Return of the War God

Chapter 2008: : Stuck in the throat

Mysterious and vast, ancient and magnificent!

This is the breath radiating from Ye Wuque's body at this moment, and it seems so unique and out of place in the boiling world!

The nine stars turning in the depths of his gaze seemed to form an ancient mysterious trajectory, reflecting the heavens and the universe, as if passing through this heaven and earth, reaching an infinitely high place!

"Is it finally complete..."

The muttering voice rang from Ye Wuque's mouth, but for some reason there was a touch of doubt and regret.

But immediately he stood up slowly!

With this body, the originally boiling world has become strangely quiet!

No matter what kind of gaze everyone looked at, when they saw Ye Wuque behind him at this moment, they were strangely stagnant!

The mystery and vastness of Ye Wuque's body, the ancient grandeur is like a lighthouse shining in the darkness, giving people an extremely strong feeling!

Lifting his head slightly, Ye Wuque looked above the void, looked at the ten layers of chaotic fog, a touch of sharpness slowly poured out of his eyes!

In a total of almost five months, he can finally break into this chaotic sea of ​​fog again!

And this time, everything should be over!

Ye Wuque looked above the void, and fell in Baili Fenghuo's eyes, but he narrowed his eyes, because he found that Ye Wuque was not looking at him at all, but at the chaotic foggy sea behind him.

As before, I seem to ignore myself from beginning to end!

This immediately caused the anger in Baili Fenghuo's heart to rush up!


Why does Ye Wuque dare to ignore him?

With all his glory, he passed the fifth layer of the sea of ​​chaos and fog, and was about to ascend the eighth realm!

How dare he ignore himself?

How dare!

"Ye Wuque! You unexpectedly..."

The angry Baili Fenghuo spoke and he wanted to continue to attack Ye Wuque with words. However, he felt a flower in front of him just as he said his words, and Ye Wuque's figure disappeared from the square and appeared ten feet in front of him. Outside.

At the same time, Ye Wuque's faint voice followed closely, interrupting Baili Fenghuo's words.

"Thank you, you are not only an eyesore, but also blocking my way."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's hearts were shocked!

"Hey! What is Ye Wuque doing? Even now he dares to confront Baili Fenghuo! Is he going to continue to enter the Chaos Fog Sea?"

"Is it possible that Ye Wuque finally realized the first mural of the Beidou True Solution Stele in the past two months, and is now confident that he can pass the first floor? But what about this? He is too bleak compared to Baili Fenghuo! "

"Impossible! As we all know, only the first level of comprehension of the Beidou True Solution Stele will yield the greatest gains, and the subsequent effects are not as good as the first time, but Ye Wuque is really persevering and indomitable!"


The discussion can't stop sounding, countless pairs of eyes are staring at Ye Wuque above the void, and there are puzzles, sneers, doubts, and contempt in his expressions, but some people also show admiration.

The five elders not far away saw Ye Wuque's actions at the moment, their eyes flashed slightly.

Their eyesight was much stronger than that of the Seven-Star disciple, and they felt that Ye Wuque seemed to be a little different, but they couldn't tell where they were different.

The same is true of Elder Songgu, the old face of Gu Jing Bubo looked at Ye Wuque, his eyes kept intently.

"Ye Wuque! You are bold! Baili Fenghuo is about to ascend to the eighth level, and your status and status are no longer comparable to you! You dare to run into him? I think you, a little beast, is begging for death!"

The black crow finally couldn't help but opened his mouth. He had already wanted to kill Ye Wuque and then hurry up. Now as long as he seized an opportunity, he would put his hat on first, and he would definitely not let Ye Wuque feel better.

"Where is the old dog barking? Noisy."

However, Ye Wuque responded like this without turning his head back, it was just the rhythm of tearing his face.

"Presumptuous! Little beast, do you dare to insult me?"

The black crow was furious, and he couldn't wait to eat Ye Wuque alive!

"Am I insulting you? Are you so active that you admit that you are an old dog? If so, call twice to listen."


Ye Wuque's words immediately stunned the black crow, trembling with anger, but couldn't say a word!

"Ye Wuque!"

At this moment, Baili Fenghuo, who had been so angry, seemed to calm down again, and he called out Ye Wuque's name expressionlessly, and immediately showed a touch of contempt and coldness on his face.

He was aloft, as if looking down at Ye Wuque scornfully: "It's so pitiful! Do you still want to break through ten layers of chaotic fog? Do you want to prove that you are better than me? A ridiculous idiot! But seeing you struggling so sadly It makes me very happy again. I really want to continue to appreciate it. It’s a bit of fun for me to witness all of this before I ascend to the eighth level. Do you want to go in? Then go in! Hahahaha..."

The madly smiling Baili Fenghuo stepped aside, and stopped blocking Ye Wuque's body. He seemed to want to appreciate Ye Wuque's desperate appearance next.


The words faintly resounded, and the calm Ye Wuque figure flashed, and directly rushed into the sea of ​​chaos.


With a cold snort, Baili Fenghuo's eyes flickered!

What made him angry most was Ye Wuque's understatement, as if nothing could disturb his mentality!

On the square, Elder Zi Lei looked at Ye Wuque’s disappearing back, and muttered to himself: "Wuqi, come on!"

"Come on? Zi Lei, you still don't give up? You really think that this little beast can get through the first floor. I tell you there is no possibility of it! He is a complete waste, a waste without any potential. !"

Hearing Elder Zi Lei's self-talk, Black Crow City burst into laughter, not letting go of any opportunity to taunt and attack Elder Zi Lei!

"I'm telling you! This little beast is destined to be shrunk in this life..."

However, at this moment!

Just when Ye Wuque entered the ten breaths of the Chaos Mist Sea!

Just before the black crow's mocking words were finished, the second half of his sentence was directly interrupted, and he was abruptly blocked in his throat!

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