Return of the War God

Chapter 2030: : Fight the unicorn!

The big brother's voice is obviously not high, but it seems like thunder exploded, if it can shatter the sky!

Although the faint black figure is small in front of the Hellfire Tyrant Qilin, its aura is not lost in the slightest!

The three seniors and the fifth seniors stood behind the seniors, and the three of them were in a trinity, as if they turned into a moat, they cut off the Hellfire Tyrant Qilin!

After hearing the voice of the big brother, the fierce fire tyrant Qilin, who was full of flames, spewed flames from the fierce eyes, and immediately turned into boundless chill, and an indescribable breath of terror broke out, filling the world!

"Three human ants! Look for...death!"

The only thing in the Kaiyang Star that can make it fearful is the old guy. The reason why they don’t get in the water in the daily life is because of the existence of that old guy, but that doesn’t mean it is really afraid!

With a trace of Qilin bloodline, it is the mutant bloodline in it. How arrogant is the Hellfire Tyrant Qilin?

Since its birth, it has been the king of monsters. It has opened up its wisdom, and its wisdom has long been inferior to ordinary humans. All monsters have surrendered to it. Who dares to disobey it?

It's the only desire in his heart to swallow the Human Race kid who has cultivated the Big Dipper True Solution Ten-Star Great Perfection. For this, he can do everything he can, even if the old guy is here, he dares to work hard!

Not to mention that these three human races are just apprentices of that old guy!

Besides, it has been imprisoned in the other half of Kaiyang Star for thousands of years, and knows the entire Kaiyang Star well, knowing that the three ants in front of him are simply waste!

"Hinder this king... then you will swallow it together!"


With a roar, the Hellfire Tyrant Qilin finally lost his patience. With a big mouth, a huge fireball with the size of a thousand meters turned out, falling like a blazing sun, covering the three big brothers!

"It's still a beast after all, stubborn! If that's the case, I've done it once!"

The lonely voice of the big brother sounded again, and a pair of gorgeous but iron-blooded eyes suddenly appeared on the vaguely black silhouette of the male!

The falling fireballs of thousands of feet were even reflected in those eyes, which became bigger and bigger, but even so, the nearest big brother remained unmoved and stood quietly.

Because someone has moved!

In the emptiness filled with endless high temperature, suddenly there was a sense of extreme cold overflowing, and I saw countless ice crystals and snowflakes falling from the sky, and everything was frozen in ice wherever it went!

It was Senior Sister Wu who shot!

Her beautiful face is like dead skin. Only one of her beautiful eyes is opened, and the other is slightly closed. In the open eye, there is misery, sadness, and despair, but Instantly replaced by coldness and madness!

She wandered through the void, just glanced at the thousand-zhang fireball lightly, and the meaning of endless ice and cold dispersed from her body, crashing into the sky, covering the fireball!

Click! Click!

Immediately after that, the fireball of thousands of meters, which was engulfed in the fierce flame power, was blazing, and it was so ice-sealed, a huge icy tuft smashed to the ground, completely broken!

Seeing this scene, the fierce eyes of the Hellfire Tyrant Qilin condensed slightly, and immediately became more angry. This time its four hooves violently stepped on the ground, roaring, and suddenly a huge hoof shadow appeared in the void. , There are three catches on it, tearing the sky, attacking and killing!

"Haha! Good time!"

The third brother laughed boldly, stepped out, stretched out his slender right hand, and pressed toward the huge hoof shadow cover, but his five fingers squeezed it out and shook it lightly!


An invisible wave exploded, and there seemed to be two invisible big hands held together in the sky!

But immediately there was an embarrassed smile on the face of the third brother!

Because his blow seemed earth-shattering and powerful, but the strength he burst out was only Heavenly Soul Great Perfection!

And the power of the Heavenly Soul Dzogchen is just like an ant in front of the Hellfire Tyrant Qilin!

"Oh! When I use my true peerless magical powers, you will be over with this fire bug! Now give you a chance, don't you run? Is it possible to force me to suppress you?"

Senior Brother Three exhaled loudly, with one hand on his hips, and the other pointed at the nose of the prison fire fighter Qilin cursing!

Obviously he was a perfect, handsome and handsome son, but now this look really looks a little funny.


Hellfire Tyrant Qilin's nostrils burst with flames, and it felt that it had been insulted by the human monk in front of it!

Obviously it is a trash with only the cultivation base of the Heavenly Soul Dzogchen, and it has bluffed himself!


What came out in a rage was cruel and vicious killing!

A sharp claw on the hoof shadow turned into a blade of light and shuttled through the void, fast to the extreme, grabbing to Senior Brother San!

"Youngest, retire!"

The big brother said, but there was a touch of helplessness in his tone.

At the same time, Senior Sister Five shot again, and if a pair of slender hands like a lotus swayed in the air, the meaning of extreme cold came again in an instant, and a huge and incomparable ice thorn came out, poking away into the sky!

The ice thorns collided with the claws, and the flames and ice crystals exploded crazily in an instant.

Even those sparks and ice crystals fell down, flooded towards the earth, and rushed towards Ye Wuque and Senior Brother Seven!

The seventh senior who was holding a mace and guarding in front of Ye Wuque saw this and danced his mace desperately. Although there was no way, he was very windy and blocked most of the sparks and ice crystals. Those that were missed were about to hit the leaves. The indispensable was blocked by his own body!


There were a few more burning red marks on Senior Brother Seven's body, which made him grin, but he was still smirking, but he looked back carefully at his junior brother and found that Ye Wuque was not affected in any way. After the interference, he smiled happily.

At this moment, there was a sneer in the fierce eyes of the Hellfire Tyrant Qilin!

With a squeeze, its one hundred-foot-sized figure suddenly disappeared in the same place, and the flames turned into a storm of fire sweeping across all directions, the claws reappeared, tearing the void, directly enveloped the fifth and third sisters, and burst out of strength It is several times more terrifying than just now!

There was a sudden flash in that eye of Senior Sister Five!

She didn't evade, endless vitality surged all over her body, and the feeling of extreme cold gathered, ice crystals whizzed, a thousand-meter-sized ice crystal giant sword condensed out, pointing to the sky and the earth!

At the same time, the big brother who has not moved finally moved!

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