Return of the War God

Chapter 2018: : Grab people!

Fall in love with 630bookla, the latest chapter of God of War!

"Seven-star disciple Ye Wuque has met... six seniors."

Feeling the six majestic auras soaring into the sky, the somewhat awkward Ye Wuque swallowed his throat subconsciously, still keeping his polite mouth open, breaking the strange and embarrassing scene.

After hearing the words of Ye Wuque, the six deacons were taken aback for a moment, and then the five soul deacons directly said loudly: "Keep out of everything! Keep out of everything! What are you old people doing around Ye Xiaozi? What style?"

When the Five Soul Deacon spoke, the other five deacons showed a hint of embarrassment on their faces, and they all dispersed, but they still formed a line facing Ye Wuque, no more than ten feet apart.

call out!

The sound of breaking through the air was heard, a figure came to Ye Wuque's side, it was Elder Songgu with a smile on his face.


Seeing Elder Songgu, Ye Wuque breathed a sigh of relief, and also clasped his fists in a salute.

"Wugua, you are very good! Really very good! You are the most amazing and brilliant Seven-Star disciple I have encountered in the long years!"

Staring at Ye Wuque, Elder Songgu said these words, with a trace of emotion, and even more undisguised appreciation.

This sudden compliment from the elder Songgu made Ye Wuque slightly surprised!

"Haha, no lack, I think you must be very puzzled now, and you don’t even know who the six opposing people are. Let me introduce you. These six people in front of you are the external deacons from the eighth realm. !"

Pointing to the six deacons on the opposite side, Elder Songgu gave Ye Wuque a smile and introduced them.

The eighth realm?

The true seven veins?

External deacon?

In an instant, Ye Wuque felt a big shock!

Immediately in his mind, he recalled that when he first entered under the sea of ​​stars, when an elder sister introduced them to the newcomer of the North Dou Dao Extreme Sect, they talked about the upper boundary above the sea of ​​stars.

At that time, the word "Seven Channels of the True Inheritance" was mentioned, but there was too little information to study in detail, and he also learned about the eighth realm and the Seven Channels of the True Inheritance through a bit of information revealed by Balao.

It's just that he didn't expect to see the six deacons from the eighth realm.

"For the external deacons who can represent the true transmission of their own, these six people in front of them must be high-ranking generations, and all of them are unfathomable, mysterious and powerful! But how come they all appear here? And it seems to be... I am here?"

Ye Wuque's thoughts surged, but there was still a hint of puzzlement.

"Hey! They are naturally here for you! Think about it, you have the qualification to ascend to the eighth level after passing through the first five layers of the Chaos Fog Sea, and you have successfully cleared the entire ten layers of the Chaos Fog Sea. What is the gap?"

"Part of the responsibilities of the truthful Qimai's external clinging is to attract the Seven Star disciples who have soared from the seventh level realm, so that they can come on their own initiative. This is only the case when there are younger disciples who are amazing enough to be stunning!"

"It is estimated that they appeared when you passed through the seventh layer of the Sea of ​​Chaos and Fog, and then witnessed your successful completion of the level from beginning to end. I am afraid that each of them will have been scratched countless times by a cat's paw!"

"Boy! You are the sweet pastry in the eyes of the six of them now. I can't wait to **** you into the true tradition of their respective representatives!"

"In other words, now they have to do their best to fight for you, and you have the initiative."

In the Soul Space, Balao's voice suddenly sounded, with a hint of a grin, as if to solve Ye Wuque's confusion.

After Balao's explanation, Ye Wuque suddenly realized it, and finally understood.

In fact, he guessed that he would cause a storm after he drove into the sea of ​​chaos and fog, but he didn't expect to cause such a big storm, and even attracted the six deacons who truly taught the seven channels in the eighth realm!

Balao's opening and Ye Wuque's thoughts seemed to be not short, but in fact it was just a moment.

"Hahahaha! Ye Xiaozi, take it easy, let us six old guys introduce ourselves first! My name is Five Souls, representing the line of heaven and power, you can call me the Deacon of Five Souls."

The little Deacon of Five Souls smiled and spoke first, watching Ye Wuque's eyes reveal boundless passion and desire!

"My name is Baihe, from the line of Tianxuan, you can call me Deacon Baihe."

"Haha! I am Dayan, from the line of Yaoguang, you can call me Deacon Dayan."

"Yufeng, from the line of Tianji, you can call me Deacon Yufeng."

!...See the positive 7f edition} Chapter y; Section hg on. "

The one who spoke immediately afterwards was the fairy-like Deacon Yumeng!

I saw Youmeng Deacon Lianbu swaying lightly, with a charming smile on her charming face, she looked at Ye Wuque's red lips and proclaimed, "What a handsome young man! I am Youmeng, representing Yu. You can call me Deacon of Youmeng, you can call me Yumeng Deacon. Nothing. Let’s not talk about the rest. First of all, in my Yuheng line, there are so many beautiful sects, and all kinds of beauties, as long as you join me Yuheng One line, I guarantee that they will take care of your selection!"

No one would have thought that Deacon Youmeng would follow him after introducing himself!

Moreover, Deacon Youmeng’s voice seemed to be temptation and soft, as long as it was of the opposite sex, his heart would jump wildly!

"Cough cough cough cough..."

Sure enough, even Ye Wuque didn't expect Deacon Youmeng to say such a thing, and had to cough a few times to hide the embarrassment in his heart.

"Wow! There is this kind of operation? Even the beauty plan is used! Youmeng, you don't play cards according to the routine! It's too despicable!"

Now Deacon Zi Dayan couldn't help it anymore, and was the first to jump up and curse!

"Yeah! You Meng, you can't be like this! Ye Xiaozi, you are a peerless person, and I have also witnessed you breaking through ten layers of chaos and fog, knowing that you must be a persevering and determined dragon, for sure. The heart is firm, but we must prevent the erosion of the external environment, such as the Yuheng line, don't go! My Tianxuan line is your best choice!"

Deacon Baihe spoke closely, staring at Ye Wuque without blinking!

"Ye Xiaozi, they are unreliable, they can't tap your full potential! Believe me, come to my Tenji line, if you are talking about tapping your own potential, my Tenji line is second, who dares to be the second? One?"

After Deacon Yufeng glanced at the other deacons with contempt, he looked at Ye Wuque, with a look that you must trust me!

"Damn it! You five old guys dare to **** my shining line! It is really damn! I am on duty today! No matter how many people ascend, they should be in my shining line!"

The bald-headed Deacon Dayan jumped once again, and roared loudly, his voice trembling in the entire seventh-layer realm!

"What about you on duty? Is Ye Xiaozi an ordinary seven-star disciple? He is a monster-level super enchanting evildoer! How many years, no! He is a character born in an era! Just want to grab it!"

The Deacon of the Five Souls spoke indifferently, a look like Lao Tzu just wanted to grab you.

"The words of the five souls are reasonable. If other disciples who are ascending can naturally let you shake your veins, oh, I remember, before Ye Xiaozi, there was a Seven-Star disciple who had broken through the fifth layer of the Chaos Sea of ​​Fog. Huh? What's the name? That's yours."

Deacon Baihe waved his hand, and his face was awkwardly echoing Deacon Wuhundao.

"You old white bird is too disgusting! What kind of disciple can be compared with Ye Xiaozi? One thousand and ten thousand can't be compared!"

Deacon Dayan yelled, staring at the other five people with a look of grief, knowing that the five of them were uniting against him.


At this moment, Baili Fenghuo, who was not far away, turned pale when he heard Deacon Dayan's roar, his body trembled, and a gulp of blood spurted out of his anger, and his eyes were black and angry, and he passed out.

Above the void!

Ye Wuque looked at the deacons who were constantly arguing in front of him. He was a little bit dumbfounded, but it was not easy to interrupt. After all, he could see that every deacon had the intention of winning!

Elder Songgu also looked at all this with a smile, and didn't have any intention to stop it. In fact, it was also very interesting to watch these old friends get red-faced in order to grab people.

And all the seven-star disciples between heaven and earth looked at all this in a daze, their eyes were almost staring out!

Just read a refreshing novel

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