look at you, tusk, it's a lot of difference!"

Xu Congliang watched Cai Boyuan's trembling constantly, but soon he stopped trembling, and even the whole world became quiet!

Because when Xue Miaoyi's nine-section green spirit bamboo was thrown on the detection compass, the shining number shocked countless people!


This means that Xue Miaoyi lifted the nine-section green spirit bamboo into nine times, almost reaching the extreme!

At this moment, the expressions of Hu Qingfeng, Cai Boyuan, and Xu Congliang all changed, and there was an unconcealable shock on their faces!

And the quiet surroundings immediately became extremely hot!

"That's amazing! Xue Miaoyi is Xue Miaoyi, and that's it! It's only one step away from the top ten times!"

"It's worthy of being the youngest Shamrock Alchemist in five hundred years! I've taken it!"

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Countless apprentice Wangxing talked about it, and the eyes of Xue Miaoyi who looked at the ecstasy were filled with surprise and admiration.

Even Ye Wuque, who stood still by the side, flashed his eyes, and slowly nodded, with a touch of appreciation flowing from within.

"Being able to purify the Jiujie Qinglingzhu nine times shows that her control and understanding of the whole set of plants and trees has almost reached the extreme. Such an achievement at such an age is indeed impressive and well-deserved."

After Hu Qingfeng's face changed slightly, he resumed his calmness and demeanor. He looked at Xue Miaoyi and said, "Sister Xue is worthy of the master of Heavenly Medicine's feet. I lose a lot in the control of the grass and trees."

These words of Hu Qingfeng undoubtedly made countless people watch him slowly nodding, secretly sighing that his demeanor is really good, and generously admit his failure.

"Brother Hu is serious, but it's just a warm-up match. The real contest depends on the next grade meeting."

Xue Miaoyi responded calmly, with a cold temperament.

At this point, the results of the four great alchemy genius trials have all been announced, and Xue Miaoyi has taken the lead and won the first place!

"The last one, Ye Wuque."

Immediately afterwards, the words of the white-bearded old man rang again, but the brows of all people between heaven and earth were frowned, and some people even curled their lips, looking dispirited.

Obviously, in the eyes of everyone, Ye Wuque's performance is not important at all, because no matter how good he is, is it possible for him to pass the four geniuses?

Xue Miaoyi's four people's expressions were all restored to indifference, and Cai Boyuan's figure flashed, jumped directly off the stone platform and was about to leave, as did Xu Congliang.

They didn't have the patience to watch the results of Ye Wuque's trial at all.

Because in their eyes, Ye Wuque didn't even have the qualifications to be their opponent.

On the stone platform, Hu Qingfeng was still standing with a smile, never leaving, showing his demeanor, but deep in his eyes, the meaning of playfulness and mockery became more and more intense, looking at Ye Wuque’s eyes as if Look at the monkey that can only bring him fun.

After Xue Miaoyi thought slightly, she seemed to be ready to leave.

However, Ye Wuque's expression was calm here, completely ignoring the rest of the people, but gently throwing out the things in his hand and landing on the detection compass.


The compass immediately shines and starts to detect!

Mo Feng in the distance had already sneered. He couldn't wait to see Ye Wuque's deflated appearance.

Only the five of Xia Zhong stared at the shining compass!

After five breaths, a stream of light shone out and turned into a huge number, which!


Ye Wuque only purified it once here!

The whole world quieted down strangely, and then there were countless laughter bursts, shaking the sky and the earth!

"Hahahahaha...Is there no problem with my eyes? Once?"

"I really laughed at me! Ye Wuque only succeeded in purifying it once? It''s too much! Why does he have the face to stand on it?"

"If I wish he could find a place to sew in immediately! Hahahaha..."

"This kind of result is completely the most **** result in this trial, right?"

A fame star apprentice couldn't help laughing, almost laughing out of his teeth, and his eyes looked at Ye Wuque full of pity.

"Hahahaha! The embarrassing rubbish, only purified once, it can't be used again!"

At this moment, Mo Feng laughed wildly from ear to ear, and his tone was full of contempt, even with a trembling because of being too happy.

"I thought it would really turn the sky, hum!"

Bai Lengchen was also sneering, and finally let go of the heart that had been hanging.

In the other direction, Xia Zhong's five people all showed a bitter smile, and when they met, there was a deep frustration, even Xia Zhong sighed at this moment.

At this moment, Ye Wuque seemed to be the laughing stock in everyone's eyes!

However, on the stone platform, Ye Wuque's complexion is still calm, without the slightest emotion, but in the eyes of others, he just feels that Ye Wuque's face is really not as thick as usual, and it can be maintained so well under such conditions. .

Hu Qingfeng's eyes were full of sarcastic smiles, but he still said to Ye Wuque: "Brother Ye, your courage is commendable, but this alchemy is still too difficult for you, I advise It’s better for you to just give up, otherwise it’s just a pure waste of time."

Xue Miaoyi was already flashing here, and also left the stone platform.

But at this moment, the white-bearded old man behind the stone platform has a pair of eyes staring at the nine-section green spirit bamboo that is perishable on the detection compass. A hint of suspicion emerges slowly from within, and then he is surprised again. Replaced by the extreme shock!

"Thank you for Brother Hu's suggestion, but Ye Mou still likes the alchemy one."

How could Ye Wuque not notice Hu Qingfeng's seemingly well-intentioned but mocking advice? Direct and indifferent response.

But in the eyes of the others, it left countless people speechless, secretly sighing that Ye Wuque's face is as thick as a city wall!

"It's gone! A cheeky person is nothing good!"

Someone in the crowd spoke immediately, and those who had watched the play were ready to disperse.

"This... how is this possible?"

But at this moment, an unbelievable old voice suddenly exploded, resounding in every corner between heaven and earth, making countless people's complexions suddenly condensed, and their steps were full!

Even the figures of Cai Boyuan, Xu Congliang, and Xue Miaoyi who were about to leave were all stagnant, subconsciously turning their heads to look at the stone platform.

Because they heard that the sudden voice came from the old man with white beard.

On the stone platform, Hu Qingfeng also narrowed his eyes, a little puzzled, but he saw the white-bearded old man staring at the nine-sectioned green spirit bamboo belonging to Ye Wuque on the detection compass, and then his figure flashed. He disappeared in place, came to the compass, leaned down and slowly stretched out his right hand, even with a hint of trembling!

And the face of the old man with white beard is full of extreme incredible and shock!

"Finally found out..."

The long and standing Ye Wuque carried his hands on his back, muttering to himself lightly, a deep gleam in his bright eyes.

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