Return of the War God

Chapter 1880: : The amazing Ye Falcon!

At the Glory Square, after hearing his number, Ye Xuan's boring and contemptuous expression finally disappeared. He stretched out a big lazy waist on the spot, and made a sound of crackling like fried beans. The extremely overbearing and arrogant momentum exploded!

"After waiting so long, a bunch of trash is a waste of time!"

While the contemptuous voice resounded, Ye Shu walked towards the black stele. Wherever he passed, some alchemists involuntarily retreated backwards, and there was a deep sense of terror and fear on their faces!

Because Ye Falcon's breath is too steamy, like a boiling active volcano, suffocating people, it's terrible!

"What an arrogant kid!"

On the seat, Master Gu Hai said helplessly, as did the others, all showing the same helpless smile.

Within the city of Pill, Ye Xun’s lawless and arrogant character is truly what everyone knows, but Master Tianyao and others have always been extremely tolerant of him in the spirit of love for talent. After all, the qualifications of alchemy are , Ye Fal was indeed stunning.

"Ye Yan is the most popular candidate to win the status of clover alchemist this time, and there is not even one of them. Even if it is Miao Yi, I have to say that in front of Ye Xun, she is still missing three points."

Master Tianyao spoke lightly, but his words were full of extremely high evaluations of Ye Falcon.

"Yeah! Ye Xuan is called a freak. He has only been in contact with Alchemy Dao for three years, and he has reached such a point. Such a wizard is not a freak, what kind of freak?"

If the master also spoke slowly, he was obviously very optimistic about Ye Falcon, after all, they were completely looking at the rise of Ye Falcon.

"I hope that after he wins the clover alchemy master, his temperament can be reduced a bit, and he will stop being so arrogant."

Master Ling said these words sharply, and the others nodded slowly.

However, at this moment, Elder Hong Tao, who had been watching the silence, spoke again, and smiled lightly: "I also heard of Ye Fal’s freak name. He does have the strength to win the clover alchemist, but he has to Saying that there is no threat to him, I have a different opinion."

"Oh? What does Elder Hong Tao mean?"

Master Gu Hai raised his brows, and spoke like this, obviously looking forward to Elder Hong Tao's next words after all.

"If Ye Fal is a freak, then there is another evildoer that can threaten him!"

"Monster? You mean..."

In an instant, everyone on the seat condensed their eyes, and their eyes all subconsciously looked at a tall and slender figure standing in the Glory Square!

"Yeah! Ye Fal is a freak, and Ye Wuque is a well-deserved evildoer! Intuition tells me that Ye Wuque may be able to give everyone a big surprise!"

Elder Hong Tao's old eyes condensed on Ye Wuque's body again, and he opened his mouth with such a faint smile, but his tone contained a certain kind of determination.

"Haha, it is rare for the elders to express such a position, even so optimistic about a little guy. I admit that the talent of this little guy Ye Wuque is amazing in practice, and he can be listed as one of the strongest Qianlong in the history of my Beidou Dao Jizong! But in alchemy, he may also have outstanding aptitude, even better than Hu Qingfeng and the other three, but I have witnessed the rise of Ye Xun with my own eyes, so I will wait to understand Ye Xun's strength!"

"I have to say that Ye Wuque is still inferior to Ye Yan."

Master Gu Hai's expression became solemn, and he spoke his own opinions, obviously he was extremely inclined to Ye Shu.

"Haha, since Master Gu Hai is so confident, how about we make a bet? Just bet on my bottle of Baixue Niang and your bottle of Purple Sunburn? You win the Zisunyao for me, I win the Baixue Niang and return you!"

Elder Hong Tao laughed like this, and Master Gu Hai also showed a smile on his face and said: "Okay! One word is for sure!"

The several masters in the seats all smiled, but the expression of Master Tianyao was a bit strange. His eyes were fixed on the faceless man, and the feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger, but he couldn't think about it anyway. Understand why.

At this moment, Ye Falco, who was in front of the black stele, finally made a move. He just stretched out a finger, and a flame was throbbing on it. The flame sank in a rich red color, like boiling magma!

There was a kind of extreme dominance and arrogance on Ye Yan's face, and there was even more arrogance in his eyes. With a flick of his finger, the beating red flame instantly enveloped the chains!


Immediately afterwards, a earth-shattering fire exploded and burst into flames. In just one breath, the entire void was reflected in red, and the terrible red flame evolved into a huge towering phantom. ……volcanic!

The volcanic shadow towers high in the void, and magma is constantly spewing out. The magma is melted by the red flame, which diffuses and burns the void, and even the dust is instantly wiped out wherever it passes. It is terrifying!

Violent! Crazy! Can not control!

It is the feeling that this red flame gives people, and even the chain dances wildly under the burning of the red flame, as if it can't bear the terrifying burning heat!

All the alchemists in the entire Glory Plaza were sweating, and their lips were dry and cracked, and they couldn't even look at the red flame, because it was too hot to burn their eyes!

"My God! What kind of flame is that? It's so violent, it's terrible!"

"Volcano Phantom! Could it be...impossible! Ye Yan could actually get this kind of spiritual fire?"

"Don't guess, what kind of spiritual fire is indeed! Violent, crazy, uncontrollable, full of destruction, it is the 16th place on the spiritual fire list...Red Demon Heart Fire!"

"Hey! What? The top 20 in the spirit fire list? My God!"

Sounds filled with exclamation resounded between heaven and earth, and the eyes of the star-gazing apprentices looking at Ye Yan were full of shock!

However, in the next instant, when the dark stele was shining, and a big number appeared, the world became silent instantly!


The number that emerged was... nine! Ye Xun's fire control power actually got nine points!

"Is it just nine points? But it's enough."

Before the black stele, Ye Hao snorted, and immediately stopped staying. He returned the same way. Everywhere he passed, he looked at him with horror, fear, and stunning eyes. The alchemists were even sluggish. !

Nine points! I am afraid that in the power of fire control in Pill City for generations, Ye Yan has reached the peak, and he is definitely one of the strongest!

Ye Xuan's route is very long, but it happened to be through Xue Miaoyi, he immediately said to Xue Miaoyi: "Miaoyi, look, I have proven my excellence, don't worry, one day, I will definitely conquer you! You will be mine! Hahahaha..."

After saying these words, Ye Xun let out a wild laugh and walked away, but his footsteps stopped shortly afterwards, his gaze swept away, and he looked to the opposite side. It was... Ye Wuque!

More ◎i new most, cool c|

"This is the gap between you and me. It's not bottomed out. I can crush you thoroughly! I said that in my eyes, you are just... scum!"

The voice full of arrogance and contempt remembered, resounding between the world and the earth, immediately making the atmosphere become tense!

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