Return of the War God

Chapter 2099: : Balao is back!

Genius remembers "" in one second.

But in the next moment, the man in Tsing Yi and the woman in white skirt realized that they couldn't bow down at all!

An invisible vast force stopped him, and it was like a moat, unable to break through!

Immediately afterwards, they heard a gentle man's voice with a smile.

"Two brothers and sisters, you don't need to be like this. You will still draw your sword to help you when you see the injustice, not to mention that the three of you and I come together to save you. It is a matter of course."

With a flick of Ye Wuque's right hand, the man in Tsing Yi and the woman in white skirt stood up uncontrollably. While shocked in their hearts, they also showed helpless smiles on their faces. Finally, they sighed deeply and did not insist on kneeling. But still gratefully held his fist and bowed to Ye Wuque.

After that, Ye Wuque knew that the man in Tsing Yi was named Luo Qing, and the woman in white skirt was named Wu Nishang. The two were Taoists, and they were also the Tianxuan of the Seven Veins of the True Passage of the Beidou Dao Jizong.

It has been about half a year since I left the Sky Jade Star to go out to experience, and finally entered an ancient ruin by coincidence. After nine deaths, he escaped safely. Although he was seriously injured, he did not lose his life. And it has been very rewarding.

However, just after the two of them left the ancient ruins, they accidentally ran into the three people from the Great Luo Ba Tianzong and started chasing them until they were hit by Ye Wuque.

"That said, the grudge between the Great Luo Ba Tianzong and the North Dou Dao Extreme Sect has long been a long time ago?"

Three days later, inside the Tianwai Shenying, Ye Wuque and Luo Qing were sitting cross-legged and talking to each other.

In the past three days, Luo Qing and Wu Nishang's injuries have also improved, and there is no major problem.

Hearing Ye Wuque’s question, Luo Qing slowly nodded with a serious face: "Yes, Junior Brother Ye, originally I was surprised that the other party had even more murderous intentions after knowing the identities of me and Ni Chang, until you killed the last of them. After learning the identity of the three of them, I suddenly realized."

Da Luo Ba Tianzong!

This is also a superpower in the Big Dipper Star Territory, which can be regarded as the overlord of one party, but the overall strength is naturally inferior to the Great Sect of the Big Dipper. It is said that the grievances between the two sects can be traced back to the creation of the sect.

"Until a few years ago, the parent and child of a deputy sect lord of the Daluo Batianzong, a talented arrogant who was regarded as a leader by all the Daluo Batianzong disciples, who was regarded as a leader, but After being cut off by Wu Wentian, the first person in my sect, the belief in his heart collapsed, which intensified the contradiction."

"So, no wonder the other party hates our true disciples so much."

Ye Wuque suddenly realized it, and finally understood the whole story.

"Huh, but Da Luo Ba Tianzong only dared to engage in these three abuse methods. Don’t worry, Junior Brother Ye, I will report this matter after I return to the sect. You killed three Da Luo Ba Tianzong’s disciples. There will be merit, but should be rewarded."

Luo Qing's superficial attitude, he naturally didn't want Ye Wuque to get into trouble because he saved himself.

At this moment, Wu Nishang on the side also temporarily finished healing, but he walked over, and then sat down side by side with Luo Qing. After his eyes met Luo Qing, he nodded slowly. After a hand flashed, it was suddenly in her hand. A piece of golden paper full of brilliance appeared!

The moment that golden paper appeared, there was an extreme sense of ancient and mottled overflowing!

It is as if this golden paper records the ancient history of the long years, and records the splendid and dazzling civilization, passed down from the ancient times, endlessly, and will be passed on forever.

"Junior Brother Ye, if it wasn't for you to take action this time, Brother Qing and I would have gone to Huangquan together a long time ago. We must express such a great kindness, otherwise it will become a magic barrier in my hearts and will never be able to overcome it. Therefore, think After much deliberation, the two of us decided to give you this mysterious golden paper from the ancient ruins. Please don't refuse, you must accept it!"

After speaking, Wu Nishang handed the mysterious golden paper to Ye Wuque. Both her and Luo Qing's eyes were very firm and persistent, just looking at Ye Wuque like this.

Feeling the gazes of the two, Ye Wuque smiled bitterly in his heart. He couldn't say the refusal in his heart, and he didn't even turn away, but accepted the mysterious golden paper generously.

The tentacles are warm and give a very comfortable feeling.

Seeing that Ye Wuque did not refuse to accept it, Luo Qing and Wu Nishang also smiled at the same time, and then Wu Nishang said: "Junior Brother Ye, this mysterious gold paper was obtained from the depths of the ancient ruins. According to the instructions of the ruins, it is the oldest and precious. But although we got it and studied it for a long time, we didn’t find anything. There was no written record on it, just like a wordless book."

"But according to the instructions of the ancient ruins, this thing must be extraordinary. Maybe it has no relationship with the two of us, so I can't see its true colors, but maybe it has a relationship with Junior Brother Ye."

"So, I will accept this thing, thanks to Senior Brother Luo and Senior Sister Wu."

Ye Wuwei smiled, but he was actually quite curious about this mysterious golden paper.

"By the way, Junior Brother Ye, are you coming back this time to watch the Master of the True Seven Veins?"

Luo Qing suddenly changed his expression and spoke like this.

"Chief Contest? What is that?"

But Ye Wuque was puzzled.

After all, he had just ascended to the eighth level realm not long after all, and he didn't fully understand many of the truths about the Seven Veins.

Right now Luo Qing and Wu Nishang explained to Ye Wuque, and only then did Ye Wuque know the meaning of the chief representative.

This can be said to be an extremely important exchange meeting between the Seven Channels of the True Legend of the Beidou Dao Jizong. It is held every six months. For all the True Legend disciples, they are not willing to miss it.

Because this is an important opportunity for the chief disciple of each vein to strive for a higher position and more resources for his vein!

It can be regarded as a grand event of the true spread of the seven veins, and this time the chief competition will be held three months later!

However, Ye Wuque didn't have any interest in it after learning about the chief competition.

Firstly, he is not the chief disciple of Kaiyang line, secondly, he will be very busy when he returns to Kaiyang star this time.

After some small talk, the three of them were quite happy.

But soon Luo Qing and Wu Nishang began to heal again, and Ye Wuque sat cross-legged alone.

Seeing Luo Qing and Wu Nishang sitting opposite each other, even if they close their eyes, one can still feel the deep love and understanding between the two!

In response to this, Ye Wuque sighed softly, and that beautiful face appeared in his mind once again, and a deep thought emerged from the depths of his eyes.



In the following period, the three of them never encountered any twists and turns, and finally returned to the Great Sect of Beidou Dao smoothly.

The Great Sect of the Beidou Dao, the eighth level of the boundary, the way out.


The glory of the three transmissions lit up out of thin air, and three figures appeared, it was Ye Wuque, Luo Qing, and Wu Nishang.

"Senior Brother Luo, Senior Sister Wu, then I will go one step ahead."

Ye Wuque didn't stop, and after nodding to the two of them, he took the lead towards Kaiyang Xing.

Luo Qing and Wu Nishang looked at Ye Wuque's disappearing back, and in addition to endless gratitude, there was a deep shock in their eyes!

"Brother Qing, Junior Brother Ye is really a disciple of the Kaiyang Channel? It's hard to believe! Kaiyang Channel has already declined on the Seventh Channel..."

"Perhaps it is, but for some reason, from Junior Brother Ye gave me a feeling that maybe Kaiyang is not really fading..."

Luo Qing's expression was condensed, and his eyes became a little deeper.


On the other side, when Ye Wuque watched stepping on Kaiyang Star again, his heart revealed a sense of relaxation and joy.

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"Kaiyangxing, I'm back..."

In Ye Wuque's heart, Kai Yangxing is now his home.

On Kaiyang Star, it was still so quiet, as if there was no change when he left.

"Lao Jiu, you are back..."

When he stepped into the small valley again, Ye Wuque immediately heard the gentle voice of Senior Brother, and it was obvious that Senior Brother already knew that he was back.

"Yes, big brother, I'm back."

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Ye Wuque's mouth.

"Old Nine! Old Nine!"

At this moment, the voice of the third brother came out in the distance, but a majestic figure rushed towards him first, and then a bear hugged him. It was the seventh brother!

"Hehe...Lao are back...hehe...come back...hehe...think...miss you...hehe!"

"Haha, Senior Brother Seven, I am back!"

Ye Wuque patted Senior Brother Seven on the back and said with a smile.

In the distance, Ye Wuque saw the figure of the fifth senior sister on the cliff. Although it was only a flash, Ye Wuque still saw it here, and he waved his arm towards the fifth senior sister from a distance.

At this moment, Ye Wuque's heart was full of warmth.

"it feel so good to be home."

For the next time, Ye Wuque and Senior Brother Third played with Senior Brother Seven, temporarily suppressing all thoughts and relaxing himself.

It wasn't until three days later that Ye Wuque, who was sitting on the huge stone tablet of the waterfall again, had his eyes suddenly shaken, and immediately there was a hint of joy in his eyes!

Because in his soul space, he once again felt Balao's breath!

"Ba Lao, are you back?"

"Hey! Boy, this time you are out, your cultivation base has broken through to the peak of the late Three Tribulations True Venerable. It seems that the gain is not small!"

In the Soul Space, Balao's proud voice sounded again. Although it was still cold, he could clearly hear the smile in it.

"It seems Barao, you are in a good mood. Have you successfully retrieved your memory?"

There was a ray of light in Ye Wuque's bright eyes.

"That's natural! Boy, the great luck and great opportunity that I promised you never forgot. Now, it's time to fulfill the promise!"

As soon as Balao said this, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly became hot!


In the next moment, Ye Wuque's eyes closed slightly, and his whole mind withdrew and entered his soul space!

There, Balao was sitting cross-legged quietly.

After seeing Ye Wuque's appearance, Balao smiled under the mask and waved his right hand out of thin air!

Immediately afterwards, something suddenly appeared in front of Ye Wuque!

It was a drop of silver...drops of water!

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