Return of the War God

Chapter 1883: : Characters a hundred years ago!

Genius remembers "" in one second.

"Ten... ten? My eyes have no flowers, right?"

"Full score! Unprecedented! Absolutely unparalleled! That's amazing! The Faceless Man is a real bunker!"

"Originally, Ye Falcon and Ye Wuque were abnormal enough. I didn't expect the Faceless Man to be even more perverted! When the fire control power reached such a situation, the situation in this last round became confusing again, and it was no longer just Ye Wuque and Ye. Falcon's contention!"

Road after road was full of shock, and even trembling voices kept ringing. An apprentice star of fame looked at the Faceless Man in a daze, feeling that there was an extreme sense of unreality, as if he was dreaming.

Those who have this feeling are the remaining alchemists on Glory Square, and their feeling is even stronger!

Hu Qingfeng, Xu Congliang, and Cai Boyuan stared at the Faceless Man, with shock and fear on their faces, as well as incredible!

Xue Miaoyi's skirt fluttered, and the blue silk was flying. She was also looking at the Faceless Man. The other party's hand-controlled fire power was indeed amazing, and people had to convince!

Ye Yan squinted his eyes and stared at the Faceless Man, his eyelids throbbed, and a hint of coldness was surging in him, his eyes were like a knife!

"Very good, another eye-catching guy popped up! I'm so proud of you for a while, and after the third round, you and Ye Wuque will be dealt with together!"

In the other direction, Ye Wuque also looked at the Faceless Man, but what he was interested in was not the result of the Faceless Man’s fire control power, but the black spirit fire that the Faceless Man used just now!

That's right, the black fire is naturally a kind of spiritual fire. Although there is no temperature or even the slightest fluctuation, Ye Wuque's spiritual awareness is so keen, and he naturally sensed the terrible power contained in the black spiritual fire!

"The fourteenth in the spirit fire list, the dark extinguishing ghost fire! Unexpectedly, he was born!"

At this moment, an alchemist who was not too far away from Ye Wuque murmured, with a bitterness and despair in his tone.

This also solved Ye Wuque's confusion, letting him know of a powerful spiritual fire.

At this moment, on the seats at the end of Glory Plaza, everyone has discovered the strangeness of Master Heavenly Medicine!

"What's wrong? Heavenly Medicine? What's the situation?"

Master Gu Hai spoke a little surprised. He had never seen Master Tianyao show such an expression, not only Master Gu Hai, but also Master Gu Hai and Master Ling, including Elder Hong Tao.

Even the middle-aged man in the purple robe looked at Master Heavenly Medicine at this time, waiting for his answer.

Master Tianyao has been staring at the Faceless Man, his hands behind his back are still trembling slightly, and there is an incredible meaning in his old eyes!

But after all, Master Tianyao is the city lord of Pill City. He has a high position. He has gone through the wind and waves. After taking a few deep breaths, he calmed himself down. Only then did he speak slowly, but his voice became a little hoarse. There was a memory of sadness and even pain.

"Do you remember... Ling Ruoshi?"

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When these three words fell from Master Heavenly Medicine's mouth, the expressions of everyone on the seat changed suddenly!

"Ling Ruoshi? Hasn't he been cleared by you? How come you suddenly mention him?"

Master Gu Hai's voice became deep, but he pointed out the identity of Ling Ruoshi!

Being able to be labelled with the words "Clean the Portal" shows that Ling Ruoshi is also an apprentice of Master Heavenly Medicine!

And the atmosphere on the seats became a little dignified with the mentioned name "Ling Ruoshi", and everyone's expressions became a little ugly.

About a hundred years ago, within the city of Pill, an amazingly talented alchemist was born. This person's elixir abilities are so high that it is jaw-dropping, and he was born for the pill!

This person is named...Ling Ruoshi!

He emerged at a young age. He was born in a one-leaf grass alchemist grade meeting, and won the first place with a crushing posture, shaking the entire pill city, and even led to the master of Heavenly Medicine. After some understanding, he moved the apprentice. heart of!

Only because Ling Ruoshi was so shocked that he was so beautiful, even if it was Master Tianyao, he had to be tempted. Then something logically happened. He formally worshipped Master Tianyao as his teacher, and even became his disciple directly. 【】

Ling Ruoshi has made rapid progress under the careful guidance of Master Tianyao. He has achieved extremely high alchemy attainments in just a few years. He has fully possessed the ability to participate in the clover alchemist grade meeting, and even tested fire control. Power, the score reached nine points!

According to the correct assumption, Ling Ruoshi then participated in the clover alchemist grade meeting and won the first prize in one fell swoop, making the master and apprentice both clover alchemy masters, and a good story came out!

Three months before the start of the Clover Alchemist Grade Meeting, Ling Ruoshi was stuck in a bottleneck. In order to make a better progress, he bid farewell to Master Heavenly Medicine, and left the Great Sect of the Big Dipper to go to the Big Dipper Star Region to experience.

But then something incredible happened!

In just three months, among the nine great star realms in the Southern Star Territory, an alchemist who had made countless monks frightened appeared, and was called a pill demon!

This person was incredibly crazy, grabbing a large number of mortals and monks to sacrifice flesh and blood, committing heinous sins, and his sins are unforgivable!

The identity of this person was later confirmed, and it turned out to be Ling Ruoshi!

No one knows what happened to Ling Ruoshi, who had left the Great Sect of Beidou Dao, but his temperament changed drastically in just a few months, and he did such a frenzied thing!

This undoubtedly alarmed the Great Sect of the Beidou Dao and also the Master of Heavenly Medicine!

Master Tianyao didn't believe it at all. He went out to find Ling Ruoshi personally and wanted to ask for some understanding, but when Master Tianyao came back, his face was sad and sad, and firm!

Because Master Heavenly Medicine finally took action, cleared the door, and killed Ling Ruoshi himself!

Only a few clover alchemy masters and senior sect leaders knew the specific truth of this matter. Later, in order to heal the bad influence caused by Ling Ruoshi, Master Tianyao began to deliberately dilute his existence and past within the city of Pill.

With the passage of time, Ling Ruoshi was gradually forgotten by people, and finally completely forgotten by everyone. No one remembered that there was such an amazing and brilliant alchemist as Ling Ruoshi in the city of Pill a hundred years ago.

That's why, after Master Tianyao received Xue Miaoyi, he called her the genius who reached the fastest Alchemist of Shuangye Cao in hundreds of years, because Ling Ruoshi had long been forgotten.

"Yes, I personally killed him at the time. He is absolutely impossible to live! But since the appearance of this faceless man, a strange intuition flashed in my heart, I felt like I knew him. It wasn't until the dark extinguishing ghost fire appeared! I completely confirmed that he was... Ling Ruoshi! He was not dead!"

The hoarse voice of Master Tianyao continued to sound, and he said his own conclusion.


Several masters were shaken by the words of Master Tianyao, almost all of them couldn't believe it, but they knew that Master Tianyao couldn't make a joke about it.

Seeing that the Faceless Man had turned and walked towards his back, Master Heavenly Medicine's eyes became a bit bitter and sad, and said, "Because when he left the sect, I told him the location of the ghost fire, even I told him the method of refining. It was originally a gift to him. In other words, besides me, the only person who knew the whereabouts of the ghost fire was his Ling Luoshi, and now..."

"And now the Dark Wraith Fire is present, refined by people, and brought here even more. It is impossible for these two things to happen at the same time so coincidentally, so besides Ling Luoshi, who else can do it?"

Master Gu Hai followed the words of Master Tian Yao and said the latter part.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere before the seat became frozen!

"If he is really Ling Luoshi, then he suddenly came back after a full hundred years, and he also participated in the rank meeting, he must have an ulterior conspiracy! Heavenly medicine, you don’t need to blame yourself for the things in the past, it’s him. I can't stand the temptation, I was tempted by the dark pill alliance, and fell into the darkness! It corrupted the reputation of the sect and committed untold crimes. It is natural and righteous for you to act. No one can blame you!"

Master Ling spoke slowly, with a calm tone, but in a single word part of the truth of the year was revealed.


Master Tianyao sighed deeply. Ling Ruoshi was his first apprentice and the apprentice who devoted the most effort to him. He put his true feelings on, but he didn't expect that it would become like this in the end. Even if it has been a hundred years, he still cannot Relieved.

Now Ling Ruoshi was suspected of not being dead, and even appeared in the sect, everything came so suddenly!

"No matter what, you must first confirm his identity! If it is really Ling Ruoshi, then there is no need to hesitate, and thunder suppresses directly!"

Elder Hong Tao on the side spoke coldly. As the elder in charge of the nine cities, he naturally had to make a decision at this moment.

"Since things haven't ended in the past years, it means that I have failed to clean up the door, so I still have to do it!"

Master Tianyao's eyes finally calmed down, but there was a touch of tenacity in it, and he stepped forward slightly, lifted his right foot, and lightly stepped on the ground!


A majestic and immense power of the soul spread, spread quickly along the ground, and rushed to the faceless man!

At the same time, only a few people can feel on the entire Glory Plaza!

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