Return of the War God

Chapter 1872: :Glory Plaza

"Miaoyi, I have always been sincere to you! Don't you know this? No matter who it is, you can never take you away from me. You belong to me! You can only belong to me. Who dares to approach you, No matter who he is, I will never let it go!"

Ye Yan's gaze finally moved to Xue Miaoyi's body, his eyes instantly became frenzied, and there was a desire for control and possessiveness that people dare not look at, as if Xue Miaoyi belonged to him alone!

For this, we can destroy everything at all costs!

"Enough! Ye Shu, please respect yourself! I say one last time, I have nothing to do with you...!"

The coldness on Xue Miaoyi's face was so intense that she took a slight breath before holding back the anger in her heart. After saying this, she immediately turned to look at Ye Wuque, her beautiful eyes pouring out A deep apology: "Young Master Ye, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect that my visit would cause you trouble."

"Snow Maiden is serious, there will always be some annoying mangy dogs in the world, understandable."

Ye Wuque smiled slightly, but what he said clearly meant something.

Hearing Ye Wuque’s still indifferent tone, Xue Miaoyi was a little relieved here, realizing that Ye Wuque did not irritate because of this, and immediately said: "Thank you, Master Ye, then our previous agreement..."

"Snow Maiden don't worry, Ye will take a trip after the grade meeting."

"So I can rest assured. Even so, I won't bother Ye Gongzi anymore. I'm sorry to have caused you trouble. Miaoyi will leave first."

Having said that, Xue Miaoyi slightly pointed towards Ye Wuque's head, and immediately flickered directly, drifting away.

Because she knew that as long as she stayed here for a while, Ye Xun would stay here for a while, and only if she left would Ye Xun leave, and would no longer disturb Ye Wuque.

Sure enough, after seeing Xue Miaoyi choose to leave directly and neatly, Ye Fal's gaze immediately followed.

He had been in another place before, not in the sect. After finally seeing Xue Miaoyi, how could he miss it? Immediately follow Xue Miaoyi to go.

But before leaving, Ye Hao looked at Ye Wuque again, your contemptuous and domineering expression reappeared, and his eyes were full of cold smiles: "If you are lucky today, I have no time to take care of you, but since you are like this I also want to participate in the grade meeting, so just listen carefully. At the grade meeting tomorrow, I will step on your face with my foot to let you know what despair is, and what is heaven and earth!"

Arrogant! overbearing!


This is Ye Falcon!

Before the guest room, Ye Wuque's complexion with his hands on his back remained unchanged, but his voice sounded the same: "What are you? Fortunately, tomorrow I will teach you how to be a person on behalf of your parents."

As soon as this word came out, the atmosphere immediately became tense!

Ye Yan's eyes suddenly narrowed, and there was a terrible light surging in it, but then he sneered again, raised his right hand and made a cruel and **** throat cut toward Ye Wuque!

Immediately no longer staying, Ye Fal's figure disappeared in place, apparently chasing Xue Miaoyi.

And Ye Wuque went straight back to the guest room here, and the scene that was about to happen was temporarily stopped.

However, the countless apprentices who watched the stars knew that when the grade of tomorrow really began, there was bound to be a battle to come!

Time passed, and the trial on the stone platform continued, but a short day and night passed quickly.

The next day, when the bright and warm sunshine flooded the entire Dan City, the entire Dan City also boiled completely!

The clover alchemist class meeting, which has attracted the attention of countless apprentices of Wangxing, has finally arrived!

Dan city center!

There is a vast and boundless square here, old and mottled, after years of baptism, even the floor has long been weathered, but it is still extremely hard, symbolizing the changes in the glorious years of Dan City.

●: ¤{

This square has a very high reputation among the nine cities under the sea of ​​stars, and is called...Glory Square!

The reason for this name is that since the endless years, Pill City's grade meeting has been held in this square, where countless alchemists who have obtained the status of grass blades have been born, and their glory shines here.

Today, the Glory Square is boiling again!

I saw a number of figures coming from every direction and from all directions, it was the star-gazing apprentice in the nine cities!

Such a grand event as the Grade Meeting is to witness the birth of the highest-ranking "Clover Alchemist" under the stars.

In almost half an hour, the entire Glory Plaza was surrounded by people, and it was so dark that the end could not be seen.

"Here! All the alchemists who passed the trial yesterday are here! Lots of people! I'm afraid there will be thousands of them! This scale is far beyond any previous level meeting!"

"Isn't this nonsense? You know this is the clover alchemist's rank meeting, representing the highest level of Pill City. Once it is successfully won, the status and status will change drastically! Even if it soars to the upper realm in the future, countless forces are still competing. The object of solicitation!"


Countless star-gazing apprentices are discussing, ten directions are boiling, but one after another is looking at the entrance of Glory Plaza, where thousands of figures are coming slowly, all exuding powerful divine thought fluctuations. Magnificent, powerful and spectacular!

These thousands of people are the alchemists who passed the trial yesterday and qualified to participate in the rank meeting!

"Look, Xue Miaoyi!"

Someone exclaimed that many people saw Xue Miaoyi who was like a snow lotus fairy for the first time!

A silver-white martial arts skirt fluttering, walking alone, the blue silk flying, as if walking from an ancient painting, cold and beautiful.

No way, no matter where you go, the beauty is finally the most attractive and beautiful thing, and people can't help but gather their eyes.

"His! Freak Ye Falcon! What a terrifying aura, like... a hot red soldering iron!"

Soon someone saw the arrogant and arrogant Ye Fal, he walked forward with his arms folded, his eyes were wild and contemptuous, as if no one in the world could be put in his eyes.

"Have you heard? Yesterday Xue Miaoyi went to find Ye Wuque, and Ye Xuan went straight to the door after learning about it, and almost got into a fight with Ye Wuque!"

"Of course I know that I was on the scene at the time. Although I didn't fight in the end, it was clear that today's grade would be better, and the show is about to begin! Look, Ye Wuque also appeared!"

In the other direction, Ye Wuque, a black martial artist with his hands on his back, walked forward with thick black hair and shawl. There was a deep calm in the bright eyes, as if walking outside the red dust, mysterious and unpredictable.

However, in the next moment, Ye Wuque’s eyes flashed, as if he felt something, his gaze turned slightly, and he looked to the right. There, a tall figure was also walking forward. This person is different from everyone. The breath is unpredictable, and what is even more strange is that this person has a gray mask on his face, which hides his true face.

"Is this person a faceless person..."

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