Return of the War God

Chapter 1895: : This champion, it's not your turn!

"It's really a wonderful scene... I can't bear to interrupt it. You're Ye Xun, right? I appreciate you a little bit now, shameless, and unscrupulous to achieve the goal! Very good, very good!"

"If it's other places, maybe I will really make you perfect, but unfortunately, not today. You, an ant, are not qualified to have both!"

Ling Ruoshi said with a sly smile, and these sudden words made countless people show a puzzled look!

The result is already obvious. The Heaven-reinforcing Dragon Pill refined by Ye Falcon has three dragon patterns, and Ling Ruoshi has only two half-dragon patterns. Ling Ruoshi has clearly lost!

Where did he have the confidence to say such a thing?

"Hahahahaha...What are you talking about? Are you blind? Don't you have eyes to see? You dare to speak up in front of me, a scumbag who knows nothing about life and death!"

A touch of disdain came out of Ye Fal's eyes, who was standing with arms folded, and he spoke coldly when he looked at Ling Ruoshi as if looking at an idiot.

Above the seats, Master Heavenly Medicine's heart suddenly sank!

The uneasy intuition that had just been suppressed suddenly appeared at this moment!

"What is Ling Ruoshi doing? Does he still want to make trouble? This is the Great Sect of the Beidou Dao, so it is not his turn to be wild here!"

Master Gu Hai's tone became equally abrupt!

But the next moment, the cold color on Master Gu Hai's face suddenly solidified!

In other words, the faces of all people in the entire world are frozen at this moment!

Because they saw that Ling Ruoshi suddenly raised his right hand and pointed towards his sky-repairing dragon pill above the void!


Following Ling Ruoshi's point, his sky-filling stunned dragon pill made a clicking sound, and then slowly...broken in everyone's eyes!

"This...Is this...impossible! How is this possible?"

Master Tianyao suddenly got up, staring at the pill, his expression was incredible and unbelievable, and his tone was trembling!

At the end of everyone's dumbfounded gaze, Ling Ruoshi's Heaven-Mending Frightening Dragon Pill was completely broken, and a brand new golden pill appeared within it!

It's as if the old Patching Sky Shocking Dragon Pill was just a layer of skin covering it!

It is the real refinement made by Ling Ruoshi...


The moment this brand-new golden pill appeared completely, there was a strong wave of incomparable fluctuations from it, and there was even a roar of dragons, and then four dragon shadows were born, traveling everywhere!

At the same time, a wave of earth-shaking, surpassing all previous fluctuations exploded!

This wave of waves completely surpassed Ye Yan's Sky-repairing Dragon Pill, and even broke the ninth-rank upper-level shackles, reaching a whole new level!

This is... the super nine-grade pill!

"The mother-child pill...this is the mother-child pill... how is this possible? Ling Ruoshi actually developed the mother-child pill!"

Master Gu Hai's tone was shaking at this moment, and even his lips were shaking!

Ye Fal, who had originally folded his arms and had an arrogant face, had already changed drastically at this moment. He stared at the unbranded Tiantian Frightening Dragon Pill, his eyes were full of disbelief and anger, and his expression became incomparable Get savage!

"Impossible! It's impossible! Super Nine Grade Pills! How can he refine the Super Best Grade Pills? I can't do it! Why?"

Ye Yan was screaming frantically, he couldn't accept all this, he was almost crazy!

Super nine-grade pill!

It broke the shackles of the high-ranking nine-rank pill, but still did not reach the legendary ten-rank limit. Such a pill is called a super nine-rank pill!

No one would have thought that Ling Ruoshi would have refined a super nine-grade pill here, and it was still a master pill!

Mother Dan!

It looks like one pill, but in fact there are two, but the outer one is a fake pill. The meaning of existence is to transfer all the essence to the second one inside. Just like a mother and a child, the mother completes the son and the fake pill. Complete the real Zidan within!

And the grade of Zi Dan often surpasses the mother Dan, reaching a higher grade!

Among the alchemists, only those nine-rank alchemists who are astonishing and talented can occasionally do this, refining this extremely cherished master pill!

Obviously, Ling Ruoshi's alchemy has reached this step!

"Lost, we lost... Not only did he realize that it complemented my sky-repairing dragon pill, but he also improved and created a higher level, four dragon-shaped pill patterns, four dragon-shaped pill patterns... Ling Ruoshi's Alchemy, let alone Ye Shu, even we can't compare it with it..."

=Cool v Craftsman ◇The first release of NetZheng u version)

Master Tianyao seemed to be tens of years old in an instant, his whole body was shaky, his tone was bitter, and even despair!

They tried their best to stop Ling Ruoshi, but in the end, they fell short and lost to Ling Ruoshi!

The expressions of Master Gu Hai, Master Ru, and Master Ling are exactly the same, all showing a sense of despair!

This is the end of the matter, I can't help it!

They could only watch Ling Ruoshi win the championship of the Grade Association and the identity of the clover alchemist!

There was a dead silence between the world and the earth, and all the star-watching apprentices still stared blankly, unable to recover for a long time!

On Glory Square, Ye Fal shouted madly, like a madman!

When Xuemiao stood up from generation to generation, she felt a sense of relaxation, but she did not have the slightest joy, but a deep bitterness and despair!

Looking at all this, Ling Ruoshi showed a smile full of contentment on his face. He controlled everything and calculated everything. Everyone was played by him and became a **** in his game!

"Well, who will award me the championship? Who will award me the identity of the clover alchemist? Hahahahaha..."

Ling Ruoshi looked up to the sky and smiled, full of ambition, looking down at everyone!

However, at this moment, above the seat, Elder Hong Tao, who had never spoken, finally showed a strange smile on his face, but his eyes were always staring in one direction!

The direction that has long been ignored by everyone!

At this moment, the moment when Ling Ruoshi's long smile ended, a calm voice suddenly sounded, but it seemed like thunder and explosion, spreading all over the world!

"Sorry, this champion is not yet your turn to pick it up."

After that, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously followed the voice. After seeing who the owner of this voice was, an incredible expression appeared on everyone's face!

Ling Ruoshi's face also changed slightly, and he looked over!

Above the seats, the already desperate Master Heavenly Medicine and others all looked over!

On Glory Plaza, the eyes of Ye Shu and Xue Miaoyi also condensed here!

At the end of everyone’s gaze, a simple pill furnace stands on top of a pill platform, without any fluctuations in it, and before the pill platform, a tall and slender figure stands with his hands in his hands, his black hair is flying, his complexion is indifferent, and it is ... Ye Wuque!

Ye Wuque naturally said this sentence!

When Ling Ruoshi saw that it was Ye Wuque, his expression was stunned, and then he burst into laughter!

"Hahahahaha...who do I think it is? Turns out it's you ant! What are you talking about? It's not my turn to win this championship, do you have the qualifications? A waste of fryer dare to speak up here, I really laughed at me! Hahahahaha..."

Ling Ruoshi was laughing wildly, and after seeing that it was Ye Wuque, the others showed a sense of helplessness on their faces, and they kept shaking their heads slowly.

Above the seats, Master Tian Yao and others also showed bitterness at this moment.

They don't know why Ye Wuque said such words here, but everyone knows that he has just fried the stove, all the raw materials have been destroyed, and he has already been eliminated!

Before Dantai, Ye Wuque stood with his hands behind him. He didn't feel annoyed after hearing Ling Ruoshi's wild laugh. He just spoke faintly, "Your laughter is really ugly and annoying, and...Who told you that I just fry the stove? Up?"

The moment this sentence was uttered, Ling Ruoshi's laughter stopped abruptly, and he looked at Ye Wuque again, but there was a look of uncertainty in his eyes!

Because Ye Wuque's expression was too indifferent, once he didn't want to go crazy, it made people feel extremely weird!

The expressions of everyone between heaven and earth have also changed again!

But immediately Ling Ruoshi flashed a sneer in his eyes and said: "What to pretend to be gods and ghosts! Here is the advantage of your tongue! You said you don't have a fryer? Then you are showing the elixir you refined! Look at your one. Can the waste residue in the furnace produce a pill! Humph!"

Ling Ruoshi spoke coldly, and his tone was full of disdain and mockery!

Because in the public, everyone knew that Ye Wuque didn't come up with new materials to make alchemy again after the fryer. This was against the rules!

In other words, what Ye Wuque's Nadan furnace contained was only the waste residue after the first round of raw materials were destroyed!

Can a pile of waste residue make a pill?

This is simply a joke of the world!

"Then open your dog eyes and see clearly!"

Ye Wuque spoke indifferently, and immediately stretched out his right hand, slapped at Taixu Lian Tianding at will!

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