Return of the War God

Chapter 2073: :tomb!

"Thank you for the kindness of this girl for helping me, in Xia Ye Wuque, I don't know how the girl is called?"

Ye Wuque immediately clasped his fists to show his gratitude.

"In Xia Luqing, thank you girl for her helping hand!"

"Under Zi Yuanfu, thank you girl for her helping hand!"

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The green-robed man Lu Qing and the purple-haired man Zi Yuanfu were also solemnly holding their fists and giving a deep salute to the woman in ancient clothes!

"The three princes don't have to be polite, alas, it's just that I'm still a step late after all, and many people are still killed in this sea of ​​bones."

The woman in ancient clothes sighed lightly, showing a hint of intolerance, but immediately looked at Ye Wuque and smiled again: "You ask me how to call me, my name is..."

Immediately afterwards, the woman in ancient clothes uttered a strange syllable, which was very old, but Ye Wuque's three people were confused and could not understand.

Ye Wuque immediately understood that what the woman in ancient clothes said was an ancient language.

Lu Qing and Zi Yuanfu are also embarrassed. Both of them are from family background, and they have also dabbled in many ancient languages, but the woman in ancient clothes has never heard of this one.

Seeing the puzzled expressions of the three people, the woman in ancient clothes smiled slightly: "What I just said was my name. If you use the current language to describe it, you can call me...... Yao."

"It turns out to be Miss Yao, Miss Yao, depending on your dress and appearance, is it possible that you are a person in the tomb of Tongtian God?"

As soon as Lu Qing said this, Ye Wuque and Zi Yuanfu also stared!

Obviously, they have also discovered this.

Because this girl Yao was not any one of the 18,000 great talents of the Big Dipper who came in, but she appeared in the tomb of the **** Tongtian, there was only one explanation.

Hearing this, Miss Yao's pale face really showed a deep reminiscence, and she murmured to herself: "The green son is right. I am indeed a person in the tomb of the God Tongtian, or I am One line has existed in the tomb of the **** Tongtian for endless years. This is my home."

As soon as this remark came out, it confirmed the trio's conjecture and shocked their hearts!

There are even beings living in the tomb of the Tongtian God, and they have gone through endless years!

This is simply unimaginable!

"Every ten thousand years, the tomb of the **** Tongtian will be opened once. Every time at this time, someone who gets the key to the tomb will break in and disturb the quiet here. It is nothing more than the opportunity in the tomb of the god, but, You don’t even know what is in this tomb of God, and what is the meaning of this tomb of God!"

"Three princes, please follow me."

After girl Yao sighed, she turned and walked forward.

After Ye Wuque's eyes flickered, he stepped to keep up.

Luqing and Zi Yuanfu naturally followed closely.

After dozens of breaths, Girl Yao slowly stopped, and what appeared in front of Ye Wuque's eyes was a gray haze covering the sky and the sun, blocking his vision.

Girl Yao stretched out her delicate hand and waved towards the void in front of her!

The gray mist suddenly surged, and then slowly dispersed!

When the three of Ye Wuque saw the scene behind the gray haze, their hearts roared and their pupils shrank!

They saw the void in the distance, from top to bottom, there were dark cavities one after another, densely packed with thousands of them!

And within every pitch-black void, there is a...tomb!

The colors of the tombs are different, most of them are pitch black, but a few of them are silver, blue, and purple!

Standing quietly in the dark void, what came to your face was an ancient, unknown and evil meaning!

As if buried in these tombs are all evil and terrifying creatures!

Suffocating, scalp numb!

"Tongtian God Tomb... It turns out that there are so many tombs buried in it!"

Luqing spoke hoarsely, her eyes straightened.

Ye Wuque didn't say a word, his forehead extinct immortal pupil evolved, looking at these huge tombs, as if perceiving something, his eyes kept flickering!

"These tombs of evil spirits are the meaning of the existence of this ancient forbidden place. Each tomb is buried with an unimaginable horrible evil spirit. He was an evil existence in the sky before his death. After being killed, They were buried here, but they were too terrifying before they were alive, even after death they still have grievances and cannot be driven away."

"Once a creature approaches, you will be tempted by it, and you will undergo an unknown change, fall into an evil path, and have endless troubles!"

"Therefore, the tombs of the gods of the sky will appear, just to suppress the tombs of these evil spirits, so that they will never see the sky, and they cannot continue to mess with the sky!"

"And the meaning of my existence is to guard the tomb of the Tongtian God and warn the world not to approach it."

Girl Yao speaks slowly, her tone is calm, with a sense of helplessness.

"Unfortunately, the world doesn't know the horror in the tomb of the Tongtian God. They all think that this is a place of great opportunity and great fortune, and they are rushing to enter. Those creatures who have gained good fortune are actually lured by the tomb of evil spirits and become demons and ghosts!"

After saying this, Girl Yao continued to move forward and approached the tomb of the evil spirit.

"This time when the tomb of the Tongtian God was opened, someone entered it again. I want to stop them. Unfortunately, I cannot stop them. Therefore, I would like to ask three people for help. Otherwise, if someone wakes up the tomb of the evil spirits, the consequences will be Unthinkable!"

After Yao girl said these words, she looked back at the three of Ye Wuque again, with a hint of pleading on her face.

However, before Ye Wuque's three people answered, the shock suddenly rose!


I saw in a tomb of evil spirits behind Miss Yao, a red ghost flashed past her, rushing towards Miss Yao at an unimaginable speed!

It seems to be aimed specifically at Girl Yao, wanting to kill her!

At the same time, following the red ghost, dozens of figures rushed out at the same time. These figures are not others, but a talented person in the Big Dipper Star Region!

These dozens of figures were covered with blood, and their expressions were angry and sharp, and they were obviously pursuing this red ghost!

After seeing Miss Yao and Ye Wuque in the distance, the leading man with a Chinese character face shouted sharply: "Be careful! This **** thing rushes out of a tomb, neither human nor ghost! It is terrifying, attacking. Killed a dozen of us, and ate the corpse! Exterminate it!!"

At the moment when this person issued a warning and screamed, Lu Qing and Zi Yuanfu had already rushed out almost at the same time and stood in front of Girl Yao, obviously trying to protect Girl Yao!

But Ye Wuque's extinct pupil on his forehead kept beating, looking at the red ghost, his eyelids jumped wildly! !

Under the extinct fairy pupil, he had already seen the true face of this red ghost!

This is a humanoid creature, but his body is covered with scary and scary red hair, as if it burst out of his body, extremely scary!

Every red hair is dripping with blood, dyeing the earth red, and there is more soul in Io!

This is clearly an unknown and subtle change!

But this is not what really shocked Ye Wuque!

Although this humanoid creature was covered with weird red hairs, and even his face was full, Ye Wuque still could see the original appearance of this creature's red hairs!

It's not someone else, it's...Lonely! !

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