Return of the War God

Chapter 2087: : Swing together!

"Ah! Human little white face! Still want to knock brother's head? You are afraid that you are living in a dream!"

Brother Xiaosha seemed to be very resentful about being knocked on his head, and seeing that Ye Wuque was about to knock him again, he immediately teleported away again!

But when Brother Xiaosha successfully teleported and showed a proud expression, there was a dark shadow oppressing in those shiny little eyes, and then he heard a crisp knock!


A sturdy head jumped in the middle of the head of the handsome brother, first let it be taken aback, and then screamed like a ghost!

"Ya yeah! Human little white face! You're done!"

Brother Xiaosha seemed to be angry, and saw his two small hands waving in the void, as if they were moving some ancient seal technique, it was radiant and brilliant, showing the highest meaning!

Ye Wuque knocked the head of Brother Xiao Shao here, really refreshed, and the breath that he had been holding in his heart seemed to come out!

But then he noticed something bad, and Brother Xiao Sha seemed to be using some kind of weird power to find him revenge. Fast update without ads.

"Hey! Little white face of the human race, come! Give me a dance!"

Brother Xiaosha smiled at Ye Wuque, his small eyes full of wretchedness and fanaticism!

Its two small hands poked directly at Ye Wuque, and in the next instant, only the sound of 咻咻咻 was heard resounding through the void, and from its pair of small hands, many crystal clear, but radiant threads were shot out!

These silk threads seemed to be spiritual, intertwined with each other in the void, and the speed was extremely fast. Even Ye Wuque didn't have time to escape here, his hands and feet were actually entangled by this beautiful silk thread!

However, Ye Wuque was not afraid. With a move of his heart, his right arm suddenly became golden, and the violent physical power exploded, he wanted to break the thread directly and simply!

But immediately Ye Wuque was shocked!

Not only did he feel the tenacity of this thread, but it also collapsed continuously!

And I felt that there was an extremely terrifying stickiness on it, and the brilliance even penetrated into the flesh along the body, making his hands and feet a little numb, as if he had lost control!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Wuque felt as if he had become a puppet!

Manipulated by Brother Xiaosha!

"Hahahahaha! Human little white face! Brother understands that you must be very excited now, come! Let's move!"

Brother Xiaosha was full of laughter, with a frenetic intoxication on his dark little face, and he started to dance on the spot, and his little hands began to dance wildly, clearly manipulating the silk thread!

So in the next moment, the scene that made the heads of all the Tianjiao people present happened!

I saw that Ye Wuque started to dance with Brother Xiaosha's hands, his hands and feet started to dance with awkwardness!

That dancing posture is exactly the same as that of Brother Xiaosha!

"Brother slept for too long, but Brother's dancing skills can still be proud of the stars!"

"Although there is no brother under the stars, there has always been a legend of brother!"

Brother Chicha's humble voice sounded again, and he sang a song!

It also has a weird singing voice, and it has formed its own unique rhythm, which makes the scalp numb, because the singing is clearly a broken gong voice, how unpleasant it is!

But Xiao Shao himself can't be narcissistic!

Its voice is getting louder and louder, the whiskers on its head are flying wildly, dancing indifferently, feverishly and excitedly!

"Come on! Swing along with Brother's rhythm!"

"Come on! Let's go along with my coquettishness!"

"Ah! Don't stop! Unleash our enthusiasm wholeheartedly!"

"Ah! Don't stop! Let us dance until dawn!"


The whole world is silent!

Only the coquettish broken gong voice of Brother Xiaosha was roaring and twisting crazily, and Ye Wuque, who was manipulated by the silk thread, was also twisting crazily. A bunch of Tianjiao people had already looked dumbfounded, as if they were turned into sculpture!

At this moment, Lone Kong Dee also opened his mouth slightly, staring at this scene blankly!

Brother Xiaosha was full of enthusiasm and excitement, Tianjiao Renjie looked dumbfounded, but Ye Wuque was gnashing his teeth with anger for the first time here, his eyes were red!

But Brother Xiaosha's silk thread is too weird, no matter how he breaks free, it will not help!

Ye Wuque's hands and feet were completely uncontrollable. He was manipulated by silk threads to dance with Brother Xiao Shao's ridiculous dance, making Ye Wuque the first time he realized what it means to be "humiliated"!

Suddenly, Ye Wuque's red eyes moved!


In the next instant, I only heard an ancient dragon roar resounding through the sky, and a golden dragon was born, it was the dragon halberd!

The big dragon halberd was photographed by Ye Wuque, spurred by the power of divine mind, the body of the halberd was shining coldly, and an ancient sharp edge was overflowing, directly slashing down at those silk threads!


Just like the roar of gold and iron fighting, there are sparks everywhere!

This immediately shocked Ye Wuque's heart again!

How sharp is the dragon halberd, how can he know it?

But even so, this thread was still not cut under a single blow, which shows the tenacity of this thread!

However, Ye Wuque's divine power urged him crazily, and the big dragon halberd kept cutting down like desperately!

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Finally, after seven or eight cuts, all these threads were cut off!

On the other side, the handsome brother had closed his eyes and was still silent in his high point, but suddenly realized that his hands were loosened, as if he was losing his strength. After he opened his eyes, he saw Ye Wuque full of sullen expressions holding a dragon halberd. Charged towards it!

"Damn! Human little white face, you calm down! Isn't it just a dance with your brother? What are you doing? are not allowed to come! Brother Bingqingyujie! Brother is holy and unparalleled! You can't defile your brother! You...ah!!!"


A crisp brain popped, accompanied by the miserable howling of Brother Xiaosha as if he was being screamed by seven or eight strong men!

"Ah! Human little white face, you..."


"Don't knock anymore! Damn it! Human Little Bailian wants to take you..."


"Ahhhhh! It hurts my brother! You let go..."



No matter how Xiao Shao struggles and roars, Ye Wuque always holds it firmly with his left hand here, while his small head with his right hand bounces down one after another, deep in the three elements!

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