Return of the War God

Chapter 2090: :what is it call?

"Brother Ye, don't worry! As long as there is a certain breath, you will never allow these unknowns to escape even the slightest!"

"Kill all these unknowns!"

"Fight with them! Protect the Big Dipper domain!"

"Want to invade Lao Tzu's hometown? Dreaming!!


A cruel battle ten times more tragic and magnificent than before has begun!

Nobody knows!

At the end of the tomb of the Tongtian gods, a group of great talents of the Big Dipper Star Region took everything on their backs and were fighting **** battles to protect their hometown without regrets!


confusion! Unknown! Weird!

Ye Wuque, who rushed into the gray passage, felt as if he had stepped into the swamp, and there were endless horrors about to attack him!


With a loud roar, Ye Wuque opened up the reincarnation realm, and fought against it. The big dragon halberd in his hand flew, slashing the unknown!

Soon, his eyes brightened, because he saw the back of the handsome brother in front of him!

"Huh? Human little white face? Did you follow me?"

Brother Xiaosha also felt Ye Wuque behind him, and he stopped, but a hint of inexplicable meaning flashed in those twinkling little eyes, but then he still said bashfully. Fast update without ads.

"Shut up! Do you want to try it again?"

Ye Wuque was speechless for a while, and rushed over!

"This... this turned out to be... the power of reincarnation? Damn! Why do you feel familiar again?"

Brother Xiao Sha seems to have been touched again, but still can't remember anything!

"Stop thinking about it! Go!"

Ye Wuque picked up the handsome brother, and the two creatures rushed forward!

"Slow! Little white face of the human race, you are behind Brother! The end of the passage is in front! Maximize your power of reincarnation!"

Brother Xiao Shao opened his mouth danced, and Ye Wuque's eyes flickered and he did it immediately!


Under the sphere of reincarnation, the whole body of Xiao Shao gushed out the holy brilliance again, the brilliance was overflowing, and it turned into endless light and swept away!


In the next instant, Ye Wuque felt the sky dim, and his eyes lost the brilliance, as if even his body had turned into nothingness!


In the dimness, Ye Wuque seemed to hear the surging sound of the waves, and even felt that an ancient power belonging to time and space was alternating and rolling!

But immediately, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly opened!

Everything is quiet!

He unexpectedly found himself standing under a vast starry sky, but the starry sky was a bit vague and unreal, as if it would be destroyed at any time!

And in front of them, there seems to be a small road leading to the distance, the same vague, unreal!

As for Brother Xiaosha, grinning and grinning, what is it!

As far as he can see, the vague starry sky is still old and magnificent, giving him a faint sense of familiarity, but more of it is a sense of strangeness. He feels like a drop of oil falling into the water, out of place. .

"Where is this place? Why do I feel familiar?"

Ye Wuque's puzzled opening!

"Where else can it be! This is the place where the ancient star of Yinghuo is reflected in time and space! Damn! It hurts brother!"

Brother Xiao Sha answered without looking back.

Yingzhuo Ancient Star!

This was the second time that Ye Wuque heard these four words from Brother Xiaosha. He seemed to have a vague guess in his heart, but he was not sure.

At this time, Brother Xiaosha finally raised his head. After seeing Ye Wuque’s expression, a nasty taste flashed in his shiny little eyes: "Human Little White Face, do you want to know where we are now? Want to know Yinghu Gu star?"


Ye Wuque responded in an angry manner.

"Hey! Don't be afraid to say it!"

With his hands on his back, Xiao Shao looked at this vast ancient starry sky, with an old-fashioned look, and immediately said with emotion: "The starry sky of your era is called the Big Dipper, isn't it?"

Ye Wuque's eyes condensed and did not speak, but the hand holding the big dragon halberd was tight!

"Then I tell you, the ancient star of Yinghuo is your Big Dipper domain! But it is the name of this era. It is a long time ago, time and space flies, after the disaster, everything is evolving, cycle and era change..."

"Time? Epoch? What do you mean?"

At this moment, Ye Wuque's heart was already jumping wildly, he already had a trace of speculation, but he still couldn't believe it, he needed Brother Xiaosha to say it himself!

Brother Xiaosha turned his head and stared at Ye Wuque, a strange color surging in his shiny little eyes!

"Brother means that you have come to a place where time and space are reflected now. It is very special. It is connected with... two*! In the future, it is the era you are in. If you go forward, it is the previous one that has been shattered. era!"


Brother Xiaosha's words made Ye Wuque feel like five thunders, his pupils shrinking violently!



What are the meanings of these four words?

"You mean we... have traveled through time and space?"

Ye Wuque's throat was a bit dry, and his voice was a little hoarse.

"How can it be so simple to travel through time and space? Is it necessary to cross the long river of time and space? That is something that can be done by the pervert in the perversion! At best, we are only secretly remembering that the time and space node of the gray channel has been illegally crossed."

"It seems to connect the two*, but in fact it can't be passed at all. The era is before, and you can't see it. It is close to the end of the world, time and space are separated. That is a shackle that cannot be broken forever!

Brother Xiaosha also spoke in an angry manner.

Ye Wuque looked at the blurry starry sky and the blurry path. He suddenly had a thought in his mind: "Going forward here is the previous epoch, then what is the previous epoch called? How should I call it in my era?"

"What else can I call? Brother also forgot! It seems...what is it?"

Brother Xiao Shao scratched his head, and his eyes were filled with thoughtful thoughts, but he could never remember!

Suddenly, it caught a glimpse of the big dragon halberd in Ye Wuque's hand, and two words popped out of his mind like a ghost!

"In the previous era, it seems to be called... Huangxian! It seems to be this name, but it doesn't seem to be! Damn! I can't remember it! Think of it for now! Go away! Don't waste time!"

Immediately, Brother Xiaosha took the lead along the vague path in front of him, and after Ye Wuque looked at this ancient vague starry sky, he strode to keep up, but he murmured again.

"Huangxian Era..."

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