Return of the War God

Chapter 2313: : You... are not worthy of swords!

"How could it come so soon? It shouldn't be!"

Xu Kuangshi got up suddenly, with a hint of anger on his old face!

Obviously the arrival of the Eight Evil Gang was beyond his expectation!

"No accident, it should be that we exposed your whereabouts. In the eternal forbidden area, we killed several members of the eight evil gangs. Perhaps the other party determined the location through the dead bodies and found here. Free novel network"

Ye Wuque still sat quietly, speaking slowly.

"Since it is the enemy we accidentally attracted, let us send it away."

The handsome minister spoke lightly, then slowly stood up, and said to Ye Wuque: "I'll take a trip."

Ye Wuque nodded gently.

Then the handsome minister was slowly walked out of the cave, holding a sword in his left hand, and carrying his right hand behind his back, in a leisurely posture like going on an outing.

And Fairy Miaomiao didn't lift it from beginning to end at all, still eating and drinking, feasting!

"Elder Xu, stay safe, sit down and continue drinking."

Ye Wuque smiled slightly.

"This...Is it dangerous for the white-clothed lord to go out alone? Then Diao Jiu can find here, and he must have brought the Eight Hundred Blood Robes, the most elite force of the Eight Evil Gang, and saved them to completely wipe out my Xu family. My heart! The horror of the Eight Hundred Blood Robes surpasses my Xu family's guards! Old man I am afraid...

Xu Kuangshi spoke with some worry.

"Do not worry."

Ye Wuque toasted gently and drank the wine in one cup.

Looking at the two adults, one was eating and drinking wildly, without looking up, the other was leisurely, drinking and drinking. Xu Kuangshi felt his heart beating wildly and fidgeting.

Being in the territory of Kurong, he naturally knew the horror of the eight evil gangs, and their fierce reputation was enough to stop children from crying at night.

At this moment, outside the cave.

Xu Tianhu led more than a dozen Xu family guards to guard the valley in a formation, everyone's face was icy and murderous, looking at the opposite side!

Xu Tianhu's eyelids jumped, the evil spirits all over his body were almost boiling, and his eyes were red! !

"Diao Jiu!"

On the opposite side, eight hundred blood robes stood without any sound, but the brutal, bloody, and violent aura almost flooded the world, and each blood robed was like a Hell Shura, which made people fearful!

Before the eight hundred blood robes, Diao Jiu stood with his hands on his back, looking at Xu Tianhu with sullen eyes, and immediately sneered with disdain: "Tsk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk...who thought it was, it turns out that you are a idiot with a developed brain and simple limbs. It is really disappointing for Gou to survive. Compared to your brother Xu Tianlong, you are really far behind!"

The disdain and contempt in Diao Jiu's tone were not concealed. Obviously, he didn't look down on Xu Tianhu at all.

"If you can kill you, just take revenge for the dead relatives of my Xu family. Since you are here today, just keep your life!"

Xu Tianhu's expression became very cold, he didn't seem to care at all about Diao Jiu's mockery, and he didn't go crazy.


Diao Jiu looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, as if to laugh out of tears!

"Just rely on you bereaved dogs?"

In the next instant, Diao Jiu's expression became extremely terrifying, and his eyes seemed to be able to eat people!

"Kill them all! Leave none!"

The cold and merciless voice fell, Diao Jiu was like a **** who ruled over the death of living beings.

Eight hundred blood robes moved instantly!


A full eight hundred clamors resounded in unison, almost deafening, and the valley was suddenly flooded with **** and brutal sharp auras, that was the sound of eight hundred long swords unsheathed!

Eight hundred blood robes!

This is the most elite of the eight evil gangs, relying on the greatest reliance on the horizontal and prosperous realm, naturally equipped with the best magical soldiers, practicing the most powerful magical powers!

For example, the **** long sword in their hands at this moment!

It seems to be the same as the Blood Sword Sword of the four members of the Eight Evil Gang that died in the hands of Ye Wuque before, but in fact, regardless of the quality and shape, it is one level higher, called the Blood Demon Sword!

The sword wraps around the magic shadow, and the blood eats the world!

Eight hundred blood robes palmed the Blood Demon Sword, combined with the Blood God Sword Technique, this is one of Diao Jiu's most proud achievements!

"Kill! Revenge for my Xu Jiaerlang!"

Knowing that regardless of the number of people, the strength is invincible, but Xu Tianhu did not hesitate to choose a **** battle, even if he would die, he would not hesitate!

Dozens of Xu family guards grew up in the Xu family since childhood. They were born in the Xu family and died in the Xu family ghost. As long as Xu Tianhu gave an order, he would not hesitate to rush into hell!

However, just as Xu Tianhu was about to step out and fight to the end, a white and slender palm suddenly gently pressed his shoulders, making his figure suddenly stagnate!

"Big, my lord!"

Xu Tianhu looked at his head, and suddenly saw a handsome and calm face. His clear and bright eyes seemed to reflect the heavens and worlds. He hunted in white clothes, with fluttering hair, with an indescribable demeanor.

"Retreat and leave it to me..."

The graceful minister spoke softly, and it fell to Xu Tianhu's ears, but he couldn't help swallowing and spitting. The strangeness in his heart couldn't even say the slightest objection. The whole spirit was frightened, and he had to say: "I'm annoying you! Opposite. They are the eight hundred blood robes of the Eight Evil Gang, their strength is terrifying, adults must be careful! I'll be waiting for the adults!"

Immediately, Xu Tianhu led dozens of Xu family guards to retreat behind the handsome minister, so in an instant, the figure of the handsome minister appeared at the end of Diao Jiu's gaze.

"Hey! The unfamiliar face, is this the hole card that Xu family has always kept secret? It's a pity that under the gang leader's 800 blood robe, he is already a dead person!"

Diao Jiu grinned, cruel and expectant in his eyes.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

The eight hundred blood demon swords are like eight hundred flaming blood-colored torches, surging with blood and sharpness. With the rapid advance of the eight hundred blood robes, they are directed at the heroes who bear the brunt!

"Blood God One Sword!"

"Scarlet Wandering Dragon!"

"Blood mad strangling!"

"Blood Luo Skynet!"

Two hundred icy and indifferent sounds of killing sounded from four directions, shaking the sky and the earth, and the entire valley shook violently, and the emptiness of the four directions instantly became blood red!

A blood-colored long sword was born out of nowhere, and the blood flames on it were surging, and countless faces were distorted and wailed, full of monstrous resentment!

A blood-colored flood dragon roared in all directions, spreading its teeth and dancing its claws, and its **** breath filled the world, which was disgusting!

A **** violent wind blows in all directions, like a wave of blood convolving, surging and immortal, drowning **!

A piece of blood-colored sword net overwhelmed the sky, **** flames stained the sky, sealed the sky and the earth, blocking all retreat and hope, and despair!

Blood God Sword Technique!

Four ultimate moves!

This is the power of the Eight Hundred Blood Robes. No matter what kind of opponent they are facing, the lion fights the rabbit with all their strength, ruthlessly, suppresses people with the general trend, without any kindness!

Eight hundred blood robes, all of them are the overlord who opened up fifty divine springs!

Eight hundred overlords!


Supplemented by the blood demon sword of the magic weapon, the magical blood magic sword, and the catalysis potential of the secret method, overdraft life, in exchange for powerful power!

Everything merges together, how terrible is this?

"Huh! Die! Ants!"

Diao Jiu whispered in his heart, with excitement and bloodthirsty on his face. What he likes most is to watch the 800 blood robes torturing the enemy, enjoying the ultimate pleasure of flying blood and howling!


The sky trembles, the void is shattered, and the four ultimate moves are transformed into forms, echoing each other, directly enveloping the handsome officials in front of the valley, as well as Xu Tianhu and dozens of Xu family guards!

"not good!!"

Xu Tianhu's face changed suddenly, turning pale in an instant!

The power of the eight hundred blood robes is five times, ten times more terrifying than he imagined!

"My lord, go back!"

Xu Tianhu screamed, his tone trembling!

In his opinion, no matter how powerful the white-clothed lord is, it is impossible to resist such a terrible combination of 800 blood robes. If he does not retreat, there is only a dead end!

However, Xu Tianhu immediately saw the unmoving figure of the handsome minister, hunting in white, standing in front of him, like a lonely mountain, but enough to hold up the sky!

In the next instant, in this desolate valley flooded by **** brilliance, an indifferent voice sounded as if blades were fighting!

"You... are not worthy of swords!"

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