Return of the War God

Chapter 2092: :It's you!!



He didn't even have the qualifications to resist, every inch of it was annihilated and turned into nothingness!

The gray dragon eventually turned into ten gray dragon-like air currents, covering hundreds of kilometers, directly destroying thousands of gray misty creatures in this area, leaving no one behind!

In an instant, a vacuum appeared in Ye Wuque's expression!

All the enemies within it died completely!

There is no longer any barrier between him and the Sealed Gate!

Chaos Emperor Dragon Break!

This is exactly the third ultimate move that Ye Wuque comprehended after combining the last chaos domain among the three infinite domains and the golden emperor dragon after the reincarnation immortal cut and the yin and yang grinding of the sky demon!

The gray dragon is a temporary phantom that combines the power of Chaos and the Golden Emperor Dragon to perfect one...Chaos Emperor Dragon!

Lord slaughter and annihilation!

The power of this blow is truly invincible and terrifying!

"Let me go! The bunker! This human little white face is a bunker! This...this is...the power of chaos!"

At this moment, the handsome brother in the void was also shocked by Ye Wuque's brilliant results. The whiskers on his head were flying randomly, and the sparkling little eyes were full of incredible!

"The power of reincarnation! The power of chaos! This human little white face actually controls two supreme level powers! This...Where did this metamorphosis come from? There are such characters in this era?"

"Damn! If it wasn't for my brother to sleep for too long, lack of memory, and many magical powers and secrets can't be used, how can Xiaobailian be alone?"

Brother Xiaosha grinned in surprise, even whispering, but the ecstasy in his eyes could not be hidden!

The more powerful Ye Wuque is, the greater the success rate of their profession!


The chic brother silk thread enveloped the world, constantly piercing the gray misty creatures one after another!

And Ye Wuque also felt that the great dragon halberd was cut out directly, and another Chaos Emperor Dragon was cut out cleanly!

Under the fierce roar, all the gray misty creatures in front of them were once again annihilated, and they were completely killed by Ye Wuque with a halberd, leaving none of them!

"Quick! Rush over now! Destroy this sealed gate, and we're done!"

Brother Xiao Shao's excited voice is hoarse!

Ye Wuque had already taken the lead here, heading straight for the sealed door!

But when the two of them were the last hundred feet away from the Sealed Gate, their pupils shrank sharply at the same time!

Because at the same time they felt an indescribable sense of horror exploded from the bottom of their hearts, and their bodies were standing upright, as if they were being stared at by some peerless fierce!

Ye Wuque and Brother Xiaosha stopped at the same time, and the atmosphere was completely frozen!


At this moment, in the void in front of the Sealed Gate that was close at hand, it was rippling like ripples, and in the next instant, a gray figure that was nine feet tall slowly appeared from it!

This gray figure is surrounded by gray mist, like a human form. The body is filled with gray mist. The breath is infinitely terrifying. In the mist, there is armor shimmering with cold luster. A pair of gray eyes flashed on his face, extremely cold and cruel. There is a superb coolness!

"Unexpectedly! A sealed gate could shock me?"

In the next instant, a sound of divine thoughts blasted out loudly, resounding between heaven and earth with icy will and horror, and it was extremely stunning!

"A king! It's great! They paid such a big price to sacrifice a projection of a king!"

At this moment, Brother Xiaosha stared at the gray figure of Jiuzhang on the opposite side, his tone was cold!

This is the look that Xiao Shao has never shown since he was born!

Ye Wuque stared at the opponent as well, he felt the strength and horror of the opponent, and he was definitely an incomparable master!

A nine-zhang gray figure stood in front of the Sealed Door, looking down at Ye Wuque and Brother Xiaosha with his cold and cruel eyes high above.

When I saw Brother Xiao Shao, those gray eyes flashed first, and then flashed a touch of awe-inspiring color!

"It's you! You are still alive? Still so young! Impossible! The remnants should die! No! The time is not right! Do you also need to be preserved as the ‘hope’?"

The nine-zhang gray figure clearly recognized Brother Xiao Shao, with a terrifying tone!

"Why? Scared? Brother is here, so be smarter and take the initiative to kill yourself, so as to save Brother's time!"

Brother Xiaosha returned to his humble appearance, with his hands on his hips, squinting at each other in the void!

Although the nine-zhang gray phantom was looking down on Brother Xiaosha, there was a sense of fear in it!

It vaguely seems to know who Xiao Shao is, so it also knows the horror of the other party!

But when he moved his gaze to a leaf of Ye Wuque, he was taken aback for a moment, and then a touch of disbelief and horror came out of it, and then it turned into extreme madness and malice!

"It's you!!!"

A king is crazy!

Want to know what cruel scenes it has gone through?

To slaughter how many peerless masters under the vertical and horizontal void, there has never been anything, any opponent can make it emotionally fluctuating.

It is a slander from above, looking down on a piece of time and space, the collapse of the ancient stars will not make it look at it even the slightest!

But now it uttered a crazy roar, and the gray haze on Shitai's body fluctuated violently, and its breath fell into an extreme rage!

Just because I saw Ye Wuque!

Those gray horror eyes stared at Ye Wuque, as if there was a horrible vision boiling in it, the sun and the moon collapsed, the universe turned upside down, enough to make the endless creatures tremble and crawl down!


The nine-zhang gray figure uttered a terrifying roar, and the sound of divine thought could burst a starry sky!

In the distance, Ye Wuque and Brother Xiaosha had already retreated quickly!

Ye Wuque was shocked!

This nine-zhang gray figure in front of him is obviously an unimaginable terrifying power!

But the other party actually recognizes himself!

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