Return of the War God

Chapter 2096: : Damn it all!

But obviously Ye Wuque's seemingly understatement made Typhoon Tan and all Tianjiao outstanding people even more sure that Ye Wuque must have something to do with the mysterious Miss Tantai.

After a little episode, all Tianjiao Renjie once again bowed to Ye Wuque and Lone Kongmie, and left in their own way!

One of the streamers was the typhoon Tan, but at this moment he already had some cares in his mind.

"If you have a chance when you go back, you must ask Miss Ye if you know Ye Gongzi..."

Soon, only Ye Wuque and Lone Kongmie were left in the void.

"Brother Gu, it's really a pleasure to get to know you this time!"

Ye Wuque smiled at Lone Kong Mie, and immediately his thoughts moved, his face began to change, he put away the Thousand Illusory Snake Face Technique, revealing his true face!

Regarding the loneliness, Ye Wuque felt that the other party was a gentleman worthy of being met, so he was no longer sad and revealed his true face.

"Excuse me, brother Gu, I had to make a little disguise for the tomb of the **** Tongtian."

However, Gu Kongmei was not surprised at the sight of Ye Wuque who showed his true face, instead, there was a smile on his face!

This immediately made Ye Wuque understand, presumably Gu Kongmie had discovered that his appearance had been disguised long ago, but he had never broken it.

"Ye Xiaoer...I think this is not Brother Ye's real name, right?"

Gu Kongmie smiled and said this sentence.

"Naturally, my real name is Ye Wuque, I come from the Great Sect of the Beidou Dao, and I belong to Kaiyang."

Ye Wuque directly reported his family and revealed his identity.

Suddenly, Gu Kongmie's gaze was condensed slightly, and there was a sense of enlightenment on his face: "It turns out that Brother Ye is from the first sect of the Big Dipper, so it's no wonder that he is so amazing!"

"This time can be regarded as a life of nine deaths, but it has also benefited me a lot. I am also fortunate to know a friend like Brother Ye. It is a worthwhile trip!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, both recognized each other, enough to become true friends.

"Then brother, where are you going next?"

"I have been stuck at the peak of the Half-Step Human King Realm for more than half a year. After this battle, I have now realized that there is no way ahead for me! If I want to continue to be strong and continue to climb, then I must break through. !"

"Next I am going to go back, and after finding my uncle to report that I am safe, I will begin to retreat."

Lone Kongmie carried his hands on his back, looked at the vast starry sky, and spoke like this, a touch of sharpness surged in his eyes!

Ye Wuque's eyes flashed here too, and he realized that he had not guessed wrong before!

Lonely Annihilation is indeed the cultivation base of the peak of the half-step human king realm. The combat power limit of the forty-nine divine springs has touched the shackles of the Overlord King, which can be called the four words of stunning talents!

"Where is Brother Ye? Do you want to return to the Great Sect of Beidou Dao next?"

"Yes, I was very quiet before, but now I should go back."

"Well, there is always a banquet in the world. Fortunately, Brother Ye, we should have a lot of fun!"

At the moment, Gu Kong extinguished his right hand and took out two jars of wine and threw it directly to Ye Wuque!

There was a heavy clash, and both of them started drinking after touching the altar!

Each drank a jar of wine in one breath!

"Good wine!"


Even if Xuan is the two most heroic laughter resounding in all directions, it echoes into the distance!

"Life is a long way, goodbye to the stars, brother Ye, looking forward to seeing you and me again in the future, let's go one step ahead!"

"Brother Gu, cherish all the way!"

Lone Kong Mie gave a long laugh, turned into a stream of light and rose into the sky, leaving first.

Looking at the back of Gu Kongmie leaving, Ye Wuque's face was filled with a smile, but he sighed slightly.

At this moment, touching the scene, he thought of the old style.

Since leaving Canglan Realm, he and Lao Fengtian have been on separate sides and have not been in contact for a long time.

But immediately, Ye Wuque smiled freely, turning around and walking slowly in the other direction with his hands on his back.

He knew that the old wind had the old way to go, the lonely dying had a lonely way to go, and he also had his own way to go.

On the road of life, growth is ultimately dependent on yourself.

In the next instant, Ye Wuque turned into a stream of light and soared into the sky, and also left the burial stream, but a touch of expectation and enthusiasm flashed in his bright eyes!

Intuition tells him that when he returns to Kaiyang Star of Beidou Dao Extreme Sect, Balao probably has returned!

At that time, the great good luck that Balao had sought for him, and the ancient mysterious text on the back of the golden token left by Fu Bo, will all come to light!


An eagle resounded through the sky, and soon disappeared.


In the starry sky, the heavenly eagle is flying towards the Great Sect of Beidou Dao!

Inside the Condor cabin, Ye Wuque sat cross-legged quietly.

At this moment, five days have passed since he left the Burial of God Stream.

Within these five days, under various healing pills, his injury has recovered nearly 90%, and it is estimated that he will return to the peak after returning to the Great Sect of Beidou Dao.

But at the end, Ye Wuque's eyelids, who was sitting quietly crossed, suddenly moved slightly, and then immediately opened, looking in one direction through the shared vision of the heavenly eagle, and softly muttered to himself: "There are two people in front of this. Being chased?"

At the same moment, miles away.

"Neon clothes! Leave me alone! Go!"

At this moment, a man in Tsing Yi with a pale face but a determined face, covered in blood, was desperately pushing the white skirt woman in front of him, his tone weak but very sharp!

"No! Brother Qing, I won't leave you! Even if we die, we will die together! Have you forgotten our vow? Live and die together! I will not leave you when I die!"

The woman in the white skirt was also pale and obviously injured, but she was much lighter than the man in Tsing Yi. At this moment, she had a face of absoluteness and grasped the man in Tsing Yi, with a touch of determination in her tone!

"Neon clothes! You don't listen to me? If you don't leave! I will die in front of you now!"

When the man in Tsing Yi heard his lover's words, there was an endless touch of emotion in the depths of his eyes, but immediately turned into a sharp one!

"Brother Qing, you die and I die!"

It's a pity that the woman in the white skirt has long been determined, and said categorically.

"Neon clothes you..."

Just when the man in Tsing Yi was too anxious, his face suddenly changed!

Because at this moment behind the two of them, a huge floating battleship is waking up very quickly, with a **** chess piece hanging on it, with a hideous wolf head carved on it!

This is clearly a floating battleship belonging to the Star Pirate Group!

And at this time, on the floating search battleship, there are seven figures standing impressively!

Four of them showed their true colors, all of them were powerful men with evil spirits and blood. At first glance, they were star pirates, and all of them were stained with countless blood!

But the other three people were all wrapped in a black cloak, covering their appearances, and they couldn't see their true faces.

"Tsk, it's a pair of mandarin ducks that will never change to death! I am a little touched by seeing me! Jie Jie Jie Jie...Let’s do it, after you abolish this obnoxious fellow, I will be in front of you. How about being happy with your woman? How about letting you watch a great show for free?"


"Cool! Boss, I want too!"

"Line up!"

At this moment, the voices full of licentiousness and playfulness kept ringing, and it was from the four star pirates who were all staring at the Tsing Yi man in the distance!

The woman in Tsing Yi guarded the white runner behind her, as if a ghost fire was burning in her eyes. He stared at the floating battleship opposite, knowing that the two of them could not escape.

"If it wasn't for the two of me who just walked out of a ruin, and both were wounded, and the combat strength was ten to nine, it would depend on you Ghost Wolf Pirates?"

The man in Tsing Yi said sharply, his tone absolutely!

"Even if we die today, we will drag some of you to **** together! Also, if you're lucky, you won't die, so you are ready to be chased and killed by the Seven Veins of the True Legend of the North Dou Dao Sect for the rest of your life!"

The woman in white clasped the man in Tsing Yi tightly, and said sharply!

But her gaze was fixed on the three black cloaked figures on the floating battleship, with fear shining in her eyes!

Both of them are truly disciples of the Great Sect of Beidou Dao!

"Threat Lao Tzu?"

On the floating battleship, after the leader of the Ghost Wolf Pirate Group heard what the Tsing Yi man said, there was indeed a trace of fear in his eyes!

The name of the Great Sect of Beidou Dao is too big!

Attacking the true disciple of the Great Sect of the Beidou Dao, this is an endless solution to the Great Sect of the Beidou Dao. How can he be the leader of the Star Pirate Group in a small area?

"Hey, I'm so hard-headed until I die, I'm a true disciple of the Great Sect of the Beidou Dao, I'm so afraid..."

At this moment, a daughter with frivolous and sarcasm sounded, it was from one of the three people who were concealed by the black cloak. It was obviously a woman who spoke.

But the next moment, this daughter's voice sounded again, but it became hideous and crazy!

"God killed you without knowing it, who would know? What about the Great Sect of the North Dou Dao? What a fart! All true disciples of the Great Sect of the North Dou Dao are all dead! You are just the beginning! Hahahahaha..."

In the starry sky, a bitter and piercing smile exploded, echoing in all directions!

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