Return of the War God

Chapter 1899: : Hole cards!

After learning about the heinous sins that Ling Ruoshi had committed in order to perform the Flesh Rebirth Law, Ye Wuque had no plans to bypass him!

Before, because of the situation, he was not allowed to take direct action, and there was no evidence. Ling Ruoshi was even more dominant, but now the rank meeting has ended, and Ling Ruoshi’s conspiracy was destroyed by him. There is no more general blessing. At this moment, there is his rank meeting. The champion shot is perfect!


The golden holy way exploded, and Ye Wuque traveled through the void like a golden dragon. His speed reached the extreme. With his right hand raised, the entire void was dimmed. He saw a big golden hand turned out of the sky, descending from the sky, suppressing Ling Ruoshi!

Ye Wuque's shot was too fast and domineering!

Many apprentices who watched the star didn't even react at all, they only saw the big golden hand that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, pressing down!

Ye Wuque's sudden shot naturally made Ling Ruoshi's horror here, he was waiting for an opportunity to escape, because he knew that because Ye Wuque was born, his plan had been completely destroyed.

Although Ling Ruoshi could not wait to swallow Ye Wuque alive and divide his body by five horses, but now he can't help Ye Wuwei at all, and he might even get in if he doesn't leave.

"Want to kill me? Do you think I am that ant? It's up to you?"

But Ling Ruoshi was also a person who had experienced strong winds and waves after all, and he almost reacted at the moment Ye Wuque started his hands, and suddenly a jet of black flames burst out of his body!

Darken the ghost fire!

This spirit fire, ranked 14th on the list of spirit fires, is infinitely powerful and extremely strange. Once it is displayed, it does not seem to have the slightest temperature, but it has the terrifying power to burn the soul!


The Dark Wraith Fire turned out, wrapped up, and instantly enveloped the golden palm of Ye Wuque's suppression, and under the power of the terrifying flame, it was burned completely in an instant!

"Dark the ghost fire? The power is indeed good, but in this case you still have the mind to fight back, and the courage is indeed extraordinary."

Ye Wuque stepped on slowly, his black hair was stirring, and he spoke lightly. He was like a **** of war, with a sharp edge and a domineering look!

"Do you want to play with fire? Then I will play with you!"

As soon as the voice fell behind, a noble scream of gold and cracked stones resounded through the sky, and Ye Wuque saw a red glow of sacred fire rising from all over his body, burning the void, and a head of Divine Phoenix bathing in it, with its wings wide open, noble and sacred, swooping down, full of mystery. , So powerful!

"Little beast, you can die sooner if you have such a scourge, so you can be peaceful sooner!"

Ling Ruoshi spoke coldly, and the murderous intent of Ye Wuque here was already full of extremes!

The black flames also swept across all directions, engulfing Ling Ruoshi soaring into the sky, transforming into a huge hideous ghost, crashing into Ye Wuque!

In an instant, a divine phoenix and a ghost, each wrapped in two figures, collided in the void!


The terrifying red and black flames exploded, the high temperature permeated, as if hundreds of thousands of meters were affected, countless star-gazing apprentices all retreated frantically, and their faces were scared!

Above the seat, the elder Hong Tao has already surging with vast fluctuations, and he can send out a thunderous blow at any time!


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In the next instant, a miserable howl sounded from above the void, and the flames were torn apart, two figures rushed out from it, one staggered, and the whole body was burned miserably, it was Ling Ruoshi!

The other one was unscathed, with a rainbow of momentum and black hair dancing wildly. It was Ye Wuque!

"What kind of flame are you? How could it be so powerful?"

Ling Ruoshi let out a low growl, the eyes that looked at Ye Wuque were incredible and terrified!

"Go down and ask King Yama!"

Ye Wuque answered him only this sentence, pinched his fist with his right hand, his body was like a big dragon, and he blasted out with a punch, in the middle of Ling Ruoshi!

Even though Ling Ruoshi's arms interacted desperately to resist, he was blown away by Ye Wuque with a punch, blood spurted, and fell to the ground, before he knelt down!

But even so, Ling Ruoshi is still alive!

Seeing this, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly sharpened, and fell from the sky like an eagle, killing Ling Ruoshi!

Feeling the oncoming blazing murderous intent, Ling Ruoshi's heart trembled, but at this moment there was still no despair in his eyes, only a trace of cruelty and unwillingness flashed through, and he immediately burst into laughter!

"Hahahahaha... idiot! I dare to come to the Great Sect of Beidou Dao, do you think I am not fully prepared? No cards? You want to kill me, first ask the group of old things behind you to let me!"

The moment Ling Ruoshi's joke fell, a sly smile appeared in his eyes, and immediately he raised his right hand, holding a simple and strange token in it!

With a buzzing sound, the token burst out into a bright starry sky and turned into a strong star to envelop Ling Ruoshi, forming a mask, and what is more incredible is that a gorgeous pattern appeared on the surface of the mask, which is exactly...Beidou Seven stars!


Ye Wuque hit the mask with a punch, and unexpectedly burst out a counter-shock force that shook him back!

At the same time, Ling Ruoshi's laughter resounded again: "Old things, keep your eyes open and take a good look at what this is in my hand!"

As soon as these words were said, the eyes of Elder Hong Tao, Master Tianyao and others on the seats suddenly condensed. After seeing the token in Ling Ruoshi's right hand, their expressions suddenly changed!

Even the face of the purple-robed middle-aged man who has been mysterious at this moment changed in horror, and there was a sense of incredibleness in his eyes!

However, Ye Wuque didn't recognize that thing. After he stabilized his figure, he kicked his right foot, the Holy Way's battle spirit broke out, his expression was cold, and he immediately killed Ling Ruoshi again!

The power of the mask is indeed good, it can block his punch, but it can't block his seven punches or eight punches at all!

However, just at this moment, a figure above the seat flashed out of thin air, appeared beside Ye Wuque like a teleport, and at the same time, a low shout rang out!

"Ye Wuque, stop first!"

The figure that suddenly left the seat was the mysterious middle-aged man in purple robe!

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