Return of the War God

Chapter 1878: : Tyrant Green Tiger Fire!

Genius remembers "" in one second.

"Damn! Is there a kind of spiritual fire here?"

"Linghuo is in hand, for the alchemist, this is like a divine help!"

"This guy can have a spirit fire in his hands, he must not be waiting for a while, I guess he won't be difficult for the second round!"


9% cool, v craftsman $ net q! Only 9 a jz genuine q0, t2 others are pirated "x

The eyes of a fame star apprentice became full of envy and jealousy. The prestige of the spirit fire spread everywhere. Every monk wanted to have a kind of spirit fire, but unfortunately it was hard to find.

The burly alchemist Xiang Qing felt the envious eyes of countless people between heaven and earth, and the vanity in his heart was greatly satisfied. Swift, he no longer hesitated, stepped out, and the tyrant green tiger in his hand immediately swept through the fire and enveloped directly. One end of the chain hanging down!


In almost an instant, the cyan flame burned up along the chain. From a distance, a fire snake appeared suddenly on the black stele, spreading up and igniting the entire black stele!

The terrible flames are so powerful that they are constantly evolving and roaring in all directions. These scenes are so visually impactful that countless people are amazed!

"Huh! My Xiang Qing is destined to be famous all over the world. With the help of spirit and fire, I can also fight for the clover alchemist!"

Looking at the chain ignited by himself, Xiang Qing whispered proudly, his tone full of conceit and confidence!


Immediately afterwards, the dark and mysterious body of the black stele began to shine, and numbers began to emerge, immediately affecting everyone's attention!

"How many points will Xiang Qing get?"

"He has spirit fire! I guess he scored seven or eight points? Maybe full marks are possible!"

"Yes! Spirit Fire is too abnormal!"

However, just as everyone was guessing, the number on the monument was finally frozen, and it was a...three!

Only three points!

It's two full points away from the qualified five points!

In other words, Xiang Qing was simply unqualified in the second round and will be eliminated directly!


The whole world suddenly became quiet, and countless people showed incredible expressions!

"Three points? I only got three points? Impossible! It's impossible! I have a spirit fire! How can I only get three points? I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

Xiang Qing stared at the huge number three on the stele, and the whole person suddenly became crazy, unable to believe all this!

"Idiot! Master Heavenly Medicine has already said that the test of this level is the mastery of fire control. Although you have obtained the spirit fire, you have not completely controlled it at all, but you are completely indulged in its power. Become arrogant and arrogant, I don't know what to say, Tyrant Lie Qinghu fire falls in your hands, it is really a pearl in the dust, what a pity!"

An alchemist not far away spoke coldly, but hit the nail on the head!

"No! I don't believe it!!"

Xiang Qing was stunned when he heard these words, but became hysterical. Obviously he had realized it in his heart, but he couldn't accept it. In the end, the whole person was like crazy, and he staggered and ran away directly. He rushed out of Glory Square and was directly eliminated!

This scene made countless apprentice Wangxing dumbfounded. No one thought that the result would turn out to be like this, but it also made everyone fully understand what the second round of tests was.

"the second!"

"Five points! Passed!"

"Four points! Unqualified!"

"Five points! Passed!"


Immediately afterwards, a famous alchemist started the second round of the test according to the number. The chain on the black tablet was constantly lit, and the tablet body kept shining with numbers to determine the final result!

However, most alchemists only scored four points. As long as a few qualified, they only scored five points, and none of the higher scores appeared.

"Sure enough, the test of the second round of fire control power is not that simple. Except for a few people, none of these alchemists who can survive the second round are weak, but they can still only get four or five points. The difficulty is amazing... …"

Ye Wuque looked at the black stele with a hint of sharpness in his eyes.

In the distance, Hu Qingfeng, who had been staring at Ye Wuque stubbornly, seemed to perceive Ye Wuque’s expression, and immediately sneered in his heart and said to himself: "Huh! Have you finally seen how great it is? I have said that the grade meeting is the real one. In the beginning, fire control is the root, just because a guy who popped out of you wants to be arrogant?

"Next, on the fifty-third, Hu Qingfeng!"

At this moment, the white robe guardian just chanted Hu Qingfeng's name, which immediately shocked everyone in the audience!

"Is it finally the turn of the alchemy genius to play? Hu Qingfeng, I really look forward to his results!"

"It's hard to say, the difficulty of the second round of fire control is simply unimaginable. Up to now, there is no one with more than five points. I am afraid that even Hu Qingfeng will have to discount it!"

Someone was whispering and didn't seem to be optimistic about Hu Qingfeng, after all, this second round of fire control was too difficult.

"Have you finally reached me? Humph! Ye Wuque! Open your dog eyes and see clearly, and see how I defeated you and stepped on your feet!"

Hu Qingfeng's face showed the signature demeanor smile, but his eyes were very cold, and he looked directly at Ye Wuque, with a cold glow in it!

Ye Wuque naturally also noticed Hu Qingfeng's gaze, but he didn't care at all. In his eyes, Hu Qingfeng and his ilk were nothing but flies.

Countless people looked at Hu Qingfeng, who was slowly walking towards the black stele, and stared at him, without blinking!

Above the seats in Glory Plaza, Master Tianyao and others all looked at Hu Qingfeng at this moment, and said with a smile, "Well, is this little guy Hu Qingfeng appearing? This little guy has good qualifications, you guys. How many points can he get for his fire control?"

"This time is the level meeting of the clover alchemist. The difficulty of controlling fire has been adjusted to the highest level. Even with Hu Qingfeng's qualifications, I am afraid he can only get a six-pointer."

"Yes, the identity of the clover alchemist is extraordinary and significant. It absolutely has to go through strict screening, so the difficulty is extremely high. It depends on his own performance."

Master Gu Hai immediately spoke, seeming to have confirmed Hu Qingfeng's achievements.

"Several people, I'm a little curious. The highest score for the Black Tablet is 10 points. Have you ever seen such a result at several clover alchemist grade meetings in the past?"

Suddenly, Elder Hong Tao spoke curiously and asked such a question.

When these words came out, the sight of the four remaining clover alchemists, including Master Heavenly Medicine, converged, and they all showed a faint smile of helplessness.

Master Tianyao directly shook his head and said: "No, the highest fire-controlling power score ever seen in clover grades in the past is only nine points."

However, when he said this, Master Tianyao seemed to have heard something, and a trace of sadness gushed from the depths of his eyes, but he disappeared for a moment, as if he had never appeared before.

Before the black stele, Hu Qingfeng had already stood still. He stretched out his right hand with his palm facing up. After a thought, a blue flame rose from his hand!

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